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Activiti - Open Source Automation Spring Batch - Use Cases These are more like scenarios or flows than real use cases in formal UML terms, but they serve a useful purpose as both. We don't want to be over formal, and probably code is being written and tested at the same time as these use cases. But there are many stakeholders in this project, and use cases are a useful resource to make sure they are all agreed on scope and certain implementation details. Actors The following actors are involved in the use cases (Container and Client being the most common / important). Client or Business Domain Code written by the batch developer. One aim us that the client is a POJO - the batch behaviour, boundary conditions, transactions etc. can be dealt with by the Container in such as way that the client does not need to know about them. Container An application that converts user requests for batch jobs into running processes. Framework The Framework provides two kinds of infrastruture (as per usual Spring cornerstones AOP and Portable Service Abstractions):

What does it really take to reach the speaking world’s biggest stage? — Prezi Blog All of these TED Commandments are basic techniques except, perhaps, for storytelling, which is one of the most important aspects of good speaking out there. Storytelling has had a fortunate renaissance in the last decade, thanks in part to TED. These commandments were a great starting point, but I wanted to dive deeper into the techniques behind the sheer power and impact of the best TED speeches. With that in mind, here are my additions to the TED commandments, based on the age old practice of analyzing great speeches and speakers. 1. Great talks are never as formulaic as presentation experts preach. 2. The great speakers know their strengths and stay true to their best style. 3. This needs to be done early on in your presentation. 4. We tend to focus on delivery and visuals as the key areas of presentation skill. 5. Make your main messages compelling by packaging them as simple points.

BPM Smart BPM Design Talend’s BPM solution, powered by Bonitasoft, saves time and effort designing your processes through an Eclipse-based designer. Users can draw business processes graphically by dragging from the component palette to the canvas to build workflows. The tooling leverages standard Business Process Management Notation (BPMN) with a simple, intuitive and powerful developer environment. Build Customized Interactive Applications The solution provides drag and drop widgets such as text inputs, drop-down lists, and radio buttons to create user forms corresponding to the human steps of a process. Manage Processes and Tasks Designed to be as usable as an e-mail inbox, the user experience portal provides an easy way to manage daily tasks and view overall activity at a glance. Specifications: BPM

Activiti vs. Kaleo - Forums - EmForge Ok, thank you for your post! Today, i try to create some workflow examples in eclipse with the activiti designer. I try to create the similar example as in this video: The activiti designer in this video maybe is an old version?! BUT: Now my Questions, when i create my bpmn diagram and i want to export it into a xml file, it doesn´t work. The endings of my files doesen´t look like: "bpmn20.xml" it is only an .xml file. Next question is about the activiti explorer. Deployment error. What does that mean? Can someone help me please?! Thanks a lot!!!! | Visual thinking for the business world PROV-O: The PROV Ontology Status of This Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at PROV Family of Documents This document is part of the PROV family of documents, a set of documents defining various aspects that are necessary to achieve the vision of inter-operable interchange of provenance information in heterogeneous environments such as the Web. Endorsed By W3C This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. This document was published by the Provenance Working Group as a Recommendation. This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. 1. 1.1 Compliance with this Document 1.3 Namespaces 3.

Xerte - Open Source E-Learning Developer Tools The Xerte Project aims to provide high quality free software to educators all over the world, and to build a global community of users and developers. The project began in 2004 at the University of Nottingham and Xerte Online Toolkits was released under an open-source license in 2009. A global Xerte Community has since thrived and the project transitioned to become part of the Apereo Foundation in 2015. Millions of learners and tens of thousands of teachers and tutors now have access to Xerte in hundreds of universities, colleges, schools and organisations all over the world. Core Values The Xerte Project places three values above all else: Ease of Use Rapid content authoring for all levels of skill. Accessibility Best of breed accessibility for interactive learning. A Global Community We are a friendly and positive global community of users and developers working together to produce high quality tools for the creation of media rich, interactive and highly accessible elearning content.

Leadership Lessons I Learned From Nuns « Entrepreneur, Startup, Small Business Articles and Resources Leadership Lessons I Learned From Nuns 10inShare Published on December 16, 2014 in Knowledge, Leadership, Lessons Learned by Jo Piazza People make a joke when I tell them that Catholic nuns are some of the best managers and leaders I have ever met. “Because they rule with an iron ruler,” one colleague guffawed at me. What most people forget is that Catholic nuns are both entrepreneurs and leaders. Nuns are collaborators, delegators, and team players. Over the past three years, I set out to shatter the stereotypes about nuns while reporting and writing my new book, If Nuns Ruled the World: Ten Sisters on a Mission. Here are just a few of the things I’ve learned on the journey. 1. Hanging out with a bunch of Catholic nuns is the exact opposite of what you’d think it would be. What is left unsaid in the title of my book is that if nuns ruled the world, “sh*t would get done.” Nuns stand apart from other inspiring executives for three major reasons. 2. 3.

SwitchYard SwitchYard is a component-based development framework focused on building structured, maintainable services and applications using the concepts and best practices of SOA. It works with Apache Camel to provide a fast, simple, flexible integration runtime with comprehensive connectivity and transports. A uniform application model augments Apache Camel, joining Java EE, BPM, rules, orchestration, and routing into a cohesive development model and runtime. Where Do I Get This Goodness? The SwitchYard Downloads page has all the SwitchYard bits and pieces. How Do I Learn More? We have training guides and labs specifically designed to get new users up and running.

CMIS | Making your work Simple + Smart Alfresco is a simply smarter way to manage content across the extended enterprise in a way that users love and IT endorses. Alfresco doesn’t simply solve your content problems — we provide the foundation to solve business problems What small means in the USA Overlord JBoss Governance: Overlord. Any computer system, whether it is centralized or distributed, needs some form of governance, i.e., the act of monitoring and managing the system. Such governance may be as simple as ensuring only authorized users have access to capabilities (e.g. services), or as complex as guaranteeing the system and its components maintain a level of availability or reliability in the presence of failures or increased system load. Governance is the discipline of creating policies and communicating and enforcing them. Components Related Projects About the Overlord Initiative

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