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Enter Copyblogger’s First-Ever Essay Contest For a Chance to Win $7,000 in Content Marketing Prizes

Enter Copyblogger’s First-Ever Essay Contest For a Chance to Win $7,000 in Content Marketing Prizes

How to launch a startup without knowing a line of code There is an unspoken rule: to launch a startup, you need to build a product, and to do that you need someone that can write code. Whether that means chasing down a technical co-founder, learning to code, or even building that "Lean MVP" - the conventional wisdom is that without tech abilities you're nothing more than a dude (or dudette) with a Powerpoint. A growing number of startups, however, are quietly disproving this assumption. They're getting their first customers with minimal technology, and often no code at all. Instead of building fancy technology from the outset, they're hacking together inexpensive online tools such as online forms, drag-and-drop site builders, advanced Wordpress plugins, and eCommerce providers. They're jumping right in to serve customers in any way possible - heading right for their first paying customers. Most importantly, unlike the majority of their peers, by the time they start building a product, they already have a humming business. How are they doing it?

“What I’ve learned about creating meaningful work” Working for yourself is scary stuff. When you work for someone else, it's easy to blame failings or frustrations on the boss, the company or even the customers you're forced to deal with. But when you run the show, it's all on you. Self-employment is the ultimate life experiment, complete with an uncountable number of variables that come with large amounts of fear and challenges. I've been on this path for over 16 years, mostly writing and making websites, but I've also started a handful of other ventures that have absolutely flopped. Along the way, I've learned a few things, not just about doing well at working for yourself, but how I could actually enjoy working for myself. Here's what I’ve learned: Just Start Don't think too much about starting something or you might talk yourself out of it. I started writing my first book before I thought too much about it. Experiment I like to frame my business ideas as experiments (no lab coat required). Make Your Own Path Show Up Be Present Tiny Pieces

Reader Question: How Do I Start A Career In Digital Marketing? Recently I answered some questions for my colleagues on the Life at Google team on what it’s like to be a product marketing manager for Google Analytics. You can check it out here. Yesterday I received an email from a recent graduate who had read the interview seeking guidance. As usual I always like to answer these sorts of things in a way that’s sharable. So I asked if it was okay to publish the question and respond publicly, to which the response was yes. Their question: I came across your interview with Life at Google on Twitter today. This is a great question! Also, this student is correct: at this juncture digital marketing is really not new. I think the best thing you can do is begin building a sandbox project from the ground up, without help. That’s if you’re ambitious but I highly recommend it, there is zero chance you would regret the time spent building something yourself. image credit: Shutterstock

Be Friends with Failure Sources cited! I discovered the baby concept on– a blog devoted to language acquisition. Check it out! Would you like to have this comic as a 18 by 24 inch poster? Doodle Alley
