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Heroku Animate text over images on hover without JavaScript | Geek Girl Life A couple of months ago, I published a tutorial showing how to show text over images on hover without using JavaScript. When I presented to an HTML5 Meetup Group a couple of weeks ago, I took that idea and ran with it, adding some extra special animations, and I’ll show you how to do it too. Here’s what we’ll be creating: There are three animations happening simultaneously when you move your mouse over each image: A zoom effect on the image itself, created by scaling the image up 140%The text and its transparent black background fading inThe text dropping in from the top You’re free to use all of the animations or to remove 1 or 2 of them – it all depends on how you’d like your final product to look. 1. I’m going to put the images in a list, and then use the HTML5 figure and figcaption elements to hold the images and associated text: 2. First up, we’ll modify the list style so that our images display side-by-side rather than in a list with bullets as they usually would. 3. 4. 5. 6.

GNU Screen basics quick reference GNU Screen basics quick reference Screen is a terminal multiplexer. In simple language, screen allows you to ssh into a machine and open several sessions at once, and leave them running. If you work on remote machines, you need screen. Install it sudo apt-get install screen Configure it The .screenrc file in your home directory configures screen. # Use bash shell /bin/bash # Big scrollback defscrollback 1024 # No annoying startup message startup_message off # Display the status line hardstatus on hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string "%{.kW}%-w%{.bW}%t [%n]%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %Y/%m/%d %c" # Setup screens screen -t 'one' 0 bash screen -t 'two' 1 bash screen -t 'extra' 2 bash # Switch to the first screen select 0 Start or re-attach: screen -DR. Essential Commands All screen commands start with Ctrl-a. Move between terminals: Ctrl-a <num>, so to go to window 1, hold down Ctrl and press a. Scrollback Go to scrollback mode: Ctrl-a <esc>. Split Split: Ctrl-a S. Happy screening!

CSS Positioning 101 If you’re a front end developer or a designer who likes to code, CSS-based layouts are at the very core of your work. In what might be a refresher for some, or even an “a-ha!” for others, let’s look at the CSS position property to see how we can use it to create standards-compliant, table-free CSS layouts. Article Continues Below CSS positioning is often misunderstood. The CSS specification offers us five position properties: static, relative, absolute, fixed, and inherit. Get with the flow#section1 First, let’s take a step back to recognize the world we’re working in. Boxes in the normal flow belong to a formatting context, which may be block or inline, but not both simultaneously. Think of a “box,” as described by the spec as a wooden block—not unlike the ones you played with as a young whippersnapper. Static and relative—nothing new here#section2 The static and relative position properties behave like your childhood blocks—they stack as you would expect. Example D shows our new markup.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Bash The default shell on most Linux operating systems is called Bash. There are a couple of important hotkeys that you should get familiar with if you plan to spend a lot of time at the command line. These shortcuts will save you a ton of time if you learn them. Note that some of these commands may not work if you are accessing bash through a telnet/ssh session, or depending on how you have your keys mapped. Update: Some readers from digg have pointed out that you can also switch bash to use vi style editing keys. Lowell Heddings, better known online as the How-To Geek, spends all his free time bringing you fresh geekery on a daily basis.

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) by Joel Spolsky Wednesday, October 08, 2003 Ever wonder about that mysterious Content-Type tag? Did you ever get an email from your friends in Bulgaria with the subject line "???? I've been dismayed to discover just how many software developers aren't really completely up to speed on the mysterious world of character sets, encodings, Unicode, all that stuff. But it won't. So I have an announcement to make: if you are a programmer working in 2003 and you don't know the basics of characters, character sets, encodings, and Unicode, and I catch you, I'm going to punish you by making you peel onions for 6 months in a submarine. And one more thing: In this article I'll fill you in on exactly what every working programmer should know. Before I get started, I should warn you that if you are one of those rare people who knows about internationalization, you are going to find my entire discussion a little bit oversimplified. A Historical Perspective Unicode OK, so say we have a string: Hello Encodings

Backbone.js How to set up a safe and secure Web server Fifteen years ago, you weren't a participant in the digital age unless you had your own homepage. Even in the late 1990s, services abounded to make personal pages easy to build and deploy—the most famous is the now-defunct GeoCities, but there were many others (remember Angelfire and Tripod?). These were the days before the "social" Web, before MySpace and Facebook. Instant messaging was in its infancy and creating an online presence required no small familiarity with HTML (though automated Web design programs did exist). Things are certainly different now, but there's still a tremendous amount of value in controlling an actual honest-to-God website rather than relying solely on the social Web to provide your online presence. It's super-easy to open an account at a Web hosting company and start fiddling around there—two excellent Ars reader-recommended Web hosts are A Small Orange and Lithium Hosting—but where's the fun in that? The hardware Faking it with a virtual machine

Learn Code The Hard Way -- Books And Courses To Learn To Code Code Playground The Google APIs Explorer is a tool available on most REST API reference documentation pages that lets you try Google API methods without writing code. The APIs Explorer acts on real data, so use caution when trying methods that create, modify, or delete data. For more details, read the APIs Explorer documentation. How to start exploring Click the name of the API you want to explore in the list below. This opens the API reference documentation. Google APIs Explorer Directory JavaScript for Cats
