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Online SEO Training Program & Community : SEO

Online SEO Training Program & Community : SEO
"Aaron Wall’s SEO Book is the best guide I have found for getting serious web visibility." - Professor J. Michael Steele, The Wharton School -- University of Pennsylvania And now you can hire Aaron as your personal SEO coach for only $300 a month. A special opportunity for 1,000 webmasters to learn SEO directly from Aaron Wall & the SEO Book team! Currently Closed to New Members We've closed our paid site to new members. While we are closed, the first spot we'd like to recommend you to visit for SEO insights is our favorite SEO tool, SEMrush... Gain a Competitive Advantage Today Your top competitors have been investing into their marketing strategy for years. Now you can know exactly where they rank, pick off their best keywords, and track new opportunities as they emerge. Explore the ranking profile of your competitors in Google and Bing today using SEMrush. Enter a competing URL below to quickly gain access to their organic & paid search performance history - for free.

5 Google Search Stats Every Marketer Should See Normally the year in review “stuff” from search engines has little to do with business. While these lists may seem interesting for about half a second it really doesn’t do much for the SMB who is looking to get more business from their web presence. Google likes to play the game of telling us in early December what the most searched terms were and more but they wait until the start of January to tell the business users some important stats that could influence how they look at the engine. As we have seen from an earlier HubSpot post, organic search is of the utmost importance to any business. 7 out of 10 US Google users make more than one search query per day. Do you think they are all wondering about celebrities and nonsense? There were 540 Search Quality Improvements Made by Google Last Year That translates to about 1.5 changes per day! 1 in 13 Google Result Pages Show a Map in Search Results This proportion includes all searches. So why is this important? photo by manfrys

What is Digital Asset Optimization? It’s likely you’ve heard plenty about search engine optimization but what about “Digital Asset Optimization”? Many companies that have applied basic SEO principles to standard web site content see substantial benefits. Adding new content and attracting links help maintain search marketing performance but is that all you can do to be competitive with SEO? A natural progression of SEO is a holistic approach that considers all of a company’s searchable assets that can be keyword optimized and promoted online. In the screenshot above from Google on the search query, “social media”, you can see images, video and news results are incorporated into standard search results. Search Engine Optimization is challenging enough for organizations rich with digital assets. Companies that are not rich in digital assets can leverage the variety of assets offline and online that they DO have for improved search marketing benefit. In particular, a video offers multiple media optimization opportunities:

Importance of Link Building, Say Yes to Quality Links and No to We all see that SEO has many factors, out of all Link Building / Link Promotion is a major factor, all webmasters, small scale business owners and bloggers wants to build quality links for there site or individual web page to increase website popularity and visibility. By reading the blog post you can learn various techniques by which you can build quality links for your website / blog. We see links of various types, before there was a trend of two way links normally called as reciprocal links, now it has been ruled out by most of the search engine and importance are less when compared to one way, three way and ring techniques. Very important thing to be known when you submit your links, don’t submit to deep links, not more than two folder from the root as given in below example, Good: Share with your friends

WordPress SEO – The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Theme Search Engine Optimization The WordPress Codex says that “WordPress, straight out of the box, comes ready to embrace search engines“. Well, that may be true … to a certain degree, but there is more than enough work that you’ll need to do after you’ve installed WordPress in order to get it playing nicely with Google (and other search engines). What most people don’t realize is that, while Google does love WordPress, it’s WordPress THEMES that actually interface with search engines … not WordPress itself. So, that means that a WordPress theme could very well be hurting your rankings in the search engines … not helping! So over the last several months, I’ve been developing a list of tips for bloggers that will help them embrace the natural flow of good SEO in the form of a well optimized theme. The following posts give a detailed explanation on how and where to modify your theme in order to optimize its search engine rankings:

How Much Money is a Top Google Ranking Worth to Your Business? Find this article useful? Please add this to for your future reference This article is also available in German. Sections An Example of This Research in Action Patrick, a moderator on our community forums, runs a Bingo Card Creator website which recently ranked #5 in Google for bingo cards. A #5 ranking sent him 6,000 unique visitors per month. You could do this type of calculation for any keyword you rank for that has significant search volume. Google Rankings Can Make or Break a Business While perusing the web I came across a WebmasterWorld thread about how Google allows other webmasters to damage your rankings. Sabotage is a serious problem and the more that Google's spam team seems to do the worse it seems to get. It is scary to think how reliant many businesses have become on search, but search is big business. How Much Are the Search Results Worth to Google? Not once, but twice Google has accidentally publicly displayed values on their search results. U.S. Sidebar Ads Brand

SEO ROI & The Conversion Rate Dilemma - hustlerholly Outils SEO et référencement What are the most important SEO factors today? | Blog | Econsult When engaging in efforts to boost your search engine rankings, there is a seemingly unlimited number of things you can do. What's worth focusing on? What provides the most bang for the buck? Every two years, SEOmoz publishes a Search Engine Ranking Factors report based on a survey of 100 prominent SEOs. Yesterday, the 2009 report was released. According to the SEOs surveyed by SEOmoz, the following are the most important ranking factors. On-Page, Keyword-Specific Keyword(s) in the title tag.Keyword(s) used as the first word(s) in the title tag.Keyword(s) in the root domain.Keyword(s) used in the H1 headline tag. On-Page, Non-Keyword Unique, relevant content." When it comes to link building, the surveyed SEOs found the five most effective techniques to be the creation of linkbait and viral content, blogging, classic high-quality content, PR and paid links (which may or may not be such a good idea). Photo credit: Jolante via Flickr.

Le guide du référencement du site sur internet Le guide complet du référencement pour référencer et positionner votre site Internet. Tout savoir sur l'art et la manière de conçevoir et propulser un site sur les résultats des moteurs de recherche. Ce guide est publié grâce à la collaboration entre SEOmoz, AltiRef et 7 Dragons.. Ce guide gratuit est conçu pour vous aider à : Construire votre site dans les règles de l'art, Indexer les pages durablement, Optimiser vos chances de figurer dans les meilleures positions, Auditer vos concurrents, Effectuer la veille nécessaire afin de suivre l'évolution des techniques. Prologue : qui sont 7 Dragons, SEOMOZ et AltiRef ? Qu’est ce que le référencement ? Comment marche un moteur de recherche ? Comment définir les mots clés à cibler ? Les paramètres essentiels de l’optimisation d'un site Réalisation d'un site qui mérite du trafic. Croissance de la popularité d'un site Conclusion : mettre en application une stratégie de référencement Liens vers plus d'information et de ressources

20 SEO Tips That Every Web Developer Should Follo One aspect of web development that is many times overlooked is search engine optimization. In this list, I’ll show you some basic SEO techniques that will help you make friends with Google, and increase your page rank! 1: Write Semantic and Valid Markup It’s important to write meaningful and semantic markup so search engines can easily extract and classify what’s relevant on your page. That includes two key practices: I can’t stress enough those two points. 2: Optimize your Title and Meta Tags the Correct Way Back in the day, meta tags were the first thing you had to take care of when dealing with SEO. Your title tag is very important to search engines, and like your meta tags, should be different for every page of your site. <title>John Smith's Shop</title> Something better would be: <title>John Smith's Fishing Supplies - Find the best fishing supplies in California</title> If you are using WordPress, there are many useful plugins for managing title and meta tags in your blog. Instead, use…
