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SEO Copywriting Tips for Improved Link Building

SEO Copywriting Tips for Improved Link Building
Compare the two posts below, both written by the exact same SEO expert and each containing around the same number of words. Without knowing the subject, can you guess which post earned more links? Try 378 to 6. The “secrets” of copywriting have existed since before the ancient Greeks. So why don’t more authors take advantage? Here’s the takeaway. 1. Steve Krug’s words of wisdom for website usability in his book Don’t Make Me Think ring true for all elements of SEO copywriting. "We don’t read pages. Krug advocates for a billboard style of design. To be fair, prettying up mediocre content won’t make it any better. Unless you are Wikipedia, don’t look like Wikipedia. 2. Headlines organize your content by making a promise to the reader. Check out this recent cover for Wired Magazine. Using the “who-what-why” formula isn’t the only way to format your headlines, but it works. Don't be scared of headline formulas. 3. I made that number up. Numbers grab our attention. 4. Words are magic. 5. 6. 7.

17 More Unconventional Link Building Strategies There’s nothing I hate more than rehashed, regurgitated content – and unfortunately, the SEO world is full of advice that’s been repeated so often that the only thing it’s good for is wasting your time. In my last article – 13 Unconventional Link Building Strategies – I broke this mold by showing you a few of the more unusual link building strategies I use to help my clients’ websites gain brand recognition and high rankings within the search results pages. Today, I’ve got a few more techniques to share with you. I hope you find them useful as you grow and develop your own web projects! Strategy #1 – Build a free tool or software program Website owners are always looking for new techniques that will help them to outrank their competitors and tools that will help make the process of managing websites easier. Strategy #2 – Build supplementary micro sites Strategy #3 – Swap services with local businesses in exchange for links Strategy #4 – Release content on Scribd, Slideshare and Docstoc

Natural Link Building 101 Link building is one of the most important things you can do in terms of off-site search engine optimization. As you probably know by now, search engines like Google tend to rank pages higher in search results based on the number and quality of links to those pages. Essentially, the more links you have, the more likely you will be to rank well when someone searches for keywords related to your website. Some of the most common ways to build links to a website include the following: Link Requests – This is where you simply ask another website owner to link back to your website. These are really hit or miss and depend on how well you can convince the website owner that your link on their website is beneficial to both them and their visitors.Link Buying – This is the big no-no, yet it is still happening. For this post, we’re not going to focus on the first three (requests, buying, or directories) but rather, the last two – content and social. Linking with Content Guest Blogging Videos Twitter

SEO Download: Kostenlose Studienarbeit zum Thema Linkbuilding Pascal Landau studiert Angewandte Informatik an der DHBW in Karlsruhe und hat im Rahmen seinen Studiums eine Studienarbeit zum Thema Linkbuilding geschrieben. Neben allgemeinen Informationen zur Theorie und Praxis des Linkbuildings hat er sich darin vor allem auch mit den Methoden in der Praxis beschäftigt. In einem eigenen Kapitel stellt er die in der Praxis am häufigsten verwendeten Linkbuilding Maßnahmen vor und evaluiert sie durch ein Bewertungsschema. Richtig in die Praxis geht es dann im Kapitel „Fallstudie im Bereich Linkbuilding“. Die komplette Studienarbeit zum Linkbuilding gibt es hier zum kostenlosen Download . Weiterführende Links zu den Themen SEO und Linkbuilding: SEMSEO 2011: Die besten Profi-Tipps fürs Linkbuilding - t3n NewsSEO: Sistrix-Sichtbarkeitsindex jetzt frei zugänglich - t3n News (via Webstandard Team )

Who Are You Writing For? SEO Copywriting vs. Social Media Writing We often think of SEO copywriting and social media writing as two separate ways of creating online content, each requiring a different skill set. But are they? Social media and SEO are becoming more closely related, so your writing techniques should reflect this shift towards a hybrid "social-SEO" writing strategy. SEO Copywriting Keyword-based copywriting for search engines requires you to constantly consider how your content is being "read" by Google and other search engines. The key is to find a balance between writing for consumers and making the page SEO-friendly. The title of your content page or blog post is the first thing to consider, both to optimize your page and attract readers. Encourage action in your headline to create a sense of urgency so your readers will click on it to read more. What you are writing about on your content pages should be focused in scope. Limiting the focus of your pages also makes it easier to insert keywords into your writing. Writing for Social Media

Historical Link Analysis is Here! Season's Greetings, fellow Mozzers! As if this month hasn’t been exciting enough with the release of Custom Reports and Branded Keywords, today we have a special surprise for you. You asked for it, and we are happy to deliver. Introducing Historical Link Analysis for PRO! (Photo credit: Dana Pleasant Photography) Being able to see your link metric data over time helps demonstrate the effectiveness of your link building strategies. Subdomain Link Metrics This update to the Links section is full of lots of little goodies. Historical Data Charts What matters most in viewing historical metrics is how you are faring against your competition. You can view historical data via the History tab or by using the menu link next to a given metric on the Summary tab. You may notice that we have made a few additional improvements to the Link Analysis section, including: Linkscape Index Updates Your link analysis metrics will continue to be updated every time a new index is released. Happy holidays!

New Year’s Link-a-Lutions: Quality Link Building in 2012 by Vertical Measures Behind every successful client campaign is a great link-building strategy. With that said, let me introduce myself. My name is Amanda and I am new to Vertical Measures. In fact, this is my first blog post for VM! On my link building journey I have compiled a list of tips and strategies, mostly for myself that I wanted to share with Vertical Measures’ readers. Read: Keep up to date with “industry” content. Articles: Use high authority article sites to link to you. Google alerts: Create an alert in Google for a keyword of interest. Directories: Don’t ignore directory submissions. Build Relationships: Keep in contact with your blogger friends and other network members you have linked with in the past. Forums: If you find an appropriate forum in your niche, join them. Guest blogging: Offer free relevant content to blogs. Free Social Communities: I have a new found respect for Twitter. Backlink Analysis: The reasoning of this analysis is if someone links to a competitor they ‘might’ link to you.

HOW TO: Optimize Your Site for Search Engine Marketing This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. For millions of websites, publishers, and online businesses, search is still the king. While social media may have the media's attention and Twitter and Facebook are garnering a lot of the hype, search still trumps them when it comes to driving traffic and being discovered by potential new customers. Because of the importance of search traffic to online business, there is an entire industry dedicated to improving websites' visibility in search engine results: Search Engine Marketing (SEM). SEM is a complex topic that focuses on search engine optimization (SEO), but also includes the use of paid advertising and contextual advertisements in order to bring a website's articles or product pages to the top of search engine result pages (SERPs). Defining SEM Making Your Website SEM-Optimized 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Marketer's Guide to Search Engine Optimizing Non-Written Content We’ve all heard about how inbound marketers need to get more creative with their content format by incorporating visuals, audio, and images. Heck, we’ve even created a free crash course (with templates) for non-designers to create visual content to react to this trend. With all these content types, aren’t we forgetting something? Oh right. SEO. Best Practices for Image SEO To explain this concept, let's take a step back and imagine we're proprietors of a tasty ice cream shop. 1) Pick an image that's in a Google-supported format. Before uploading your beautiful ice cream infographic, make sure it’s in the right format. 2) Name the file using keywords that describe the image. Raise your hand if you have uploaded an image with a name like "IMG12934.jpg." 3) Add in helpful alt text. Bad: alt=””Better: alt=”Ice cream”Best : alt=”Popular ice cream flavors”Avoid: alt= “ice cream flavor yummy vanilla chocolate Delicious" 4) Provide context for the image within content. 5) Submit an image sitemap.

Sites de CP, Annuaires et Digg-likes : Zeu Liste - MàJ : 18/05/2012 Dernière mise à jour le 12 février 2016. Prochaine autour du 12 mars 2016. L’accès à cette liste de 300 annuaires et sites de communiqués (CP) francophones est payant, mais pas cher. Démo et Infos. Second effet Kiss Cool donc, vous allez pouvoir trier cette liste suivant les critères de votre choix : Type de site (CP, annuaire ou Digg-like), Alexa Rank, nombre de liens du site selon Majestic SEO mais aussi Citation Flow et Trust Flow, PageRank (PR) et enfin délai de traitement. Vous pouvez classer les résultats selon plusieurs critères grâce à la touche MAJ (et un à plusieurs clics, suivant ordre désiré, sur le titre des colonnes concernées). Enfin, cerise sous le marteau (celle de Groupama), cette liste et ses données sont actualisées mensuellement. NB : Seuls les sites non pénalisés figurent dans les 2 tableaux qui suivent. Zoom sur l’indicateur de délai de traitement 4 valeurs possibles : 2 = très bon, < 1 semaine // 1 = acceptable, < 1 mois // 0 = long, > 1 mois // -1 = non évalué).

Google's Reasonable Surfer: How the Value of a Link May Differ Based upon Link and Document Features and User Data Not every link from a page in a link-based ranking system is equal, and a search engine might look at a wide range of factors to determine how might weight each link on a page may pass along. One of the signals used by Google to rank web pages looks at the links to and from those pages, to see which pages are linked to by others. Links from “important” pages carry more weight than links from less important pages. An important page under this system is one that is linked to by other important pages, or by a large number of less important pages, or a combination of the two. This signal is known as PageRank, and it is only one of a large number of Google ranking signals used to rank web pages and determine how highly those pages show up in search results in response to a query from a searcher. An early paper by the founders of Google, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine, tells us: PageRank can be thought of as a model of user behavior. The patent is: Abstract Conclusion
