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Zippered inner bag pocket

Zippered inner bag pocket
**UPDATE** If you'd like this tutorial (or any of my others) in PDF format click here. Note: to view the PDF tutorial, you will need the latest Adobe Viewer program. Get the latest version of the viewer absolutely free by clicking on the button below: Here is a tutrorial for zippered pockets inside bags. A zippered pocket in one of the lining pieces of my bag-to-be. Here's how I put it together Shopping list (as if you were buying from a shop, if not using stash fabrics 0.5 yard of fabric for pocket0.5 yard of Vilene Firm Iron-on1x 7" Zip Click on any of the pictures to make them bigger. 1. Iron the same sized interfacing onto the wrong side of pocket pieces. Sew some stitches around the end of the zip to secure the zip halves (as shown in the pic) Sew this end of the zip together. 2. Mark a rectangle that is as wide as length of your zipper teeth x 1cm high. Sew the front pocket piece onto the bag lining piece by sewing only all around the rectangle (which is blue in my photo). 3. 4. 5.

Sew a Zipper Opening in Your Purse or Handbag Time for another tutorial! I've just finished adding instructions for a zipper opening into my Teardrop Bag pattern, and thought - Hey, what the heck, I should post this as a tutorial as well so that you fabulous sewers can add one to a bag of your own. I hope you like it, please leave a comment if you do! The pics were a bit wide for this blog so I couldn't use them full size, so you will have to click them to zoom in. This is a zipper opening that is made in a gusset, that is open at each end. Decide how wide you want your zipper gusset to be; mine is about 3" so I've cut the strips on either side 2" (5 cm) wide to allow for seam allowances. 2 Top Lining Pieces 2 Bottom Lining Pieces 1 Tab Piece 3” x 2” (8 cm x 5 cm) 4 Gusset Pieces 2” (5 cm) wide x the length of your desired zipper opening, plus 1/2" (13 mm) for seam allowance. 4 Fusible interfacing 2” (5 cm) wide x the length of your desired zipper opening. 1 Closed end zipper 2 inches (5 cm) longer than your gusset pieces.

How to sew a fagoted seam A fagoted seam is a decorative seam that joins two pieces of fabric together with a space between them and a row of hand stitching. It’s a very pretty detail seen most often in vintage clothing. It’s easy to incorporate this kind of seam into any patterns you make that have a yoke, or any other simple seam. In this case, I’m making a silk blouse with a V-shaped yoke. Here’s what you’ll need: two pieces you’d like to join togetherheavy thread or embroidery floss for hand stitcheshand sewing embroidery needlea piece of paper large enough to lay your pieces ona pencila ruler The first step is to turn the seam allowance under on each side of the seam. Now use your ruler and pencil to draw your seam on the paper. Lay your pieces over the seam you just drew and align the edges with your lines. Using your floss and hand embroidery needle, stitch the edges together using the fagot stitch. Here’s a diagram of how to do the fagot stitch, from one of my vintage books from the 1920s.

How To Sew an Inner Zipper Pocket I have tried several ways to sew in internal zipper pockets. I need one in every bag and I want at least one to be in every bag I make for my shop. They are so nifty, especially when you carry as much crap in your purse as I do and your cell phone rings. Anyways, it used to take me hours to make these. You need: a zipper (obviously ^^).fabric you want to use as your bags lining.fusible interfacing (Vlieseline).sewing machine, thread, scissors, the usual sewing utensils. The first step is optional. Measure your zipper and mark where to sew it in. Cut where you just marked your fabric. Fold over and press So, now I could serge the raw edges with a zig zag (or even take it to the serger) but, urgs, such tiny openings are a pain in the ass to serge. Add another strip of fusible interfacing to the other side. Now we need two rectangle pieces of fabric that will become the insides of our pocket. Now repeat the last step with your second rectangle and the other side of the zipper. Happy sewing!

The Awesome Bag Tutorial with Guest Meg of elsiemarley happy monday everyone! did you have a good weekend filled with sewing, knitting & crochet? you ready for some more inspiration and projects galore? yippee! meg's projects seem effortless, they are so organic and i find myself so drawn to her work, thoughts and her blog. whenever i find myself needing to find a boost of good ol creative energy i pop on over to elsiemarley. this pastry chef is now making the most delectable crafts & sewn goodies instead of chocolate's and boy am i happy she is. just like chocolate meg lures you in and then once you take your first bite it's instant luv! i tell you....blogging is just so much fun and then when you blog and get to have bloggers you are amazed by on a weekly basis come post on your own's just fab and one of the many reasons why i love what i do! so get ready to open up another pressie! Hello Mommyhood readers, Meg from elsiemarley here! materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 21.

Add a Zipper to a Finished Tote Bag My customers are always challenging me. One recently asked if I could add a zipper to an existing Oversized Beach Tote so that she could use it as an overnight bag. So in my usual way, I researched, I thank (thunk? thought? perseverated?) The existing solutions on the internet require using a fabric flap. With the zipper separated, baste one side to the bag. To sew the other side of the zipper, first attach it to the sewn side. I felt that it was a successful solution to the problem presented. I also tried tucking in the ends of each side of the zipper for a cleaner look. To tuck in the "bottom" of the zipper, I had to invert the zipper before joining it. Either way, a quick, simple way to add a zipper to a purchased or finished tote! Zippered Welt Pocket Done Properly A long time ago, I wrote the Pocket Series, which was a manic string of tutorials on making 25? 26? different pockets. It was meant to be a bunch of short, quick tutorials so that even the beginner-est of us could feel confident adding pockets to the various projects they were working on. One of those pockets was the zippered welt pocket. These photographs (but not the method or instructions; these were rewritten and changed for this tutorial) are conveniently borrowed from the Bella Bag pattern that's still in the testing lab(s), which explains why the big orange piece of fabric is strangely called the Lining Back. You will need: Step 1 Pin the facing to the main fabric (remember that in this tutorial, it has the funky name of Lining Back) so that the facing is on the RS of the main fabricthe RS of the facing is touching the RS of the main fabricthe facing is directly behind the welt interfacing Pin in place. Step 2 Sew exactly on the long edges of the welt (black dashed lines). Step 3

Chic Steals: How To Re-Fit a Button-Down Shirt...To Your Size! Fitting 101 Inner pocket zip (scroll down) September 7th, 2012 Email 38 users recommend Here is my felted wool tote. Jen Stern Felted wool is so beautiful, the embroidered detail is just icing on the cake! Isn't it amazing how tiny a big cardigan can get? Photo: Jen Stern In the back of my mind, I've been meaning to try felting wool sweaters-shrinking one of my favorite cardigans in the wash was just the push I needed to give it a try! How to Embroider on Felted WoolEmbroidering on felted wool is like embroidering on a towel. After you cut out your bag pieces, use chalk to draw guide lines on the pieces that you want to embroider. I like to use the no-fuss, no-muss method of centering my border design. Hoop the Stitch n' Wash and use 505 Temporary Adhesive Spray to adhere the felted wool into position in the hoop. Here is my completed border. After you finish embroidering, put your bag together according to the pattern directions. Determine how long you want your zippered opening to be. Position the zipper behind this window.

Awaiting Ada: Bubble Quilt I’ve been working for a long time on this puff quilt, I started it around Christmas time and it just kept getting pushed to the side. When we were little we had this great bubble quilt that our grandma made us, and I wanted to make one for Ada. I only vaguely remembered what it looked like, so my puffs are much bigger, but it turned out great and Ada loves squishing the colorful puffs! I made a practice puff a while ago for my Puff Pin Cushion and kept the same dimensions. I finally finished making an alternative method for making a bubble quilt, You sew the entire top together before you stuff the puffs! Check out my newest finished bubble quilts! Here are some other bubble quilts! The size I made is a little strange, it’s quite long and narrow, so for now we just play with it on the floor, but I’m thinking it would look amazing at the foot of her bed when we eventually turn it to a toddler bed. Step 1: Pick out a bunch of scrap fabrics that you like. Repeat on all four sides.

Roomy 3D pockets I make loads of purses & one thing that is essential for a purse/bag is pockets!!!!!!! Everywhere I see the pockets are same.Sew on 3 sides & you are done.You know what,I don't like them!!!!!!!! The pockets should have room to keep things in I make 3 D pockets & I am going to share it with you all too:) I will explain how to make 2 types of pockets. Now we all carry gadgets right?????? Cut- 2 pieces from the pocket fabric-6.5" by 6". 1 piece batting -6.5" by 6". It is OK to sew at the edges as after turning it we will be top stitching all four sides. Now turn this inside out so that the pocket fabric is at the front & back with the batting in the center. Turn the fabric on the 4th unstitched side 1/4" inside & top stitch it.So you will get a padded pocket patch of 6" by 5.5". Now to add the pleats to make the pocket 3 D. From the bottom edge mark a point at 1.5" (A) & another at 0.5"(B).Mark at both the edges like this Back-stitch all the edges. at the pleats.

Adding recessed top zipper to purse/bag -Tutorial As promised yesterday here I am with a tutorial to add top zipper to your purse.You know I always prefer purses with zippers,somehow they feel safer & I don't have to worry that something inappropriate may peek out at the wrong time;) Among top zippers,the most elegant & professional looking is recessed or sunken top zipper. So without further ado ...............lets begin. When we make purses we usually cut outer & inner lining pieces equal,but as you can see here the lining is smaller.So first you prepare the outer pieces (don't join them yet) Now you decide how much recessed should your zipper be?????? To that measurement add 2 " & cut 2 pieces from the outer fabric with width equal to width of the top of the outer piece.This is what I mean............we will be sewing the zippers & lining to these pieces which I am going to call STRAPS. Cut little angles at the inside ends of theses straps as you can see in the pics above.These angles ensure that the zipper ends don't become bulky.

Twister Rain Coat/ Trench Coat (oh, so pic obese) - CRAFTSTER CRAFT CHALLENGES So...this is my first challenge...and i was probably too's the story of my inspiration...I was looking at the challenge for this month...and I wasn't paying attention while eating ramen noodles...long story short...I spilled food on my shirt, grabbed the first clean shirt i saw (which happened to be my twister shirt...) and...that is where i got my inspiration...I found my old twister mat...then got to work on that saturday...The pattern i drafted in about an hour...minus the sleeves and hood...(I just made that pattern up as I went...) sorry i don't have any in-process pics and here are the finished pics... here you can see the sleeve...i used the twister at both ends to do both sleeves ooh. and you can kind of see how it is fullllllly lined andddd here you can see the back pleat thing and the hoooood... andddd more detail of the hood, and you can see the epic anchor lining and the makes me smile haha and just because my friend is so awesome..she did this for me
