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IEEE Computer Society - Premier Organization of Computer Professionals

IEEE Computer Society - Premier Organization of Computer Professionals

News and Updates | IGDA INCOSE Théorie des graphes Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La théorie des graphes est une théorie informatique et mathématique. Les algorithmes élaborés pour résoudre des problèmes concernant les objets de cette théorie ont de nombreuses applications dans tous les domaines liés à la notion de réseau (réseau social, réseau informatique, télécommunications, etc.) et dans bien d'autres domaines (par exemple génétique) tant le concept de graphe, à peu près équivalent à celui de relation binaire (à ne pas confondre donc avec graphe d'une fonction), est général. De grands théorèmes difficiles, comme le théorème des quatre couleurs, le théorème des graphes parfaits, ou encore le théorème de Robertson-Seymour, ont contribué à asseoir cette matière auprès des mathématiciens, et les questions qu'elle laisse ouvertes, comme la conjecture d'Hadwiger, en font une branche vivace des mathématiques discrètes. Définition de graphe et vocabulaire[modifier | modifier le code] et relie soit vers , soit , tandis que , où . .

Gamasutra - The Art & Business of Making Games Wonders of Math - The Game of Life What is the Game of Life? by Paul Callahan Rules of the Game of Life Life is played on a grid of square cells--like a chess board but extending infinitely in every direction. A cell can be live or dead. A live cell is shown by putting a marker on its square. To apply one step of the rules, we count the number of live neighbors for each cell. A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell (birth). Note: The number of live neighbors is always based on the cells before the rule was applied. In Life, as in nature, we observe many fascinating phenomena. The rules described above are all that's needed to discover anything there is to know about Life, and we'll see that this includes a great deal. Life Patterns A good way to get started in Life is to try out different patterns and see what happens. The R-pentomino is the first pattern Conway found that defied his attempts to simulate by hand. What Kinds of Objects Emerge in Life? Some other still lifes you will see are:

Topic: Game Developer Magazine Intro to User Analytics by Magy Seif El-Nasr, Alessandro Canossa, Anders Drachen [05.30.13] An intro to analytics written by the editors of Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data, a compendium of insights from more than 50 experts in industry and research, which covers the most relevant questions: what to track, and how to analyze the data. Business/Marketing , Design , Game Developer Magazine , Console/PC , Social/Online , Smartphone/Tablet , GD Mag , GD Mag Exclusive Internal Indies by Steve Stopps [05.29.13] Are there lessons from indie development that can be utilized in a larger, established studio setting? In order to answer this question, Blitz Game Studios started a simple experiment: inviting five senior developers to form a team with complete creative freedom. Business/Marketing , Production , Game Developer Magazine , Console/PC , Indie , Smartphone/Tablet , GD Mag , GD Mag Exclusive

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