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HOW TO: Quick Start, Software

HOW TO: Quick Start, Software
Setup | Materials | Software | Troubleshooting Setup 1) Plug in USB Small side of USB cable plugs into MaKey MaKey, big side plugs into computer. 2) Close Popup Window Your computer may ask you to install drivers or do other setup. 3) Connect to Earth Connect one end of an alligator clip to "Earth" on the bottom of the front side of MaKey MaKey. 4) Connect to Yourself Hold the metal part of the other end of the alligator clip between your fingers. 5) Connect to "Space" and Try It While you're still grounded, touch the round "Space" pad on the MaKey MaKey. I Luv MaKey MaKey 5) Play some MaKey MaKey drums! 6) Connect Stuff Now you can try making your own drums out of anything. Try Out Different Materials Make anything into a key! Conductive Materials Here are a few things to try: Most fruits and vegetables work great. Try Out Software MaKey MaKey works with any software that uses the keyboard or mouse. You can also try out interacting with: Related:  MAKEY MAKEY

Scratch and Makey Makey Across the Curriculum I love bringing physical computing into my classrooms: Physical computing means building interactive physical systems by the use of software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world. Physical computing is a creative framework for understanding human beings’ relationship to the digital world. In practical use, the term most often describes handmade art, design or DIY hobby projects that use sensors and microcontrollers to translate analog input to a software system, and/or control electro-mechanical devices such as motors, servos, lighting or other hardware ( . . . but as with all use of educational technologies, I believe that it should be used intentionally to assist learners in developing and expanding their content knowledge and life skills. Hands-on/Minds-On: “When students are fully engaged in a task, they are actively doing and actively thinking. Note about using Makey Makey and Scratch 3.0 Standards Addressed:

Makey Makey | Buy Direct (Official Site) Arricchimento lessicale con il kit Makey Makey e Scratch Preparazione generale del laboratorio Si dispongono su un tavolo un numero di immagini/oggetti adatto al livello dell’alunno e appartenenti ad una categoria (es. frutti). A ciascuna immagine viene applicato un pezzetto di foglio di alluminio che permette la conduzione elettrica su cui poi andrà va agganciata la pinza di un connettore collegato all’altra estremità ad uno degli input della scheda Makey Makey. Infine, si connette un cavo a uno dei fori presenti nella barra inferiore della scheda indicata con la parola “Earth”, mentre all’altra estremità la pinza va collegata ad un braccialetto o anello fatto con materiale conduttivo (ad esempio foglio di carta stagnola) da far indossare all'alunno. Esercizio tipo n 1 Nello stage di Scratch viene visualizzata per alcuni secondi una parola (es. L’alunno, per rispondere, dovrà a toccare con la mano il frutto (o l’immagine) collegato al Makey Makey. La figura seguente riporta il codice a blocchi per creare questo esercizio in Scratch.

Atelier MaKeyMaKey // Mer 27 nov | Lieu multiple | création numérique à l'Espace Mendès France Mer. 27 nov. 2013 10h00 à 17h00 Handicaps et interfaces Lieu : Espace Mendès France (salle galilée) Quand : le mercredi 27 novembre de 10h à 12h30 et de 14h30 à 17h Pour qui : Ergothérapeutes, animateurs/trices, éducateurs/trices, étudiants, personnes encadrants des ateliers dédiés à la création/créativités dans le domaine des handicaps… Contact : Espace Mendès France (Poitiers), 1 place de la Cathédrale, 86000 Poitiers Tel pour inscription : mail : 8 participants maximum. Qu’est ce que Makey Makey ? Le slogan permettant de définir makey est : « un kit d’invention pour tout le monde. » Et il n’est pas usurpé… Makey Makey permet de contrôler votre ordinateur portable ou PC à partir de n’importe quel objet imaginable (et du moment qu’il est légèrement conducteur). En effet, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d’un Makey Makey, de pinces crocodiles et de beaucoup d’imagination ! Pour voir cela rien de ieux que d’aller voir une petite vidéo sur le site : Qui ?

Scratch & Makey Makey - Mrs. Mileski Video Tutorials Scratch Videos Makey Makey Videos Makey Makey Game Controller with Scratch Lesson OBJECTIVE: Students will design a game in Scratch and create an interactive controller with Makey Makey. Rubric Feedback Sheet Coding with Makey Makey and Scratch 3.0 - DIYODE Magazine Let’s show you how easy it is to make a program in Scratch 3.0 and how to control it with your fingers using a Makey Makey. In issue 019, we showed you how to interface your Scratch 3.0 digital projects with the physical world using the micro:bit. This month we'll look at connecting the world to your computer using the Makey Makey Invention Kit. If you haven’t used Scratch before, Scratch is a fantastic way to teach children as young as 8 how to code. With the January 2019 release of Scratch 3.0, kids can now combine the magic of the digital world and the physical world. Read on to learn about the cool Makey Makey, how easy it is to make a program in Scratch 3.0, and how they can both work together for fun digital projects. The Makey Makey is a fun and easy-to-use piece of hardware that interfaces with your computer by USB and behaves similarly to a keyboard and mouse. The Makey Makey magic is how it allows you to turn everyday objects into computer keys. Step 1. Step 2. Nice work!

Makey Makey: STEM activities and lesson plans | Paths to Technology | Perkins eLearning Exciting STEM activities are embedded into elementary classrooms. Classroom kits, such as robotic kits, Arduinos and Makey Makey are introducing young students to STEM concepts. These hands-on kits are accessible for students who are visually impaired and blind. The video below introduces a variety of engaging activities that can be done using Makey Makey and easy directions on how to get started with the Makey Makey board and alligator clips. Check out these teacher-created ideas for Makey Makey and a few more Makey Makey examples. Working with students who have physical disabilities? Makey Makey provides a list of mainstsream apps that work well - including a few one button apps. Getting Started with Makey Makey Makey Makey is simple to use. Makey Makey in 5 Lessons The Techie Teacher blog shares 5 lessons (with videos!) Lesson One: Hook Day Lesson Two: Students learn to use Makey Makey Lesson Three: Intro to Coding Day Lesson Four: Scratch Day Lesson Five: Project Day

Academic Ways to Use the MaKey-MaKey in the Classroom Academic Ways to Use the MaKey-MaKey in the Classroom What is a MaKey-MaKey? A MaKey-MaKey is a small invention kit that comes with a MaKey-MaKey board, wires, alligator clips and a USB cable. You can take everyday objects and turn them into a touchpad that interacts with a computer program. Materials for the MaKey-MaKey Connect any material that's even a little bit conductive. fruit/vegetablesPlay-DohCheeseMarshmallowsFoilGraphite from a pencilPlantsWater/Anything wetMetal objects Introducing the MaKey-MaKey When it comes to using the MaKey-MaKey in the classroom, my goal is for students to understand the how and why of using a MaKey-MaKey. Note: If your students are already familiar with coding then you can skip lessons 3+4. Lesson One: HOOK DAY! Lesson Two: Students learn how to assemble the MaKey-MaKey. Teacher verbally walks students through assembling and hooking up the MaKey-MaKey. Alternative: Have students follow THESE visual directions. Lesson Three: INTRO to CODING DAY!

Strumenti musicali e scale con Makey Makey In alternativa, è possibile importare dei suoni campionati per personalizzare lo strumento andando oltre la galleria di Scratch. Nella sezione “Riferimenti e link” è indicato un sito da cui scaricare perfino le singole note di vari strumenti musicali in formato mp3. I file audio sono importabili nella cartella di Scratch “Suoni” -> “Carica un suono da un file” e possono essere modificati nell’editor di Scratch prima di creare il codice a blocchetti. La scala musicaleSpiegare che la scala musicale è la successione di suoni ordinati secondo la loro altezza o frequenza e che diversi brani appartenenti a culture, luoghi ed epoche diversi utilizzano scale differenti. Si riproducono alcuni brani (che l’insegnante ha selezionato in precedenza) costruiti sulla scala maggiore e sulla pentatonica.

Makey makey...classe 5a - MaestraMarta Oggi abbiamo conosciuto la Makey Makey…che cosa meravigliosa!!!! Voi la conoscete??? “Makey Makey è un kit in grado di trasformare qualunque cosa in una tastiera del computer. Basta collegare le pinze a coccodrillo contenute nella sua scatola a qualsiasi oggetto per trasformarlo in un controller touch. Si può giocare ai videogame con dei tasti di plastilina o suonare dei vegetali come se fossero i tasti di un pianoforte….” Abbiamo aperto la scatolina, che già da sola ci piaceva tantissimo e abbiamo scoperto cosa conteneva…la scheda Makey Makey, un cavo usb di alimentazione e tanti cavetti colorati con un morsetto a coccodrillo alle estremità….cioè una pinza di metallo per i collegamenti… Qualcuno vedendo il Kit ha detto solo…WOW!!! Cominciamo con collegarla tramite usb al computer e colleghiamo anche la “terra” che serve per chiudere il circuito…anche quello reminiscenza di scienze…la Maky Makey dà segni di accendono le lucine se tocco i coccodrilli… Un cucchiano… Una monetina…

Exploring digital systems with Makey Makey They sort conductive and nonconductive items into groups using an experimental approach. This lesson idea was created by Rebecca Vivian. Year band: F-2 Curriculum LinksAssessment Close Curriculum Links Links with Digital Technologies Curriculum Area Students learn about digital systems, and components that make up a system, using the Makey Makey technology. This lesson can connect with Science learning, and in the early years, particularly with regard to making predictions, recording, responding and reflecting in scientific ways, and how circuits work. In the early years, this lesson has a gentle introduction to digital systems, and how components interact. Assessment In this activity, the teacher observes the way that students work scientifically in groups.

Makey Makey: STEM activities and lesson plans – Perkins School for the Blind Exciting STEM activities are embedded into elementary classrooms. Classroom kits, such as robotic kits, Arduinos and Makey Makey are introducing young students to STEM concepts. These hands-on kits are accessible for students who are visually impaired and blind. Makey Makey is an invention kit for the 21st century classroom. The video below introduces a variety of engaging activities that can be done using Makey Makey and easy directions on how to get started with the Makey Makey board and alligator clips. Check out these teacher-created ideas for Makey Makey and a few more Makey Makey examples. Working with students who have physical disabilities? Makey Makey provides a list of mainstsream apps that work well – including a few one button apps. Getting Started with Makey Makey Makey Makey is simple to use. Makey Makey in 5 Lessons The Techie Teacher blog shares 5 lessons (with videos!) Makey Makey and Coding Students can use Makey Makey without writing any code.
