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How to Create Screencasts You Can Be Proud Of A few weeks ago we launched Screenr, a free screencasting application that is easy to use and great for quick tutorials and elearning courses. I like it because it’s easy for me to quickly answer the many questions I get in the user community and through the blog. Not only can I answer the questions quickly, but I now can share those same tips with other blog readers and members of the community. And it’s not just me doing the sharing. Screenr’s pretty easy to use. Prepare Your Environment Your success begins before you start recording. Record the best audio you can by using a good microphone. Prepare Yourself It’s all about having a plan and executing it. Have some water handy. General Recording Tips & Tricks Good screencasters make it seem like they just press record and start talking. Set up your screens. Extra Screenr Tips Here are some recording tips that are unique to Screenr. Create interesting thumbnails. Select the right aspect ratio. Click here to view the Screenr demo. Events

Letto per bambini - Come scegliere questo prodotto? Un letto per bambini è un letto singolo le cui caratteristiche principali sono la forma, dei colori e/o dei motivi decorativi che lo rendono particolarmente adatto ad un bimbo. Tra i vari modelli di letti per bambini, avremo dei letti a castello, letti a capanna, letti a tema (con motivi decorativi ispirati al calcio, con cuoricini, fiori, ecc.). Applicazioni I letti per bambini sono ideati per le stanze che accolgono dei bimbi, sia a casa di privati che in strutture pubbliche: camerette per bimbi, scuole, centri estivi, ecc. Tecnologie La maggior parte dei letti per bambini sono in legno ma esistono anche lettini realizzati in altri materiali come il metallo o la plastica. Criteri di scelta Le dimensioni della stanza che dovrà accogliere il letto sono uno dei principali criteri di scelta. I vantaggi - Arredo tipicamente infantile Gli svantaggi - Prodotto rapidamente superato per via della crescita del bimbo

Przyprawy do kursów e-learningowych | Poznaj Moodle Nauczyciele tworzący samodzielnie swoje własne kursy e-learningowe dość często pytają mnie, czy istnieje jakieś narzędzie, które pozwala w prosty (!) sposób tworzyć aktywności we Flash’u. Oczywiście, większość celów dydaktycznych można osiągnąć korzystając ze standardowych narzędzi dostępnych w moodle, jednak czasami, dla urozmaicenia, chcieliby stworzyć jakieś ćwiczenie, które “by się ruszało” No i, rzecz jasna, najlepiej gdyby to narzędzie było darmowe. Activity Spice jest właśnie takim narzędziem – darmowym, prostym w obsłudze serwisem (online, więc nie trzeba nic instalować) pozwalającym tworzyć proste ćwiczenia we Flash’u. Liczba dostępnych typów ćwiczeń jest dość duża, a nowe ćwiczenia są dodawane (według deklaracji autorów serwisu) co miesiąc, jednak wiele z tych typów ćwiczeń to tak naprawdę wariacje jednego ćwiczenia, więc w rzeczywistości mamy do wyboru kilkanaście ćwiczeń, z czego nie wszystkie są dostępne w darmowej wersji serwisu.

Life Inspirations 3919 164 160 618 1223 124 1130 443 1204 266 416 688 123 290 171 1012 111 126 1767 1806 134 3125 1424 1998 473 273 2152 538 1736 841 516 451 758 811 5021 2764 2246 3018 2375 eXelearningPlus the internet cluster of ntp servers Embedded Answers (Cloze) question type Embedded answers (Cloze) questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various answers embedded within it, including multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers. There is currently no graphical interface to create these questions - you need to specify the question format using the text box or by importing them from external files. Lots of people suggest that Hot Potatoes software is the easiest way to create Embedded answer (Cloze) questions. Once you have created your questions on your PC, you can then import them into Moodle's quiz module. Question set-up Penalty factor The 'penalty factor' only applies when the question is used in a quiz using adaptive mode - i.e. where the student is allowed multiple attempts at a question even within the same attempt at the quiz. Question rendering The question answer INPUT HTML ELEMENT ( Short and Numerical) or SELECT HTML ELEMENT (multichoice) are normally displayed in-line with the text. Format = marks a correct answer <?

Using links in frontend plugins When it comes to links in frontend plugins, some pitfalls arise which circumvent other vital mechanisms like the “L” flag for multilingual websites and thus creates conflicts while using your extension within the TYPO3 framework. This article demonstrates how to use TYPO3's various API functions for link generation. Intended Audience This tutorial is intended for all kinds of TYPO3 extension programmers who create frontend plugins or frontend related code using the TYPO3 framework. You should be able to create a basic frontend plugin by using the Extension Kickstarter and have a basic knowledge of how TypoScript works. Why links are so special Your first question probably is, why you should use special functions to create links in TYPO3 at all? $content = '<a href="index.php? '&doTheMagic=1">Do it! That piece of code will work like you expect it: It will jump to the current page and pass the parameter doTheMagic to your script. Almost. Just imagine, you are running a multi-lingual website.

Mathematics Until there is time to integrate in to the rest of this page, the time has come to note that development of SEE (Super Equation Editor, a nickname for a set of plugins being developed by Mauno that now far outstrips the notion of a "plain old equation editor") that Colin has created a page to address those tools at Advanced_Maths_Tools (yes, Maths has an "s" which makes the page arguably undiscoverable by people in the US, but Americans don't speak English anyway.) Why is this exciting? Because so many of the tools you (student, pupil, admin) need are handily packaged up in something that approaches a transparent and universal Mathematics interface. Yes, you can use the editor to create and modify constructions, yes you have graphing calculators, yes you have TeX and asciimathml and mathml and the list goes on and on and on. Equation Construction and Display Tools Some tools for creating and displaying equations on-line that may be of interest to those teaching mathematics are: fn1. fn2.

Come trovare le coordinate su Google Maps Holy crap! It looks like it’s a done deal. Last night Yahoo agreed to be acquired by Microsoft for $47.2 billion, only $2.6 billion more than Microsoft’s original offer on Jan. 31st. This is huge news! Image Source: ABCNews There have been many speculations circling around about the buyout for the last two months and what it would mean for Google and the rest of the Internet if it happened. According to Kevin Johnson, the president of Microsoft platform and services division, “The acquisition with Yahoo will better position Microsoft in the Web advertising market, as well as provide a strong platform for the delivery of Internet-based services to consumers and business users”. Even though Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang opposed the acquisition, he said today, “Being part of Microsoft will let the Yahoo vision reach further than we could have done on our own.

7 Secrets to Getting the Graphics You Need for Rapid E-Learning I had a great time in Atlanta last week. It’s always so much fun getting to meet the blog readers and learning more about what people do in the real world. Two things always stand out during these trips: There is no one way to do elearning. One of the sessions I did in Atlanta was on how to get the graphics you need for your rapid elearning courses. Understand Graphic Formats You don’t need to be a graphics artist, but you should know the difference between a bitmap and vector image because they play a role in the quality of what you see on the screen. You’ll notice that some graphics will scale up and remain crisp and others get pixelated. The images that don’t pixelate are vector images. It’s Not about the Images Before investing a lot of time finding the right graphics, invest time in learning basic graphic design. The E-Learning Heroes community has a great exercise that walks you through getting the right look and feel for your elearning course. Microsoft Provides Free Resources
