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Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas

Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas
I’m a big fan of the Lean Startup movement and love the underlying principle of testing, learning, and pivoting by experimenting with the most basic product prototypes imaginable - so-called Minimal Viable Products (MVP) – during the search for product-market fit. It helps companies avoid building stuff that customers don’t want. Yet, there is no underlying conceptual tool that accompanies this process. There is no practical tool that helps business people map, think through, discuss, test, and pivot their company’s value proposition in relationship to their customers’ needs. The Value Proposition Designer Canvas is like a plug-in tool to the Business Model Canvas. The Canvas with its 9 building blocks focuses on the big picture. In this post I’ll explain the conceptual tool. The Value Proposition Designer Canvas Achieving Fit Customer Jobs First let us look at customers more closely by sketching out a customer profile. Ask yourself: What functional jobs is your customer trying get done? Related:  Job to be done - VP canvas

Technique 1 - Jobs to be Done | The Innovator's Toolkit Highlight the human need you're trying to fulfill. A job to be done (JTBD) is a revolutionary concept that guides you toward innovation and helps you move beyond the norm of only improving current solutions. A JTBD is not a product, service, or a specific solution; it's the higher purpose for which customers buy products, services, and solutions. For instance, most people would say they buy a lawnmower to "cut the grass," and this is true. But if a lawnmower company examines the higher purpose of cutting the grass, say, "keep the grass low and beautiful at all times," then it might forgo some efforts to make better lawnmowers in lieu of developing a genetically engineered grass seed that never needs to be cut. This is the power of the JTBD concept and technique: It helps the innovator understand that customers don't buy products and services; they hire various solutions at various times to get a wide array of jobs done. Background Jobs to be Done Breakdown Let’s develop an example. Steps

Business Model Fiddle Online Information Sharing Research More and more people use online tools to share information. However there is a significant lack of knowledge concerning the social dynamics of these tools. The Vienna University of Economics and Business has contributed valuable knowledge on User Generated Content. As a member of the BMFiddle community your response is essential to this effort plus it will help us to improve BMFiddle. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete the survey and responses are anonymous. Launch the survey! News and Reviews Social Enterprise Patterns At its core, a social enterprise (SE) needs to have a robust and sustainable business model, and what differentiates it from a "profit-seeking" enterprise is a social mission that drives decision making. The Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy, NUS Business School use Business Model Fiddles in their research into Social Enterprise Patterns. Creativity Theory Canvas Contact us to become a sponsor. About Business Model Fiddle

Test Your Value Proposition: Supercharge Lean Startup and CustDev Principles In my last post I described a new business tool, the Value Proposition Designer Canvas. In this post I outline how you can use the tool to not only design Value Propositions, but also to test them. You’ll learn how you can supercharge the already powerful Lean Startup and Customer Development principles to design, test, and build stuff that customers really want. The Value Proposition Designer Canvas (VP Designer Canvas) allows you to zoom into the details of your Value Proposition and the Customer Segments you target. You can use it as a poster (cf image below) to design better Value Propositions with sticky notes. However, to make sure your customers really want what you design, you'll need to test all the assumptions you make with the VP Designer Canvas. We already now know how to do this kind of designing and testing for business models: by combining the Business Model Canvas with the Customer Development process. Supercharge the Lean Startup Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Blog « Categories « Lean Startup Machine What is Lean Startup? “Lean Startup” is a term coined by Eric Ries while an Advisor to the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. It’s based on the new management processes he employed while Chief Technology Officer at IMVU, one of Silicon Valley’s most successful startups. What is Customer Development? “Customer Development” is a process pioneered by Steve Blank and written about extensively in Four Steps to the Epiphany. What is Lean Startup Machine’s relationship with Eric Ries? Eric Ries is heavily involved as an advisor to Lean Startup Machine. Is Lean Startup Machine a hackathon? Lean Startup Machine is a workshop & educational series. What is your relationship with Startup Weekend? We love Startup Weekend but unfortunately do not have any official relationship. Can I participate if I don’t already have a team? Yes. Can I participate if I don’t already have an idea? Yes. Can I participate without previous startup or technology experience? Yes. How much does Lean Startup Machine cost?

How to apply the Jobs-to-be-done methodology to web design An common methodology in user-centered web design is the a combination of Personas and user stories. A Persona is basically a fictional user archetype. A model that is created from data. Data that should have been gathered by talking to real people. A Persona typically tries to represent the characteristics you need to know about the “typical” user of a web design. Personas works well in a situation where the user-base can easily be segmented into different types of users with different needs. Knowing the exact details about a user is somewhat useless if you don’t know what they actually want to do. Many web design solutions are better defined by the job they do rather than the customers they serve. In this article we will show an alternative to Personas and user stories. The Jobs-to-be-done methodology helps you focus on the job that the user wants done rather than who and how. Find out why the job is needed in the first place. Let’s analyse this format a bit more;

business ecosystem - James F. Moore A business ecosystem describes the structure and behaviour of a network of high-tech organisations that share a key technological platform and the ways individual firms can flourish in such an environment. Dr. James F. The essence of a business ecosystem is that networks between companies need to be analysed from a higher conceptual level rather than from the viewpoint of individual organisations. One example is the technology platform of MS Windows that induces a synergy between “MS windows compatible” companies delivering hardware, software, services, etc. Aspects of ecosystem are: actors (species) relations between actors (network) performance (health) dynamics (evolution) strategies and behaviour of actors (roles). A business ecosystem has seven types of actors: customers markets products processes organisations stakeholders government / society. The health (performance) of an ecosystem is defined by the following four factors: Next, the system expands.

Seth Godin Seth Godin (born July 10, 1960) is an American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker. Background[edit] Born in Mount Vernon, New York, Godin received his high school diploma from Williamsville East High School in 1978 before graduating from Tufts University with a degree in computer science and philosophy. Godin attended Camp Arowhon, where he was a valued canoe instructor. He still frequents the camp to tell ghost stories. Godin often refers to his camp days in his writings. After leaving Spinnaker Software in 1986, Godin used $20,000 in savings to found Seth Godin Productions, primarily a book packaging business, out of a studio apartment in New York City.[2] It was in the same offices that Godin met Mark Hurst and founded Yoyodyne. Viewpoints[edit] Advertisements on television and radio are classified by Godin as "interruption marketing" that interrupt the customer while they are doing something of their preference. Business ventures[edit] Yoyodyne[edit] Squidoo[edit]

crowdSPRING Blog What people really want – Nikkel Blaase – Medium Jobs, not users Creating remarkable products does not come from understanding typical customers. Products must serve core needs, not what people say they want. We should think less about archetypal customers and more about the jobs people want to get done. »Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers« — Seth Godin Creating Personas is a misleading concept. »Focus on the job, not the customer« — Des Traynor The core job of a product is to help customers achieve progress.
