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Mapping Stereotypes by alphadesigner Get your copy on: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon DE / Amazon FR / Amazon IT / Amazon ES / Amazon Canada / Amazon Japan / Amazon India / Amazon Brazil Atlas of Prejudice: The Complete Stereotype Map Collection Why It's Important To Integrate Honesty Into Your Brand “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” yelled the Wizard of Oz in a fit of hysteria, as the secret of his human-ness was unveiled. This quote, of course, is from the 1939 classic fantasy film The Wizard of Oz. And in this specific scene, Dorothy and her gang have broken into the Wizard’s chamber, where little dog Toto opens a green satin curtain to expose the ultimate sham--an ordinary man operating a panel of wheels and levers while speaking into a microphone. There is no great and powerful wizard. This line would become one of the most ironic lines of the 20th century, largely because, as a culture, we did not successfully interpret its implication. Over the course of the following decades, we would permit ourselves to be duped into taking things at face value, especially when it came to the influence of big brands. The standard approach for most companies was to focus on how they looked--all brand botox and no heart. But there’s a simple solution.

INFOGRAPHIC: Where the world’s poorest will live in 2015 This infographic from the OECD Development Assistance Committee projects which countries will be home to the world’s poorest people by 2015, and compares this to the picture in 2005. Part of their report Fragile states 2013: Resource flows and trends in a shifting world it reveals that by 2015, half of the world’s people living on less than USD 1.25 a day will be in fragile states. And while poverty has decreased globally, progress on Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 1 to halve poverty is slower in fragile states than in other developing countries. While India will still have the second largest population living in extreme poverty, the reduction from 2005 is incredible. China is also projected to reduce poverty dramatically. In Africa, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania are predicted to have the largest populations living below the poverty line.

Belgique: et si c’était le compromis qui était le chaos ? » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism Les wallons commencent à saturer de la situation délétère du pays et pensent de plus en plus qu'accepter n'importe quel compromis avec les flamands, comme l'a fait jusqu'à présent le PS wallon, n'est pas la solution. Titre original : L’allergie à Bart De Wever secoue l’opinion francophone: et si c’était le compromis qui était le chaos ? Symptôme: dimanche 5 septembre 2010, avant les élections, des journaux francophones jugeaient encore bon pour leurs ventes de distribuer d’antiséparatistes autocollants tricolores. Aujourd’hui, presque trois mois après les élections, le principal groupe de presse wallon lance une opération ”Osons!”, estimant que les francophones ne “ doivent pas avoir peur de prendre leur destin en main“. C’est que les marketeurs des medias ont parfois plus de “nez” que les politiques qui, je le dis souvent, feraient bien parfois de troquer leurs porte-parole contre des porte-oreille. [NDLR] Qui sont les plus belges? Car trop, c’est gros. Le compromis ou le chaos ?

5 Perspectives On The Future Of The Human Interface The next generation of apps will require developers to think more of the human as the user interface. It will become more about the need to know how an app works while a person stands up or with their arms in the air more so than if they’re sitting down and pressing keys with their fingers. Tables, counters and whiteboards will eventually become displays. Meeting rooms will have touch panels, and chalk boards will be replaced by large systems that have digital images and documents on a display that teachers can mark up with a stylus. Microsoft General Manager Jeff Han gave developers at the Build Conference last week some advice for ways to think about building apps for this next generation of devices and displays. Han talked about the need to think how people will interact with apps on a smartphone or a large display. He said that in looking at these questions, issues such as the orientation of information and overall structure of the application become really critical:

The Industrial Revolution and the Working Class | Guided History The Industrial Revolution and the Working Class by: Hannah Goldman The world as we know it would not be the same if it were not for the Industrial Revolution. This guide focuses on the impact the Industrial Revolution had on the working class of England. Background The Industrial Revolution effected incalculably many aspects of life. Ashton, T. This source is offers a comprehensive overview of the Industrial Revolution concentrating on the economic factors surrounding England. “Modern World History: Interactive Textbook.” This online resource gives a nice overview of the Industrial Revolution. Coleman, D. Coleman’s book offers an opposing view of the much discussed Industrial Revolution. Jones, E. Jones develops his thoughts smoothly throughout this book. Living Conditions The living conditions of the working class change tremendously as the Industrial Revolution progressed. Checkland, S. This book is extremely detailed yet extensive. Taylor, Philip A. Sturt, George. More, Charles.

The Rise of Facebook Mobile This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us! 6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck!

Sharp, Sony y Panasonic: reinvención o muerte Tres gigantes japoneses en apuros: Sony, Sharp y Panasonic. Los tres cerraron con números rojos el primer semestre fiscal, pero mientras el primero parece empezar a salir de la depresión con el relevo en su cúpula, Sharp y Panasonic se ven abocados al abismo con pérdidas conjuntas superiores a unos 12.000 millones de euros. En el caso de Sony, el agresivo plan de su nuevo presidente, Hazuo Kirai, empieza a dar resultados. En un solo año ha logrado romper la dinámica en la que le había metido el anterior consejero delgado, el norteamericano Howard Stringer, no sabiendo ver el futuro tecnológico y dejando a Sony fuera del mundo de las tabletas y de los móviles. De sus siete años de mandato, los cuatro últimos los cerró en pérdidas. Hirai ha recortado pérdidas en un 5,7% interanual hasta los 386 millones de euros. Mucho peor es la situación de Panasonic y Sharp. En tres años, el mercado de las televisiones planas se han quedado en manos coreanas: el 43% del total.
