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Friday Institute for Educational Innovation - FIZZ

Friday Institute for Educational Innovation - FIZZ

Arranging a room for #flipclass I finally remembered to take some pictures (and a short video + aerial view at the bottom) of my classroom so you could see the layout of how I have it organized. I am VERY happy with the layout this year and the changes I made from last year until now (plus, some awesome new acquisitions in the form of tables and computers helped a bit :)). It's must more efficient but more importantly, conducive to the collaborative, somewhat asynchronous classroom environment I want. It allows the students to do everything they need to do during class time, and there is space for individual, large group, and small group work - or anything else we need to do! (By the way, yes I am lucky to have a large classroom, one of the largest on campus. There are basically four "areas" to my classroom: 1. 2. 3. 4. And, for you visual readers... here's what it looks like all put together: A quiet day during finals week... but you can see the room arrangement :) And, an "aerial" view.

| «Celui qui a la prétention d'enseigner ne doit jamais cesser d'apprendre» John Cotton Dana Answers To The Biggest Questions About Flipped Classrooms Flipped classrooms are truly changing education (see ‘ How To Flip An Entire School ‘ and a report on how the flipped classroom can improve test scores .) As a school psychologist intern highly interested in ‘flipping classrooms’, I have consulted with many teachers and school staff that have adopted (or have expressed interest in) the flipped classroom model, and those that have implemented the model, have nothing but great things to say. Below are some frequent questions I get about flipped classrooms from teachers; and my answers, based on personal interactions and professional consultations with teachers. Has it “solved” the homework problem? It is a giant leap in the right direction. What she found was that a majority of students were watching the videos, with only 1 or 2 out of 19 students that would ‘forget’ to watch the video. How did she ensure students were watching the videos? Does the advanced technology motivate the students?

Flipped Out by the Flipped Classroom by Jeff Eller on Prezi Profweb : Accueil Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom Ok, I'll be honest. I get very nervous when I hear education reformists and politicians tout how "incredible" the flipped-classroom model, or how it will "solve" many of the problems of education. It doesn't solve anything. It fosters the "guide on the side" mentality and role, rather than that of the "sage of the stage." It also creates the opportunity for differentiated roles to meet the needs of students through a variety of instructional activities. 1) Need to Know How are you creating a need to know the content that is recorded? 2) Engaging Models One of the best way to create the "need to know" is to use a pedagogical model that demands this. 3) Technology What technology do you have to support the flipped classroom? 4) Reflection Every time you have students watch a video, just like you would with any instructional activity, you must build in reflective activities to have students think about what they learned, how it will help them, its relevance, and more. 5) Time and Place

La salle de classe du 21e siècle Raymond Cantin, chargé de projet (Vitrine Technologie-Éducation) Si vous avez étudié à l’université, vous avez probablement assisté avec vos amis à des cours magistraux donnés dans de grands amphithéâtres où le professeur, présentant ses diapositives PowerPoint, ne pouvait que jeter un regard furtif de temps en temps à l’assistance pour essayer de deviner si vous compreniez ou pas. Si on définit l’apprentissage comme «un processus actif dans lequel l’apprenant construit de nouveaux concepts ou idées (Piaget)», ces cours magistraux étaient loin d’être des expériences d’apprentissage efficaces! Le projet TEAL au MIT Figure 1 : Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL). Massachusetts. Le projet TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning1) renvoie à une salle de classe innovatrice du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) à Boston. À l’été 2008, lors de la conférence Next-Gen.Edu, j’ai eu la chance de visiter le MIT à Boston avec deux collègues du réseau collégial. M. Selon M. 3 Selon M.

FlippedLearning - EduVision Guide d'utilisation pédagogique des médias sociaux Flipping The Classroom… A Goldmine of Research and Resources To Keep You On Your Feet Greetings from Boston and BLC12 (Alan November’s Building Learning Communities Conference ). If you wish to follow the happenings at BLC12 check out the hashtag #BLC12 on Twitter. Welcome to another post rich in resources on the Flipped Classroom. If you have come here looking for links that will guide you to videos and multimedia to use in a Flipped Classroom you will find that in the second half of this post. Perhaps you have tried a little Flip of your own and want to learn more. Quick Note – I have been getting a lot of request asking if I will make a visit to your school, organization, or conference. Introduction To The Flip Many educators are beginning to become aware of the growing teaching method referred to as “Flipping The Classroom”. You see, at first this definition does make a lot of sense, and like so many “best practices” I see great value in the idea. Yes, I am a proponent of incorporating various multimedia and online learning in a blended environment. Resources Research

Soutien scolaire gratuit . Comprendre les maths. Cours de français. Flipped Classes: Dispelling Myths and Sharing What Works At the ISTE 2012 conference this week, Converge magazine caught up with a proponent of the flipped classroom model to talk about what the flipped class is and isn't. Science teacher Brian Bennett has been working on flipping his classroom for three years, first in South Korea and now at William Henry Harrison High School in Evansville, Ind. Keep reading to find out what he has to say. For those who don't know what a flipped classroom is, how would you define it? We did the panel today [Tuesday, June 26], and that was one of the questions. We all gave different answers. But also tagged onto what I'm doing — I want schools to evolve, I want classrooms to evolve where they've got flexible learning time. So our core idea is the same — how can we take that class time and bring it back in, and then what are we going to do with it? Explain exactly what the myths are and what a flipped class really looks like. Myth No. 1 is that all content should be through video. Find a buddy to work with.
