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The Time You Have (In JellyBeans)

The Time You Have (In JellyBeans)

Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence - from Convincing Others to Say "Yes" (Also known as the Six Weapons of Influence) How do you influence others? © iStockphoto/blackred You've come up with a fantastic idea for a new product. However, you haven't had much success with this in the past. Influencing others is challenging, which is why it's worth understanding the psychological principles behind the influencing process. This is where it's useful to know about Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence. In this article, we'll examine these principles, and we'll look at how you can apply them to influence others. About the Six Principles The Six Principles of Influence (also known as the Six Weapons of Influence) were created by Robert Cialdini, Regents' Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. The six principles are as follows: 1. As humans, we generally aim to return favors, pay back debts, and treat others as they treat us. 2. Cialdini says that we have a deep desire to be consistent. 3. 4. 5. 6. Warning:

Valentine's Day 2012 For Valentine's Day this year we wanted to tell a heartfelt story about a boy and his search for the perfect gift, for that special someone.... who really, really loves to jump rope =] Above are some of the storyboards that help visualize and figure out the timing and the 'beats' of our story. There are many failed attempts by our little guy to find the perfect gift but in the end the gift that counts the most is the one he cant buy. The second image is that moment when she realizes he's spending quality time with her, doing what she loves to do, which results with a grandiose hug. I probably would've given in with the box of chocolates =] This is a 'color-script' for our story, which helps determine the overall balance of color and emotion in the piece. Above is one of the 'laptop' backgrounds. ...and here's the final logo, a 'valentine' for all of our users. Happy Valentines Day!

Ciclo da Reciclagem: o lixo gerando novos produtos - Ecologia e Meio Ambiente - Ser Melhor Rosemeri não sabe que o isopor que protege sua nova máquina de lavar pode ser reciclado. Paula guarda lâmpadas fluorescentes queimadas em casa, pois não sabe se elas podem ou não ser recicladas. Lurdes compra por semana em torno de 8 caixas de suco e leite em embalagens longa vida ou Tetra Pak, mas não sabe que pode destiná-las para reciclagem. Talvez você, assim como elas, também esteja cheio de dúvidas quanto aos processos de reciclagem de cada tipo de material e é este o objetivo deste artigo, mostrar, de forma simplificada, alguns dos processos aplicados na reciclagem de papel, aço, alumínio, plástico e outros. Muitas famílias hoje dependem da indústria da reciclagem. Neusa Maria faz parte de um processo enorme que envolve pessoas, indústria e sociedade e que imita o próprio funcionamento do planeta em seus ciclos de criação e destruição, que funcionam há muitos bilhões de anos. Hoje a indústria da reciclagem está em um estágio tecnológico bem avançado. Latas de Alumínio Resultado:

How Not to Argue Like an Idiot…The 15 Most Common Logical Fallacies | Scribblepreach Whether we like it or not, the protestant tradition is founded on “reason and the scriptures” – whether it’s Martin Luther standing before the Diet of Worms, C.S. Lewis apologetically defending the faith via radio waves, or Jonathon Edwards detailing the philosophical argument for the captivity of the soul – we are a community founded on the ability to reason. But I’ve used and heard plenty of bad reasoning from Christians. The following list is composed of some of the most common logical fallacies; I’ve chosen to limit it to only those I’ve actually heard in the last couple years. Warning: I think logical fallacies have limited value; citing logic as the ultimate end-all of argumentation is itself a logical fallacy – it is a circular argument (I believe logic is authoritative because that’s logical) and it’s an appeal to authority (logic). Either way, whether you write or preach, communicator beware: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sign up, and receive:

10 Ideas Driving The Future Of Social Entrepreneurship The 10th Annual Skoll World Forum, which brought together several hundred of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs to Oxford, has just wrapped for another year. The Forum serves as a useful barometer for how the climate of social enterprise is changing. When it launched in 2004, it was all about celebrating the unknown social entrepreneurs, helping give them global recognition and credibility, and a platform to engage with policy leaders and large corporations. In that task, it has succeeded brilliantly--over the past decade, social enterprise has become mainstream. So 10 years in, what’s the current thinking? 1: It’s about Changing the System, Stupid. Broadcaster Ray Suarez expressed it eloquently when he said, "Nobody ever comes out and says they are in favor of starving children, or inadequate sanitation, or war and conflict. Everyone at the Forum was in some way wrestling with that question. 2: Change is accelerating 3: To solve our problems, we need more problem-solvers

How to Backpack Europe Alone & on a Budget Good morning! Hope everyone is having a nice chill Saturday like me. Yesterday I returned from one of my routine trips to the Netherlands (I go there 2-3 times a year because of my studies). So I decided to do a travel post! Travelling used to be essential to my life. My best trip so far was in the summer of 2012, when I went around Mediterranean Europe for two months. Europe is one of the most expensive places to travel, but also one of the safest & easiest. Budget I started out with a budget of about 500 Euro per month. How? To reduce costs further, you can also hitchhike. I was also careful with my expenses – no eating out, only basic food from the cheapest stores; no souvenirs or extra purchases, only the most needed clothes and shoes. Bottom line: – 1000 Euro per month Tourist budget: hostel + transport + average expenses. – 500 Euro per month Traveler budget: free lodging (couchsurfing or tent) + transport + basic expenses. Planning I did not plan anything but my route! Transport 1. 2.

Stationery, Invitations, Greeting Cards, and Paper Crafts :: Paper Crave Stress Relief During Exams - Teen Yoga & Mindfulness Being a teen is stressful. From academic pressure, to hectic social schedules, and trying to prepare for life after school, teens have a lot on their plates. Things can really seem to pile up this time of year with the stress of exams looming. Stress can manifest itself in multiple ways, from mental turmoil to physical pain. Many of our Teen Yoga students were happy to find that participating in the class helped to aid the symptoms of stress, and help them learn strategies to manage their stress on their own terms. So, to help remind our students how to de-stress and keep calm in the next few weeks, we’ve put together this guide for stress relieving yoga poses and mindfulness practice. Stress relieving yoga poses: Child’s pose: A wonderful relaxing pose that gently stretches the back while giving your whole body the chance to slow down and surrender. Mindfulness practices: Gradual Relaxation: Laying on your bed on your back start to relax your body one bit at a time.

La solución sueca para la prostitución: ¿Por qué nadie intentó esto antes? En un mar de siglos de clichés desesperados porque ‘siempre habrá prostitución’, el éxito de un país sobresale como un faro solitario que ilumina el camino. En apenas cinco años, Suecia ha disminuido drásticamente la cifra de mujeres dedicadas a las prostitución. En las calles de la ciudad capital, Estocolmo, la cantidad de prostitutas ha sido reducida en dos tercios y la de clientes en un 80 por ciento. En otras grandes ciudades suecas, el comercio sexual en las calles casi ha desaparecido. Adicionalmente, es nula la cantidad de mujeres extranjeras que ahora están siendo traficadas a Suecia para comercio sexual. La trascendental legislación sueca de 1999 En 1999, luego de años de investigación y estudios, Suecia aprobó una ley que: a) penaliza la compra de servicios sexuales y b) despenaliza la venta de dichos servicios. * El informe íntegro del gobierno de Escocia acerca de políticas sobre prostitución puede ser leído en

From EFL learning theories to EFL teaching practice: Activating action research 1 I use the term ‘scientific research’ rather than the term ‘research’ in order to separate it from a (...) 1As humans, we carry out some form of research from a very young age. Even as babies, every new object we taste or feel is a form of experimentation as we try to understand the world in which we live, and our relation to it. We continue to experiment all our lives. We observe, we draw conclusions, we form hypotheses, and then we test the hypotheses to see if they are valid. 2Scientific research, on the other hand, follows certain rules of methodology, data collection and publication that take it beyond and above our ‘everyday research’. 31. 42. 53. 64. 75. 86. 97. 108. 11To get straight onto the right track, and also to save a lot of time, our action researcher would do well, prior to elaborating his experimentation, to refer to existing theory and research in the field that interests him. 14Action started prior to action research at INH2. 17or Narcy:

UNIAD - Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e Drogas - Home Kevin Sabet | Clear thinking about drug policy
