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Books of Adam Spun Off - Sequential Tart: Order of the Interview (vol X/iss 3/March 2007) I had the recent pleasure of interviewing Rich Burlew, the creator, writer, and artist of Order of the Stick (OOTStick). OOTStick is a web comic about an eclectic group of D&D characters. As the name suggests they are an order, of a stick, but there is also another meaning behind the name. Sequential Tart: So let me start with the basics. Rich Burlew: I began playing when I was 14, and played throughout high school and college. ST: Have you ever been a Game Master (GM)? RB: Oh, I was a GM almost exclusively during my gaming career. The biggest difference is that in a role playing campaign, the main characters' actions are controlled by other people, and you need to periodically revisit your plotline to account for their behavior, whereas in a web comic, the characters act as you dictate. ST: Is one of the OOTS characters based on a character you played? ST: Which OOTS character do you like the most? RB: I get asked this a lot, but I never know how to answer. ST: Do you have any hobbies?

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