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Full and Textured Fabric Flowers We can never seem to have enough flowers in our house. Or fabric. So, to satisfy both things……..I made some new fabric flowers. Kind of similar to these. But easier and less uniform. They are a bit rugged. . But my first thought…… always in the hair. There’s something about the texture of the fabric. (And yes, the edges are raw……but they’re made with a bunch of circles and this helps keep the fabric from fraying very much. But if it does fray a bit, it only adds to the charm.) I’m even crazy about them on my littlest one’s head. And just for fun…….here’s a zoom out of our photo shoot. If he’s home, he makes the best assistant. Thanks baby girl. Would you like to make a few fabric flowers? To begin, decide on how big you want your flower to be. To make a flower that size, I cut out a circle that was 1 3/4 inches in diameter and used that as my circle pattern piece. I cut some strips of fabric that were about 2 inches wide (just a bit wider than my red circle pattern piece)…… Related posts:

Math CP,CE1,CE2,CM1,CM2:exercices de maths sur Champion Maths page corner bookmarks | I Could Make That This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM. I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks. Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Placeholders special enough for the books that are special enough to remain in your culled-out-of-spacial-necessity collection. Page corner bookmarks are cute, practical and deeply under-represented in the world.* They’re easy to make, easy to customize, and will set you apart from all those same-same flat rectangular bookmarks. If you like this tutorial, here are a couple others that might be up your alley. For the monster-loving adults in the room, try some googly-eyed paper monster wine charms. What you’ll need: Putting it all together: 1) Follow steps 2 and 3 from above.

Free Pattern - English Paper Piecing - Cia's Palette Online Fabric Store English Paper piecing is a time-honored technique dating back to at least 1813. It's a wonderfully simple method for constructing intricate quilts with lots of perfectly matched points. Usually a one-patch, most commonly using hexagons, it might also be done using triangles, diamonds, squares or a combination. Click here for a printable page of hexagons in Adobe Reader format. Print out the paper shapes for your project. I found a great site recently where you can generate .pdf versions of graph paper in all sorts of shapes and sizes for designing your own quilts. You'll need Adobe Reader in order to view and print the images.

Sac besace Featured: Messenger Bag by Ecolution Originally created for hard-working couriers, the classic Messenger Bag has been in circulation for several decades. Known for its long-lasting rugged durability and distinctive “envelope” styling, the classic Messenger has been adopted around the world as the everyday all-purpose carryall. Make a simplified version for yourself in hemp, similar to the featured tote from eco-friendly, Ecolution. You will need: 1 ¼ yds. [1.2 m] of hemp or organic cotton canvas, 54″ [137 cm] wide.½ yd. [0.5 m] of cotton sateen lining, 54” [137 cm] wide1 ½ yds. [1.4 m] of fusible interfacing, 45″ [114 cm] wide.1 closed zipper, 12” long *1 buckle slider, 2” inner dia. *1 belt tip hardware, 2” wide *matching cotton threadgrid paper * Match zipper to colour/metal of hardware. BAG DIMENSIONS: approximately 4″ x 11.5″ x 14″. [10 cm x 29.5 cm x 35.5 cm] Scale: 1 square = 1 inch (25mm) Add seam allowances to all pattern pieces. Bag Body – cut 1X self; cut 1X fusible 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Exercices de français pour enfants de CE1 - 7 à 8 ans Orthographe Alphabet avant/après - minuscules attachées - lettres en triple - lettres inversées - classer des mots - classer des mots - classer des films - mots codés Voyelles - Consonnes voyelles, consonnes, syllabes - les syllabes Les sons a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - ien - ain et aine - in - in on - on/om - o/au/eau - ou - oi - oi/oin - ion/oin - oir - ien/ein - fr ou vr - mots en eur - ateur - gn [ ɲ ] - g, gu ou ge - gne - qu, c et k - [ k ] - elle - ette - erre - esse - ail, eil et euil - an ou en - s/z - sa, se, si, so ou su, S ou SS Puzzles Abécédaire - Joyeux noël - animaux de la ferme Articles, Genre et nombre Un ou une - un, une ou des - l'apostrophe Vocabulaire Les animaux sauvages - sports et loisirs - objets - la classe - la maison - le verger - Les animaux et leurs petits - chiffres croisés - bicolore - De quelle couleur ? Lettres mélangées : n° 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 (nouveau) Former des mots Mots mêlés Dictées

Fiches artistes Par bout de gomme le 5 Janvier 2014 à 20:21 Voici les fiches artistes de Keith Haring Artiste très apprécié par les élèves et par les enseignants . Très facile à travailler, à observer ...bref que du bonheur en arts-plastiques. Un grand merci à Sandra pour cette contribution, j'y ai ajouté une fiche et les coloriages ...ça remonte à aout 2012 ! Je vais ( avec notre Coralie : merci pour tes idées !!! Nous observerons tout d'abord les oeuvres de Keith Haring ( sur le TBI , j'ai de la chance , hein !!! En expression corporelle : travailler les positions des oeuvres corporellement , prendre en photo, imprimer à la photocopieuse les photos ( peindre, encrer les photos ( photocopies ) , travailler les contours des sihouettes aux feutres noirs ) ,prendre des grands affiches , du papier journal , des cartons et entourer les silhouettes de chacun ( à faire par groupe de 2 ou 3 ) ...puis découper les silhouettes , les peindre ...etc décorer un couloir , une grande salle ....

Making reversible bag from top of straps to bottom of bag: 50 cm / 20 inchesheight: 28 cm / 11 incheswidth: 40 cm / 16 inches I don’t know because I used leftover fabric for my bag. You can print the pattern and place it on your fabric to make an approximation. It is only one piece of pattern. Fort similar bag, you can check Charlie bag by Burdastyle ($1.99). It is a bit bigger and has squared bottom. Please go to the bottom of this post to download the PDF pattern and tutorial. Disclaimer: You may use the finished products for both personal and commercial use (craft shops or markets only – no mass production). 1. 2. If you use my pattern, sew the darts before sewing the bottom and sides of bag. 3. 4. 5. Pull out each of the remaining straps. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A reversible bag! Thank you for reading and I hope this post is useful for you! Click to download:

jeux ce1 Math : Calcul, Numération, Problèmes, Géométrie. Français : Lecture-sons (révisions), Lecture-compréhension, Conjugaison-Grammaire, Confusions de sons, Orthographe, Vocabulaire. Eveil : B2i, Sciences, Géographie, Mémorisation/spatialisation, Langues étrangères, Pendus, Sudokus, Puzzles. Mathématiques Français Eveil Jeux (Sudokus, Pendus, Logique, Récréation) : activités et jeux éducatifs pour enfants simple "azuma bukuro bag" tutorial A whole days ago, I received a email from one of my customer if I could sell this pattern or not.I have been thinking to make the pattern and tutorial for some time.To make the bag is not difficult, if you have sewing experience.So here is the result tutorial!! (This is the tutorial in English! This is not easy for me. I would like to ask please respect the following rules :- for personal use only. - this is not intended for commercial use.- do not sell the copy of tutorial. All right!  Azuma bukuro is made from one rectangular fabric. - The total width length is always 3 times more than the one of the height. - sew 1 and 2 , 5 and 6 right side together. ( This process make the shape of the bag).Ok, I will show you the process step by step. :) 1. prepare your fabric by follow the basic rule.  2. sew all 4 edges around the fabric (4 edges), just like that.  3. 4. and fold another side to make sure you have an even square.   5. 7. press the seam to the one side. 10. Yeah!!

Sac japonisant Voici le tuto en pas à pas et photos pour un sac japonisant souvent appelé « Japanese knot bag« . Le sac se ferme en passant la grande anse dans la petite et se porte au poignet. Le sac est doublé et comporte 6 petites poches à l’intérieur. Ce sac fait un très joli cadeau, et Noël approchant, je suis sûre que vous penserai bien à quelqu’un à qui il pourrait faire plaisir Le patron gratuit utilisé ici n’est pas de moi. C’est celui du Grab bag créé par Bonnie Kozowski pour All people quilt. Il est très semblable au patron payant Vogue 7354 que j’utilise habituellement pour faire des petits sacs de se type. Pour le tuto présenté ici du patron gratuit de All people Quilt, j’ai suivi les instructions en anglais à la lettre avec donc les poches mais j’ai omis la triplure. width: 209px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"> Une face Sac fermé en glissant la longue anse à travers la petite Cliquez sur les photos pour les agrandir width: 235px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"> Patron assemblé La patron 1. 2.
