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Top 25 Game Consoles We all remember our first videogame console -- the moment we brought it home, the first time we powered it on, and the instant we first played a game that radiated our screen with beautiful graphic goodness. If you're anything like us, your first console was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and what began as a one-system household quickly evolved into a gamer's Mecca with consoles littering your living room. In the spirit of our healthy gaming obsession, IGN has forged a list of the Top 25 Videogame Consoles of All Time, where we have selected and ranked the most influential systems in the history of gaming to be revealed five consoles at a time for five straight days. While it may seem like a simple task on paper, sifting through 37+ years of console history for the best and brightest, while getting IGN's editorial staff to agree on one comprehensive list was an undertaking for the ages.

5 Sources for Free Astronomy Education Online Free online courses in astronomy are offered by real schools. Learn which astronomy courses are available, what topics they cover and which ones lead to real college credit. Free online courses in astronomy are generally available as non-credit options. These courses don't require registration, and students can learn through audio and video lectures, text lectures, podcasts and downloads. Some of these courses include lecture notes or exams. Extrasolar Planets: Physics and Detection Techniques at Massachusetts Institute of Technology eat make read October 14th, 2008 I made a trip to one of my favorite stores in Brooklyn, Sahadi’s last week and stocked up on all sorts of bulk ingredients. One of my favorite finds was this amazing cocoa powder that’s dark and rich and really puts the canned cocoa powder I’ve been using to shame. With over a pound sitting on the counter, I couldn’t resist the urge to make something with it, so I looked through a few books until I found the perfect recipe, no bake cookies. No bake cookies are one of my favorites sweet treast because they’re so easy to make. It doesn’t hurt that they not only have chocolate, but peanut butter as well.

It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie By David J. Parker Citizen Kane. Casablanca. Gone With the Wind. What do these movies have in common? How the Milky Way killed off nearby galaxies Two researchers from Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg have revealed for the first time the existence of a new signature of the birth of the first stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. More than 12 billion years ago, the intense ultraviolet light from these stars dispersed the gas of our Galaxy's nearest companions, virtually putting a halt to their ability to form stars and consigning them to a dim future. Now Pierre Ocvirk and Dominique Aubert, members of the Light in the Dark Ages of the Universe (LIDAU) collaboration, have explained why some galaxies were killed off, while stars continued to form in more distant objects. The two scientists publish their results in the October issue of the letters of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Tiny, Free and Kick-Ass: 20 More Awesome Apps Under 2 MB A month or two back, we posted our list of 30 amazing apps under 2MB. We thought it was a pretty fun concept, and apparently you guys agreed, because we got some great feedback, and some excellent suggestions. Our first list was far from complete, of course, so we decided to do some more investigating, and found 20 more great apps. They're all free, all easy to download, and all great at what they do. Read on, and hit the comments if we've still missed any of your favorites.

Amazing Stuff! » The World: Now and then New York The development of New York city in four easy pictures, for your viewing pleasure. Notice the significant jump in the height of the buildings by 1932? The Hollow Earth, Hollow Mars, UFOs and Military Secrecy By Bill Knell People have believed in the possibility of a Hollow Earth for well over a century. Now, some say there also may be a Hollow Mars. The Hollow Earth stories began with a theory proposed by Edmund Halley in 1692. The theory was pseudo-scientific and made the claim that the Earth is a hollow shell some 500 miles thick with two concentric shells and an innermost core with an inner sun.

Material Science Madness: Crazy Metal Melts in Your Hand There is an incredible metal that shatters like glass, melts in a human hand, attacks other metals but is non-toxic to humans, and acts like an alien life form when exposed to sulfuric acid and dichromate solution. It sounds too amazing to be true, but gallium is an absolutely real chemical element that’s found in some of the gadgets we use every day. But perhaps more interestingly, there are a ton of insane experiments scientists like to do with gallium. Two-Ingredient Pumpkin Cake with Apple Cider Glaze This Two-Ingredient Pumpkin Cake with Apple Cider Glaze will have your family and friends up in arms and begging for seconds. Maybe you should make two. Just a suggestion. If you are an elitist foodie, I don't know what to tell you other than to check your 'tude at the door. We're going simpleton today...but nothing less than excellent.

How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account Two Methods:Permanent DeletionTemporary DeactivationCommunity Q&A If you've decided that you’re done with Facebook, you're not alone — in recent years, an increasing number of users have opted to drop their accounts.However, the process of completely and permanently deleting your account is anything but intuitive. To start learning how to save all of the data you need and delete your account for good, see Step 1 below!
