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A scientific guide to writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your blog

A scientific guide to writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your blog
5.9K Flares 5.9K Flares × Ever since we started Buffer a little over 2 years ago, people have been asking us about one question very specifically: How can I write great headlines for social networks and my blog? The topic is a very tricky one, as the accuracy for what works best is hard to nail down. So I thought of combining all the research we’ve done for the Buffer social accounts and our blog as well as the best research out there and combining them into one comprehensive guide. Without any further ado, here is a scientific guide to great copywriting on Twitter, Facebook and your blog: What works best on Twitter? Finding the right headline for your Tweet is one of the most important things to do, especially as Twitter only allows for text display. Whilst there is a ton of data out there on which words to use and how to write headlines, the best way to do anything truly scientifically, is to test and learn yourself. Test it yourself – here is how 1.) 2.) 3.) First Tweet: Example:

30 Powerful Ways To Promote Your Blog If you’re like most connected educators and students out there, you’ve got a blog. You’ve got a little digital place called home that you wish more people would visit. There’s more to getting the word out than just publishing and wishing. Lucky for you, the fine folks over at Launch Grow Joy have published a fabulous boiled-down cheat sheet for bloggers. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or not, these tips should help you on your path to blogging glory! Beïnvloeden van publieke opinie via social media Drie voorbeelden van social influence Niets is leuker dan je zin krijgen. Wat dat betreft lijken we allemaal een beetje op die kleuter in een winkelwagentje die net het snoeprek passeert zonder dat de kar wordt bijgevuld. Een klein kind kan gaan schreeuwen. Dagelijks worden grote bedrijven ‘aangevallen’ door boze klanten via Twitter of Facebook. Door krachten te bundelen, is de kans op succes groter. Maar niet alleen de consument haalt zijn gelijk via social media. Case 1: Obesitas (Coca-Cola) McDonald's en Coca-Cola zijn de twee belangrijkste sponsoren van obesitas in de wereld. Begin vorig jaar werd wereldwijd de campagne ‘Coming Together’ gelanceerd. De vervolgspot ‘Be OK’ werd via Twitter de wereld in gebracht. Case 2: Wat is er met ons eten gebeurd? Iets dichter bij huis, maar rond min of meer hetzelfde onderwerp, is dit voorbeeld van Zonnatura: wat is er met ons eten gebeurd? Op Facebook werd een samplingactie gehouden waarbij deelnemers een jaar lang gratis muesli konden winnen.

7 ways to research content for blog posts Researching blog content doesn’t have to be difficult, finding a needle in a haystack is difficult, buying a tub of elbow grease is difficult and as for those sky-hooks… writing blog posts is only difficult when you don’t know how to do something. If you have ever sat back and thought “I don’t know what to write on my blog” this post is for you. Even if you have never thought that, you might find this post useful. Simply keeping your eyes and ears open you can begin to identify profitable blog content from everyday places… Visit your library, local bookstore and magazine rack. Visit Visit Do your keyword research. Visit industry forums. Take a look at online trend tools. Remember to add citations and image credits to your content and to promote it extensively in the right places. So there you have it, 7 quick and easy ways to research content for your blog posts. Sarah Blogging an issue for you? Signing you up! Sign Up With Your Name and Email Address:

How to Write a Professional Social Media Bio Talking about yourself is hard. Doing it in 160 characters or less is even harder. That’s probably why so many of us end up stressed about crafting the perfect professional bio for Twitter – or LinkedIn, Facebook or other social networks. It has to set you apart, but still reflect approachability. Make you look accomplished, but not braggy. Appear professional, with just a touch of the personal. All that in just a few sentences? In this post, we’ll go over the universal principles to write a great social media bio – regardless of the network. Six rules to write a foolproof bio “Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.” – Henry David Thoreau Yes, a bio on social media needs to be brief – and that can be tricky. A professional bio on a social network is an introduction – a foot in the door so your potential audience can evaluate you and decide if you’re worth their time. Pack in as much focus, wit and polish as possible by by employing these principles.

How to Write for Semantic Search Hoe sociaal is social media? De video 'Look Up' van Gary Turk wordt massaal online gedeeld. Wellicht wat tegenstrijdig met de boodschap van de video: hoe sociaal is social media in een wereld waarin we schijnbaar slaaf zijn geworden van onze gadgets? Veel gehoorde online reacties op de video zijn: deze video opent mijn ogen, zo waar enzovoort. Massaal vindt de video aanhang binnen social media kringen en via de mensen die achter hun schermen zitten. Hoe dubbel is dat? We leven ons leven door een scherm. Nieuwe technologie moeten we niet als schuldige aanwijzen. Social media, nieuwe technologie...ze hebben positieve kanten en negatieve kanten. De massale omarming van de video geeft een kentering in de tijdsgeest aan en een verandering van onze houding ten opzichte van technologie. Nieuwe media en technologie: de scheidslijn tussen positief en negatief is dun. Op de vraag hoe sociaal is social media kun je beter zeggen... hoe sociaalvaardig is de mens?

Think Outside The Blog Tweets betekenen meestal niets Trending topics en likes weerspiegelen niet per se de sentimenten, plannen en gedrag van de samenleving. Ze laten hooguit zien wat het bereik van sociale media kan zijn – niet wat sociale media in het echte leven veroorzaken. Die nuance gaat bij data-analyse van social media wel eens verloren. Het is niet verwonderlijk dat sociale media een geliefde bron van data zijn. Er is een hoop gezegd en geschreven over sociale media als een virtueel deel van de maatschappij, maar de facto zijn sociale media een communicatiemiddel en geen digitale versie van het echte leven. De taal van sociale media Natuurlijk, Big Data levert vaak genoeg prachtige, grensverleggende journalistiek op. Zo zijn trending topics op Twitter niet per se sentimenten die ook bestaan in de samenleving. Nuance is niet sexy Zelfs dan is dit gegeven op zichzelf geen probleem. Neem het onderzoek naar de rellen in het Groningse Haren. Geen objectieve tools

How to Ensure Your Future Blog Posts Are Popular Are you struggling to come up with blog posts that attract the right type of visitors? Are you unsure where to turn for new article ideas? In this article I’ll show you how to make sure your future articles are the ones your audience is really interested in. Here’s a hint how: your social connections can help you discover the topics that will perform well on your business blog. Invest in writing about the topics that are most likely to appeal to your target audience. Follow these 4 easy steps to get you on your way to finding great topics that resonate with your audience simply by looking within your social networks for inspiration. #1: Monitor Influencer Social Channels Not all blog post topics are created equal. One of the easiest ways to find out which topics have this type of impact is to find articles that are performing at a high level for the big brands and leaders in your industry. Lacoste brand posts are especially popular on the Zappos Facebook page. #4: Measure Your Tweet Impact

The Hierarchy of Needs for an Engaged Social Media Audience Quite often, we use the same terms when we talk about social media interaction as we do about communicating in-person: talking “social media faux pas” and “etiquette,” comparing conversion leads to first dates and talking about “wooing” customers. Despite all this, sometimes we forget the “social” part of social media—the fact that behind all those profiles are real people, with behaviors that can often be explained by psychology concepts. For example, take Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory that explains why high-level desires don’t arise unless the lower-level needs such as food and shelter have been fulfilled. This hierarchy is often represented as a pyramid; and although Maslow never used this form to describe the concepts he coined, it became a symbolic representation of human motivation. Over the years, Maslow’s pyramid has been adapted to many different environments. From business… …to human resource management, Social media survival (Survival) Online reputation (Safety) (Belonging)
