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Une Feuille de style et des ? hacks CSS ? pour cibler IE6, IE7 ou IE8

Une Feuille de style et des ? hacks CSS ? pour cibler IE6, IE7 ou IE8

Nouveautés CSS 3 : c’est quoi les Media Queries ? - Kiwano Les medias queries sont une nouveauté CSS 3 qui permet de définir des styles en fonction du média sur lequel est affiché la page web. Avec les medias queries on peut limiter l’action d’un style en fonction d’informations précises comme par exemple les propriétés width, height, et color du navigateur. Dans un article précédent, nous vous avions parlé de la beta 4 de Firefox 3.5 et de son lot d’innovations dans un article intitulé « Nouveauté Mozilla Firefox 3.5 : raccourci nouvel onglet« . Parmi ces améliorations nous revenons ici comme promis sur le support des Media Queries une des nouveautés CSS 3. Exemple @media min-width Un exemple d’application très utile des media queries serait de pouvoir définir des styles en fonction de la taille du navigateur. Avec les media queries, il est très facile de fixer un style pour les navigateurs ayant une largeur minimum. Les fonctionnalités Media Queries Notez enfin que la beta de Safari 4 supporte également ces Media Queries !

40 Powerful CSS Tools And Generators To Automate Your Workflow | Graphic and Web Design Blog Showcase of 40 useful and powerful CSS tools and generators. These tools can really relieve developers work in many ways – I understand you like always to do everything by yourself but it’s not the best way in the most cases, because it really takes time and such liberty we don’t always have. This is considered to be really complete list about everything CSS related, as CSS lover myself I really evaluate good automated ways so I can focus on things I enjoy the most – creating elegant, usable and optimized website! I just hope you will find some relief in this list as well! Enjoy your time and test these tools for best results! 1. Showcase of 40 useful and powerful CSS tools and generators. 2. Simple CSS allows you to easily create Cascading Style Sheets from scratch, and/or modify existing ones, using a familiar point-and-click interface. 3. Formats and optimizes CSS. 4. CleanCSS is a powerful CSS optimizer and formatter. 5. 6. 7. 8. CSS Sorter is a free online tool for sorting CSS files.

Paris Web 2010 ? Plus belle la vie avec HTML5 et CSS3 Webdesigner de profession (chez Alsacréations), je cumule deux passions créatives : la conception Web et la Photographie. Auteur des ouvrages web de référence « CSS2 - Pratique du design web » publié chez Eyrolles (3è édition en janvier 2009), du « Memento CSS » et du « Memento XHTML », chez le même éditeur. Membre du collectif Openweb, référence francophone en matière de standards web. Formateur expert en langages web (X)HTML et CSS auprès de groupes nationaux et internationaux. Créateur et administrateur du site, communauté d'apprentissage web dont le trafic quotidien dépassait les 20000 visites uniques en 2010. Passionné de photographie, et auteur d'un livre technique d'apprentissage : « Le B. Administrateur de plusieurs sites personnels ou associatifs tels que,, ou

CSS Tips I Wish I Knew When I First Started I’ve been working with CSS for quite a while now, and even though it’s relatively easy to learn, there are always new tips and tricks to be found. I’m learning new stuff all the time. I wanted to take a moment to put together this helpful list of CSS tips I wish I knew when I first started. Use Overflow: Hidden; to Clear Floats It wasn’t until recently that my style sheets were littered with unnecessary clearing floats that looked like the following. These clearing floats will work perfectly fine, but they are unnecessary. Group Elements Together One of the mantras of good coding 101 is to keep your code as simple and concise as possible. You can group these elements like so… Comments Are Important Many of the sites that I create are 1-man projects. Add Some Base Styles to the Body This goes back to the code-less principle I discussed earlier. Use Some Kind of CSS Reset Use CSS Shorthand This is me preaching about writing as little code as possible again! When you can shorten it to this

Style Master CSS Editor for Windows and Mac OS X Cool Tools and Toys for Web Developers John, the lead developer (ok, pretty much the only developer) of Style Master is an avowed hacker. He loves exploring and experimenting with the latest features in browsers. Here's a collection of tools for web developers he's put together to help you analyse and debug your sites (and other people's sites as well), play with CSS3 features (bleeding edge browsers recommended) and more. XRAY works in Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer. XRAY uses lots of cool CSS3 features like border-radius, opacity, box and text shadow, as well as the HTML5 canvas. MRI helps you create the best possible selectors for your CSS. MRI also uses lots of cool CSS3 features like border-radius, opacity, box and text shadow, as well as the HTML5 canvas. CSS3 Sandbox Gradients Explore CSS gradients (both linear and radial) (an experimental feature in Safari 4, and a proposed addition to CSS3). Shadows CSS now lets you create drop shadows on text, and on the box of an element.

Multiple Backgrounds and Borders with CSS 2.1 – Nicolas Gallagher — Blog & Ephemera Using CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements to provide up to 3 background canvases, 2 fixed-size presentational images, and multiple complex borders for a single HTML element. This method of progressive enhancement works for all browsers that support CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements and their positioning. No CSS3 support required. Support: Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Chrome 4+, Opera 10+, IE8+. How does it work? Essentially, you create pseudo-elements using CSS (:before and :after) and treat them similarly to how you would treat HTML elements nested within your target element. To provide multiple backgrounds and/or borders, the pseudo-elements are pushed behind the content layer and pinned to the desired points of the HTML element using absolute positioning. The pseudo-elements contain no true content and are absolutely positioned. What effects can be achieved? Most structural elements will contain child elements. Example code: multiple background images Each pseudo-element then has a repeated background-image set.

CSS Vertical Text | Many people have written about the potential for vertical text in CSS so I wanted to try it out for myself. By using the technique described below I was able to achieve this effect: *Disclaimer: This doesn’t work in old Opera versions, but does work in Opera 10.5. This also works in IE6+, FF, and Webkit based browsers, so that is pretty encompassing. Here is the basic markup: <p>CSS Vertical Text</p> I wanted to try to do my best to exclude IE browser checks and conditional checks. Also, if I can stay away from IE filters I like too, but it’s worth mentioning that if you have an specific rotation, you have to use the IE filter: filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3); Where 0, 1, 2, 3 correlate to 0, 90, 180, and 270 respectively. So I tried to keep this one simple, but lining everything up in different browsers can be a pain because of the way each browser interprets the spacing. Information for this post was pulled from the following places:

50 New CSS Techniques For Your Next Web Design | CSS Advertisement CSS is almost certainly one of the best developments in web design since the first graphical web browsers were adopted on a wide scale. Where tables created clunky, slow-loading pages, CSS created much more streamlined and usable web pages. Plus, CSS has allowed designers to achieve a number of different styles that used to only be possible with images. One of the best parts of CSS is that it’s so simple once you know the basics. Below are 50 fresh CSS tricks, techniques and tutorials that will help you to improve the quality of your next web design. 1. While CSS is often thought of as merely a styling language, there are ways you can use it to add security to your site. Make your pages load faster by combining and compressing javascript and css files This tutorial shows you how to create a PHP script to compress and combine multiple CSS and/or JavaScript files with gzip when they’re called for by a browser. The Definitive Post on Gzipping Your CSS 2. CSS Centering 3. 4. 5.
