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Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
Updated 7/16/2013 – See Original Here Once at a picnic, I saw mathematicians crowding around the last game I would have expected: Tic-tac-toe. As you may have discovered yourself, tic-tac-toe is terminally dull. There’s no room for creativity or insight. But the mathematicians at the picnic played a more sophisticated version. As I watched, the basic rules emerged quickly. Each turn, you mark one of the small squares. But it took a while for the most important rule in the game to dawn on me: You don’t get to pick which of the nine boards to play on. Then your next move must be here… This lends the game a strategic element. The resulting scenarios look bizarre. A few clarifying rules are necessary: What if my opponent sends me to a board that’s already been won? What if one of the small boards results in a tie? When I see my students playing tic-tac-toe, I resist the urge to roll my eyes, and I teach them this game instead. Anyway, that’s Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. Like this: Like Loading... Related:  games

2048 Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! New Game How to play: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one! Note: The game on this site is the original version of 2048. Created by Gabriele Cirulli. Donate BTC 1Ec6onfsQmoP9kkL3zkpB6c5sA4PVcXU2i David Berreby – The obesity era Years ago, after a plane trip spent reading Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes from the Underground and Weight Watchers magazine, Woody Allen melded the two experiences into a single essay. ‘I am fat,’ it began. ‘I am disgustingly fat. I am the fattest human I know. I have nothing but excess poundage all over my body. That, as we used to say during my Californian adolescence, was then. And so the authorities tell us, ever more loudly, that we are fat — disgustingly, world-threateningly fat. Moral panic about the depravity of the heavy has seeped into many aspects of life, confusing even the erudite. Several governments now sponsor jauntily named pro-exercise programmes such as Let’s Move! Hand-in-glove with the authorities that promote self-scrutiny are the businesses that sell it, in the form of weight-loss foods, medicines, services, surgeries and new technologies. Higher levels of female obesity correlated with higher levels of gender inequality in each nation Daily Weekly Explore Aeon Biology

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My Abandonware - Download old PC games Why HTML is Not a Programming Language HTML is great. It defines the structure of webpages and it determines how data is displayed online. What you’re looking at right now is HTML code, read and interpreted by your browser. But this doesn’t make HTML a programming language. A Markup Language HTML is a type of markup language. That’s how the browser knows that However, this is not programming. Not a Programming Language Programming languages have functional purposes. Still Awesome Unfortunately, coding only in HTML doesn’t make you a programmer. Knowledge of web page structure is a valuable asset for anyone to have, in IT as well as in other fields, and I’m definitely not trying to discredit anyone’s knowledge on the awesomeness that is HTML. Still think HTML is a programming language? Ben Romy Ben is a 2012 graduate of the iSchool, now working for MLB Advanced Media. More Posts

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SocialOS from PeopleBrowsr - build your own social network At PeopleBrowsr, we are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new type of social network – one you can build and maintain yourself. With public platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, brands and consumers are increasingly being encouraged to use them exclusively to connect and communicate. Now that these networks have combined memberships in the billions, it is becoming harder to find those in your community that you have the most in common with and connect with. Brands are naturally investing time and energy into these public platforms, while at the same losing control of their brand, their fans and their community. David Armano in a post titled Social Business: Where It’s Been & Where It’s Going talked about the evolution of social media into social business. Figure 1.2 from “Social Business By Design” We think the next phase of social as we move towards social business will allow corporates and government entities to create their own networks.

A to K - 2048 clone by Creative Spark Studios How to play: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same letter touch, they merge into the next letter in the alphabet! The goal is to create the letter K. Note: This is a clone of the official open-sourced game called 2048, which is itself a clone of the game called 1024, which was already very similar to a game called Threes. The graphics in this version are inspired by our word game WordIt 2. Game recommendation: Players who enjoy A to K, may want to try our other game Triangular 2048. Created by Creative Spark Studios. Cannes Wildfire Tumblr Thursday, the 27th of June Wildfire / Full of Tomorrow: How brands can embrace miraculous new technologies to create small wonders that will change our daily livesSee the full seminar right here. Tuesday, the 18th of June Hovertrax We all wanted hoverboards after Back to the Future, but they never arrived. Friday, the 14th of June Doorbot Doorbot saves you from having to get up from the sofa unless you really need to. Thursday, the 13th of June Mindtunes Mindtunes is a track created by the power of the mind. Nice idea from Google here. Wednesday, the 12th of June Flying Sushi The brainchild of Yo! Wednesday, the 5th of June Artificial Tacticle Sensations Intriguing technology developed by Disney Research. Quantified Self, Cognitive Health and the Transformation of Medical Care The ‘quantified self’ revolution could transform the way we think about health care. Quotable Tuesday, the 4th of June The Next Big Thing in Big Data: People Analytics Mashed up, mixed up… how can brands hack the future?

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Y a eu quelques parties au boulot, on fait vite une erreur qui plombe le jeu (en toute bonne foi). Faut se préparer à être concentré du coup. by baptistecouly Jun 27

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