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Fin janvier Sundance Festival 2010

Fin janvier Sundance Festival 2010

Nat Portrait Gallery - The Reference Collecti The Reference Collection is held in the Archive and Library and contains more than 80,000 portraits of important and lesser known figures in British history. The majority of these portraits are prints, but the collection also includes drawings, silhouettes, caricatures, paintings, miniatures, medallions and related items. HistoryThe Reference Collection owes its origins to the first Director, Sir George Scharf, who filled over 200 sketchbooks with meticulous pencil drawings of portraits held in private collections and acquired large numbers of portrait prints in order to build up an iconographical resource for the Gallery. PurposeThe range of work held in the Reference Collection complements the Gallery’s Primary Collection of portraits and contributes to a better understanding of British portraiture generally. DrawingsThe drawings collection includes holdings that document the working practices of artists.

Les Écrans Documentaires - FR Extraños en el paraíso: Revista de cine Musée de l'Amérique française Le Musée de l'Amérique francophone, le plus ancien musée au Canada, est issu d'une tradition religieuse et éducative européenne. Situé dans l'un des bâtiments attenant au site du Séminaire de Québec, fondé par Mgr de Laval en 1663, il est à la fois témoin et faire-valoir d'un passé haut en couleur, digne des plus grandes épopées du monde. Dès 1806, on y retrouve une collection qui regroupe des instruments destinés à l'enseignement des sciences. Suivit, au fil des ans, la constitution de collections de monnaies anciennes et de médailles, des collections de minéralogie, de géologie, de numismatique, de zoologie, de botanique, de fossiles, de peinture, d'ethnologie et de livres anciens. Essentiellement tourné vers l'histoire, le Musée offre aujourd'hui des expositions et une foule d'autres activités, consacrées à l'implantation et au développement de la culture française sur le continent nord-américain.

"conversation in film" London international Documentar Have your work seen, judged, and promoted by industry professionals Two categories: 13-15 years and 16-19 years The LIDF is looking for the best young documentarians between the ages of 13-15 and 16 – 19. If you are thinking about a future in photography, documentary film, or digital media – or just really like taking pictures – we want to see what you can do. The competition is open to photographers and filmmakers. All you have to do is send us a photographic or moving image PORTRAIT. The LIDF (London International Documentary Festival) is the UK’s largest documentary festival. With Hollywood’s elite choosing LIDF, as well as an impressive line-up of award-winning documentaries from emerging talent around the globe, the LIDF SCHOOLS COMPETITION is the place to get your work seen. Your work will be reviewed by industry professionals, and the winning entries will have the chance to be seen by a global audience. The Grand Prize Winners We look forward to seeing great submissions from you!

Musée du Louvre ENCOUNTERS South African InternationalL Documentary Festival - E Escales Documentaire - FR Cinéma du réel Festival international de films documentaires - E We apologize for the inconvenience, but the page you were trying to access is not at this address. You can use the links below to help you find what you are looking for. If you are certain you have the correct web address but are encountering an error, please contact the Site Administration. Thank you. You might have been looking for… Cinéma du Réel index Institut Confucius de Bretagne Institut Confucius de Bretagne Pdf du catalogue 2013

Shadow Festival - EN BeyondTv video festival - EN We hosted BeyondTV for 9 years. The festival has been put on hold since 2008. Radical environmental films, forums and masterclasses from the world of documentary film-making. The festival was hosted by Undercurrents to forge links between video makers, music makers animators and campaigners.The festival was hosted annually from 2000-2008"An annual celebration of underground media'" The Guardian

International 1001 Documentary Film Festival - EN/TU Docudays Beirut Interntational Documentary Festival - EN
