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How to Fold a Shirt in Under 2 Seconds

How to Fold a Shirt in Under 2 Seconds
Related:  HACKS 5curioso

Interstellar Wind Changes Reveal Glimpse of Milky Way's Complexity Shifting cosmic winds suggest that our solar system lives in a surprisingly complex and dynamic part of the Milky Way galaxy, a new study reports. Scientists examining four decades' worth of data have discovered that the interstellar gas breezing through the solar system has shifted in direction by 6 degrees, a finding that could affect how we view not only the entire galaxy but the sun itself. "The shift in the wind is evidence that the sun lives in an evolving galactic environment," study lead author Priscilla Frisch of the University of Chicago told via email. The winds of change Charged particles stream off the sun to form a huge invisible shellaround the solar system called the heliosphere. The LIC is wispy, featuring just 0.016 atoms per cubic inch (0.264 per cubic centimeter) on average. "Right now, the sun is moving through an interstellar cloud at a relative velocity of 52,000 miles per hour (23 kilometers per second)," Frisch said. Wide-reaching effects

20 Awesome Cleaning Life Hacks That Save You Time And Money There's nothing better than a spotless house, but cleaning can be time consuming and expensive. Instead of buying pricey, harmful chemical cleaners and spending hours scrubbing away, try some of these epic deep cleaning hacks. You'll be amazed at how many household items double as cleaning products and home improvement tools. iStock photo via iStock I'll definitely be using these cleaning hacks to make my home as spiffy as possible this year.

Pixelis Maps · Buscador de coordenadas GPS Life at Louisiana's Toxic Sinkhole: An Eco-Disaster Continues With No End in Sight Aerial view of sinkhole that has grown from 3 acres to 24 acres since over the course of a year. (Photos: Julie Dermansky) The view from Mike Schaff's small airplane is startling. We're flying over Bayou Corne on the one-year anniversary of an unprecedented environmental disaster. Observers point out that there is at least some good news. Nick Romero speaking at commemorative ceremony held on day marking one year of the sinkhole. Back on solid ground, Schaff cracks a beer and sits down in his kitchen. He points to two small air monitors that have been installed to warn him if poisonous and flammable gases creep into his house from underground. Schaff is angry, and he's angry with Texas Brine, a Houston-based firm that has operated three underground brine caverns under the sinkhole for decades. Homes on the banks of Bayou Corne all under mandatory evacuation since Aug 3. 2012. Retired General Russel L. Fighting for Compensation Satirical lawn art in Bayou Corne. Gov. Lt. A Somber Anniversary

20 House Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Life. Most of us hate cleaning. It's time consuming, boring, and we'd rather be doing almost ANYTHING else. Just think about all of the wasted time in your life spent on making sure the coffee pot is cleaned out, or getting the water ring off the table. It's really insane when you add it up. Well, no more. We've got you covered with these 20 incredibly handy cleaning hacks that'll get you finished in no time. 1.) Grab half a white onion and rub it across the grate of the hot grill using a fork. 2.) Fill a blender with warm water and a drop of dish soap, then turn it on and blend for a few seconds. 3.) Combine baking soda and water into a paste and spread over the vomit. 4.) Stop picking up small glass shards with your bare hands. 5.) Throw an old pillowcase around the fan blades and wipe from within. 6.) Buff worn leather furniture with shoe polish. 7.) Clean your dishwasher by running it on the highest temperature with a cup of vinegar on the top shelf. 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.)

Leer en familia: Navidades Loqueleo page 1 Table of Content Search Share Email LEAKED AUDIO: Listen To AOL CEO Tim Armstrong Fire A Patch Employee In Front Of 1,000 Coworkers These Life Hacks Will Make Your Day So Much Easier. Guess what, person who spends their leisure time on a device that can bring them almost any piece of information within seconds, your life is about to get even easier. Thanks to these “life hacks,” never again will you have to struggle to serve your guests condiments at one of the celebrations of excess that you call a BBQ. Seriously though, these hacks are the best. You’ll never waste money on soap again (on the off chance that you won’t read all of them, I feel like I have to tell you that giving up bathing is not a life hack). These are great and all, but when will someone come up with a life hack that makes the third season of “Orange Is the New Black” come out?

10 museos con visitas virtuales para descubrir sin moverte de clase Aunque el ejercicio de salir del aula y acercarse a un museo es excelente, muchas veces es algo imposible por distancia o cuestión de horarios. Los museos con visitas virtuales son una alternativa genial para acercarse a todo tipo de culturas, de cualquier ciudad del mundo. Gracias a Internet y a las nuevas tecnologías ya no es necesario acercarse físicamente al museo y pasar toda la jornada entre sus cuatro paredes, descubriendo las obras que atesora. Los museos con visitas virtuales son cada vez más habituales, y son una alternativa perfecta cuando existen restricciones que nos impiden visitarlos en la realidad. Hoy te proponemos una selección de 10 museos con visitas virtuales para que puedas recorrer sus pasillos y descubrir todo lo que pueden enseñarte. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington Un desconocido para los ajenos a Estados Unidos, pero con un patrimonio incalculable y un excelente portal de visitas virtuales. Natural History Museum, Londres Louvre, París

Henry A. Giroux | When Schools Become Dead Zones of the Imagination: A Critical Pedagogy Manifesto (Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. Martin Luther King, Jr. If the right-wing billionaires and apostles of corporate power have their way, public schools will become “dead zones of the imagination,” reduced to anti-public spaces that wage an assault on critical thinking, civic literacy and historical memory.1 Since the 1980s, schools have increasingly become testing hubs that de-skill teachers and disempower students. Corporate school reform is not simply obsessed with measurements that degrade any viable understanding of the connection between schooling and educating critically engaged citizens. Policies and practices that are based on distrust of teachers and disrespect for them will fail. To read more articles by Henry A. . . .

11 DIY Fixes For Your Apartment - How To Keep Your Security Deposit Living in a dwelling that you don't own can have a lot of benefits. Your life is more flexible and the management company will most likely take care of maintenance for you. However, it can also be stressful when you think you're going to lose your security deposit because you broke, scratched or lost something. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) (H/T Mashable) Sometimes, the solution to a problem is sitting right in front of you (if you have walnuts, rubber bands or toothpaste, that is).

Tarjetas para Mantener el nivel de voz en el aula -Orientacion Andujar Hoy os traemos estas preciosas tarjetas para controlar el nivel de ruido que nuestros alumnos y alumnos son capaces de alcanzar cuando se ponen a hablar, diseñadas por @acRBio para ello hemos propuesto 5 niveles ilustrados en función de la potencia de voz. Espero que os gusten. Es habitual que los alumnos griten mucho en el aula y cueste mucho calmarlos. Se trata de unas tarjetas el cual consta de cinco niveles de voz (silencio, susurro, voz de baja, voz alta y gritar). Para descargar las imágenes pincha en la imagen que quieres descargar, se abrirá en una nueva ventana, pincha de nuevo en la imagen para obtenerla a tamaño real y con buena definición, cuando se abra, botón derecho del ratón y le das a la opción guardar imagen como. Relacionado DECORAMOS NUESTRA NAVIDAD reciclando rollos de papel Nos encantan las manualidades de Navidad que podemos hacer con los niños, ya que a ellos les hace mucha ilusión y a nosotros también por verlos tan felices. 24 Noviembre, 2016 En "Navidad"
