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3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom -

3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom -
Project-based learning (PBL) — an educational approach in which students work together to solve real-world problems — is redefining how many kids learn. Vine, a social video app purchased by Twitter, is growing in popularity — and fast. What happens when the two collide? PBL teachers across the country intend to find out. What Is Vine? Recently we took a more general look at Vine in the classroom, but in short, Vine is video’s answer to the popular photo-sharing app Instagram, with a bit of tumblr and twitter thrown in. This deceptively simple application allows users to capture and share six-second video clips–rather than pure gif animations–through social media. This is precisely some teachers have adopted Vine as an educational tool, especially in the PBL classroom. 3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom Vine and project-based learning classrooms might be a match made in pedagogical heaven–or at least #edtech heaven. How are teachers using Vine? 1. 2. 3. Related:  Project Based Learning

Vine for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store Time to Debunk Those PBL Myths What are the myths you hear most often about project-based learning? Here are some PBL misconceptions I encounter with surprising regularity: "Projects may be fun, but they'll never prepare students for ____ [fill in high-stakes test of your choice]" "If kids work in teams on projects, one or two will do all the work and the others will coast" "PBL won't work with my students because they are ____ [fill in the challenge of your choice]" "I'll never have time to cover all my content if I spend time on projects" "Projects just aren't rigorous" "Parents will wind up doing most of the work" "We can't do PBL because we don't have ____ [fill in the technology of your choice]" Once you start listening for PBL myths, you'll hear them in the most surprising places. If we dispel the myths, we can concentrate on helping teachers and students achieve the meaningful learning that's possible through high-quality PBL. Projects versus PBL There's a reason why this misconception endures. Coverage vs.

How To Develop Android Apps Lesson 1: Create Project Sunshine with a Simple UI (5-8 hrs) Start by installing Android Studio, you’ll create your first project with a simple list-based user interface. You'll then build and deploy it to virtual and actual devices. You’ll also discover what makes mobile - and Android in particular - a unique environment for app development. Android Studio, Gradle, and debugging toolsUser Interface and Layout managersListViews and Adapters Lesson 2: Connect Sunshine to the Cloud (8-10 hrs) Replace the mock data with real weather data by connecting Sunshine up to an Internet back-end courtesy of the Open Weather Map API. Threading and ASyncTaskHTTP requests on web APIsAndroid Permission System Lesson 3: Create New Activities and Navigate Apps with Intents (8-10 hrs) Give your app structure and create more complex Activities. Optional Project: Popular Movies, Stage 1 (5-10 hours) Build an app to help users discover popular and recent movies.

Five Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning Voiceover: How will today’s children function in a dangerous world? What means will they use to carve the future? Will they be equipped to find the answers to tomorrow’s problems? Teacher: When you think about traditional learning you think of a student sitting in a classroom and being talked at. Teacher: Now I imagine a lot of you are still thinking... Teacher: They are supposed to be a sponge. Peggy Ertmer: So there are a lot of different ways to approach PBL, a lot of different ways to implement it, but really it all boils down to five essential keys: real-world connection, core to learning, structured collaboration, student driven, and multifaceted assessment. Student: One of the problems in the ocean is that with the higher amount of CO2 calcifying organisms are decreasing and we’re testing to see how well life in the ocean lives without calcifying organisms. Student: --four by eight feet. Peggy Ertmer: So the second commonality is the PBL unit provides academic rigor. Student: Yes.

<i>The Edupunks' Guide</i>: How to Do Research Online | Online Learning on GOOD It’s the best of times and the worst of times to be a learner. College tuition has doubled in the past decade, while the options for learning online and independently keep expanding. Anya Kamenetz's new free ebook The Edupunks’ Guide is all about the many paths that learners are taking in this new world, and we're running excerpts from the book all week. We're also asking GOOD readers to doodle your learning journey and submit the result by Sunday, September 11. There’s been a revolution in the way people spread knowledge. Sharing information openly over the Internet is way cheaper than purchasing it commercially in dead-tree format, and often the learning that happens this way is faster, more up-to-date, and more relevant to our immediate needs. More and more people around the world are building on this knowledge revolution to explore new modes of learning and to transform what we mean by “education.” For many, the first step in an online learning journey is a simple Google search.

Project-Based Learning Research Review Editor's Note: This article was originally written by Vanessa Vega, with subsequent updates made by the Edutopia staff. Studies have proven that when implemented well, project-based learning (PBL) can increase retention of content and improve students' attitudes towards learning, among other benefits. Edutopia's PBL research review explores the vast body of research on the topic and helps make sense of the results. In this series of five articles, learn how researchers define project-based learning, review some of the possible learning outcomes, get our recommendations of evidence-based components for successful PBL, learn about best practices across disciplines, find tips for avoiding pitfalls when implementing PBL programs, and dig in to a comprehensive annotated bibliography with links to all the studies and reports cited in these pages. What is Project-Based Learning? Learning Outcomes Keys to Project-Based Learning Success

Sema Dress A VIRTUALLY TRANSPARENT DRESS: HOLD YOUR PHONE OVER THE TILE - and unveil Venus! //By reading the patterns with a mobile phone, underlying naked skin comes to the fore! Instead of being “dis-plays” on inaccessible AR-goggles, displayed on gadgets of everyday life, on the handy screen of a mobile phone. (see SM-Standard Model gadgetry as defined by RoYa, LS mag, issue 5, 2008) These Game Fashion series introduce a semacode-fashion-pattern as urban dress code 2008/09, to trickster mobile phone and surveillance cameras. dress-code //How does it work: If a player takes an image of a pattern-design of the fabic with a mobile pone camera, each pattern is replaced by an image. By reading the patterns with a mobile phone, underlying naked skin comes to the fore on the mobile phone display. QR-garments can be worn as modern camouflage battle dress. //Future features: Taken images upload to Web 2.0, create an artificial character by actions in real life.

How to Get High-Quality Student Work in PBL “I thought the project was going well… but by the end, I felt that the work my students produced was not as good as I imagined it would be. I was a little embarrassed and almost wanted to dial back the audience’s expectations on the night of the presentations!” This is a common concern of teachers who are new to Project Based Learning. Things can appear to be going smoothly; students have been engaged by the project, they've been learning content and skills, they've been busy and meeting deadlines… but their thinking is not as in-depth and their final products not as polished as they should be. If this is your experience, it’s time to ask yourself some questions: 1. Simply telling students that you want them to do high-quality work is not enough, nor is giving them a checklist that tracks completion, not quality. To have students practice using a rubric, find some exemplars of the kind of work required in the project. 2. One of the 8 Essential Elements of PBL is “Critique and Revision.”

How to Find Websites and Domains owned by a Person? Learn how you can find the other websites (or domain names) that are owned by some person using online lookup tools. Say you are on a website and would like to know which other web domains are owned by the same person who owns that website. Is it possible? Yes there are some easy workarounds (and tools) that can help you find domains owned by an individual or a company though you may not be successful on every hunt. Step 1: Reverse Whois Lookups with Google When you register a web domain, your name, contact address, phone number and other details are stored with the domain in a public registry database that anyone can access online using a Whois Lookup tool. Go to and enter the domain name that you are trying to research. "PHONE_NUMBER" "STREET_ADDRESS" Replace Phone Number or Street Address in the above search queries with the actual data from the whois database. Step 2: Perform Reverse IP Lookups

Viewpoint on PBL: What Students Say We are Miles, Gaby, Ethan, Lauren, Madison, and Aiden from Novi Community Schools District, in Michigan. What we do we have in common? We were really lucky to have Project Based Learning teachers. Individually, we answered a simple question “Why do you like PBL?” Shhh…It’s a secret! “Need to Know” Nibbles by Gaby, 6th grade In PBL we had “Need to Knows” that gave us a nibble of what we were going to discover in our projects. In a traditional classroom, I wasn’t motivated to talk about school past the classroom walls. PBL spells F-U-N! I felt like I learned more about the topic through a project than doing worksheets. In PBL, you get to work with new people and have collaboration. More-than-just-a-grade Production by Ethan, 6th grade PBL is hands on. It’s also more than just a grade. All in it TOGETHER by Aiden, 1st grade PBL is challenging because you have to work TOGETHER. PBL is a very REAL life way of bringing REAL learning into a classroom.

10 Best Android Apps for Men If a man wishes to thrive in today’s world, he needs to embrace new technology and new tools. For many men, their go-to, everyday tool is their cell phone. What was once just a device to make simple phone calls, now can be used to navigate cities, send emails, and even teach essential man skills. After just a few years on the market, the Android OS has spawned over 500,000 different apps that both entertain and help us be more productive. With so many apps to choose from, it can be overwhelming to sift the wheat from the chaff. With that in mind, we put together this short list of Android apps (many of them free) that a man might find particularly useful (or simply entertaining). How To Tie a Tie This app offers simple step-by-step instructions on how to tie 12 different necktie knots. Animated Knots If you forgot how to tie the trusty knots you learned in Boy Scouts, The Animated Knots app is for you. A robust drink mixing app for the budding mixologist. (Free) (Free)

Project-based learning done right With traditional learning, students memorize information for upcoming tests and don’t retain what is learned, said John Larmer, editor-in-chief of the Buck Institute for Education, a nonprofit that helps teachers use project-based learning. When students focus on projects, the learning “really sinks in” and it becomes easier to transfer their knowledge to new situations, Larmer said. Eight teachers from grades K-3 at Parkside participate in The Compass. Students often work together and collaborate on projects. Project-based learning emphasizes 21st century skills such as the ability to think critically, work in teams, and solve problems, Larmer said. Originally, “the school system was designed for the industrial economy. The Compass often partners with community members and organizations for projects. This year, learning expanded to regions of Florida and ultimately branched out to the United States.

Favicon - L'icône de votre site dans la barre d'adresse | CommentCaMarche Vous avez sûrement remarqué la présence d'une icône à gauche de l'URL dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur sur certains sites web ? Pour mettre en place ce type d'icône sur votre propre site web il n'y a rien de plus simple. Créer la favicon Il y a plusieurs méthodes : Pour la plupart des navigateurs Il suffit dans un premier temps de créer une image au format png ou gif (formats standards, à utiliser). Pour Internet Explorer Comme d'habitude, IE ne respecte pas les standards et n'utilise pas les images avec les bons formats. Pour créer une favicon animée ou générer simplement un fichier ICO Cet outil vous permettra non-seulement de générer un fichier ICO facilement mais aussi d'animer votre favicon et de faire défiler du texte si vous le souhaitez. Cliquez sur le bouton Parcourir... et choisissez une image se trouvant sur votre ordinateur. Vous pouvez aussi rajouter du texte qui défilera après votre icône, cela générera automatiquement une icône animée. Mettre la favicon en ligne Notes

The Project-Based School: Transforming an Underperforming Campus - edWeb As a teacher, Todd Nesloney was active on Twitter and as a blogger. Based on his social media presence, which showcased his love of project-based learning, Navasota School District offered him a job as principal at an underperforming fourth- and fifth-grade campus, along with the rare opportunity to transform the school from the ground up. In this webinar, Nesloney, Principal at Navasota Intermediate School (TX), discussed how he hired his staff over social media, how his summer learning sessions intended for a handful of teachers reached a worldwide audience, and how he plans to use the flipped classroom and project-based learning to turn around his new school. Watch this EdTech Innovators webinar to learn more about these transformational effects of flipped learning and social media. Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free EdTech Innovators community on and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar.
