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Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot
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Standing Up To The Experts by Orlando Wood In a small room in Austin, Texas, a group of fifteen people are single-handedly deciding what is taught to the next generation of American children. The highly politicized fifteen-member Texas State Board of Education is currently going through the once-in-a-decade process of rewriting the teaching and textbook standards for its nearly 5 million schoolchildren. And when it comes to textbooks, what happens in Texas affects the whole nation. Texas is the nation’s largest textbook market. Over the course of the current review, the board has been focusing on infusing the school curriculum with broader conservative and religious themes. Simply put, our goal is to shed light on this important issue and the key players in this process -- we will explain their goals, explore the scope of their influence, and delve into the personal motivations behind their actions. In the time we’ve been working on this project, we’ve amassed over 200 hours of footage. This is where you come in… Thank you!

THRIVE Movie — An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. INTERVIEWS in THRIVE Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. "STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, sit down, and watch this film! -Mark Heley, Blogger "THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times. -Odyssey Magazine AVAILABLE in 27 LANGUAGES In order to make THRIVE accessible to a worldwide audience, the movie has been dubbed and subtitled in many additional languages: “Great! “THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times.

New Evidence Shows How Russian Soldiers Executed Men in Bucha This article contains images of graphic violence. BUCHA, Ukraine — It is the last time the men would be seen alive: In two videos, Russian paratroopers march them at gunpoint along a street in Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv. Some of the Ukrainian captives are hunched over, holding the belts of those in front of them. Others have their hands over their heads. “Walk to the right, bitch,” one of the soldiers orders them. The videos, filmed on March 4 by a security camera and a witness in a nearby house and obtained by The New York Times, are the clearest evidence yet that the men were in the custody of Russian troops minutes before being executed. “Hostages are lying there, against the fence,” the person filming one of the videos says. The men are forced to the ground, including one wearing a distinctive bright blue hooded sweatshirt. The video ends. A drone video filmed a day later on March 5, also obtained by The Times, is the first visual evidence that confirms the eyewitness accounts. Mr. Mr.

Artificial intelligence positioned to be a game-changer The following script is from “Artificial Intelligence,” which aired on Oct. 9, 2016. Charlie Rose is the correspondent. Nichole Marks, producer. The search to improve and eventually perfect artificial intelligence is driving the research labs of some of the most advanced and best-known American corporations. In the past few years, artificial intelligence -- or A.I. -- has taken a big leap -- making important strides in areas like medicine and military technology. It was, for decades, primitive technology. The technology is so promising that IBM has staked its 105-year-old reputation on its version of artificial intelligence called Watson -- one of the most sophisticated computing systems ever built. John Kelly, is the head of research at IBM and the godfather of Watson. Charlie Rose: Oh, here we are. John Kelly: Here we are. Charlie Rose: You can feel the heat already. Charlie Rose: Tell me about Watson’s intelligence. John Kelly: So it has no inherent intelligence as it starts.

How Lola Omolola started FIN, a private Facebook group with 1.7 million members | by Bailey Richardson | People & Company Bailey Richardson: How did you realize you needed to reach other Nigerian women? Lola Omolola: My story didn’t start the day I hit “create group” on Facebook at all. I had to go through a personal awakening first. I was only 11 when I first woke up to the fact that my experience of the world as a woman was different from my brother’s experience. BR: What happened when you were 11 years old? LO: There was a party at our family house. I said, “Okay Dad.” I’d tell them I couldn’t because my Dad told me to study. This was the first day it occurred to me that the expectations placed on me are absolutely different from those on my brother. BR: Describe the moment you decided to start a Facebook group. LO: In 2014, I turned on the news here in Chicago. Whenever I turned on the radio and TV following that event, everyone wanted to talk about terrorism, saying terrorism was responsible for what happened. It was a structural woman’s issue. BR: How did you prepare the FIN Facebook page to go live?

sans titre La paroisse Saint-Laurent occupe, entre le faubourg Poissonnière et le faubourg du Temple, la dépression située entre la butte Montmartre et les buttes Chaumont (col de La Chapelle) par où passent les routes de Saint-Denis, de Senlis et de Meaux, chemins très anciens de Paris au Nord et à l’Est du pays. Ces routes franchissaient les marais occupant l’ancien bras de la Seine qui furent petit à petit, à partir du XIIe siècle, drainés et mis en culture. Le grand égout (rues du Château d’Eau et des Petites Ecuries), doublé plus au nord par le fossé Sainte-Opportune (rue des Vinaigriers, rue de Paradis) permet d’assainir ces marais qui deviennent des « coutures » ou « courtilles », terres riches de jardins et de cultures maraîchères. En 1604, des Franciscains réformés, dits Récollets, font construire un couvent rue du faubourg Saint-Martin. La Maison de Saint-Lazare et la congrégation de la Mission. Les embarcadères (1) 99 à 105 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, ces immeubles existent toujours.

#ShowYourLocalStripes What is #ShowYourLocalStripes ShowYourLocalStripes demonstrates, as simply as possible, how the climate is warming up. It draws inspiration from the original #showyourstripes movement by Ed Hawkins, but with a strong emphasis on local warming trends. Climate change is a real issue; however, we often believe it doesn't affect us - that it's happening somewhere other than where we live. ShowYourLocalStripes is a global call to action: climate change impacts everyone! What do the graphs show? Red stripes indicate that average yearly temperatures are above the mean, while blue stripes indicate lower temperatures. Can I share these graphs? Absolutely! Why clothing? Now that you know the climate is warming up, why not let everyone know with a touch of fashion? Can I order more than 1 item? Yes - just add different items to your cart. How can I get in touch with someone? Feel free to send me an email or a message, and let's have a conversation.

Deepfakes zeigen Schauspieler in Rollen, die sie beinahe gespielt hätten - Magazin - 1E9 Selten ist der Schauspieler, den wir in einer Rolle auf der Leinwand sehen, die erste Wahl gewesen. Eigentlich sollte Tom Selleck den Indiana Jones geben und John Travolta den liebenswerten Forrest Gump. Ein YouTuber zeigt nun, wie das wohl ausgesehen hätte – und zwar mit aufwendigen Deepfakes. Von Michael Förtsch Es gibt Schauspieler, die sind kaum noch von ihren größten Rollen zu trennen. Nicht unbedingt dürften Filmfans dem Umstand eine Träne nachweinen, dass John Travolta einst die Rolle des Forrest Gump ablehnt hat 10, die unverrückbar mit Tom Hanks verbunden ist. Möglich macht das die Deepfake-Technologie, die erstmals vor drei Jahren weltweit Aufmerksam erregte, da sie benutzt wurde – und auch heute noch benutzt wird –, um die Gesichter von Berühmtheiten gegen ihren Willen in Pornovideos zu montieren 18. Werde Mitglied von 1E9 – schon ab 3 Euro im Monat! Jetzt Mitglied werden! Eine einfache Idee, aber viel Arbeit Die Magie dahinter Teaser-Bild: Shamook

“There is tremendous opportunity right now for collaboration between the book industry and immersive technology”: VR pioneer Stephanie Riggs on rethinking books VR and AR are much-discussed in the publishing industry – but few publishers have found a way to translate the new tech in a way that works for books. Stephanie Riggs, one of the pioneers of virtual reality, thinks she knows why. An internationally recognised director, producer, creator and speaker whose immersive experiences with Disney, Google, Facebook, Refinery29, Carnegie Mellon, Yale, and NYU have lead the evolution of the VR field, Riggs has just released The End of Storytelling: The Future of Narrative in the Storyplex. The book outlines the history of storytelling and illustrates why familiar storytelling techniques used in books, film, and theatre do not translate very well to new mediums, such as VR and AR, and often leave audiences a little disappointed. Instead, she suggests that we need to stop looking at storytelling in this square box of a book, a stage, a screen and, instead, change the way we think of narrative using these immersive technologies.

Der achtsame Cyborg: Mit 700 Apps zur totalen Selbstüberwachung Wie kann man das ändern? Wir verpassen die Möglichkeit, jungen Menschen mehr über Technologie beizubringen. Nicht, um sie zu Programmierern zu machen, sondern um ihnen zu zeigen, wie sich ihr Verhalten in der digitalen Welt auswirkt. Viele nutzen Technologie, um nicht mit Menschen in Kontakt treten zu müssen. Was denken Sie über Menschen, die Digital Detox betreiben, also temporär auf elektronische Geräte verzichten? Menschen erwarten sich von Digital Detox Kontrolle über Technologie, aber das geht auch anders. Gibt es neue Technologien, auf die Sie sich zukünftig freuen?
