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I have iPads in the Classroom. Now What?

I have iPads in the Classroom. Now What?

Glossi Securing Your Mac: A Guide for Reasonable People, Version 1.0 "How do I protect my Mac online? Should I run any 'security' applications on my Mac?" That question arrived several weeks ago via the contact form here at TUAW, and I have been trying to come up with a reasonable answer to it ever since. That question, or a variation of it, comes fairly regularly. Usually the person asking it has switched from Windows to Mac, and has brought with them an expectation that they should run some sort of anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware programs. It's easy to be glib and say that the only really safe computer is one that is turned off and locked away. Conventional wisdom would have you believe that Mac users don't care about security, or think they are immune to security problems. On the other side, you have tech pundits who have been predicting the "downfall" of Mac security since 2004, and every time there is even the slightest bit of security news, there are plenty who want to jump and point and say "See! So What Is a Reasonable Person Supposed to Do?

AppArchitect Lets Anyone Build iOS Apps, No Coding Or Templates Necessary Easy app creation, outside of the land of Ruby and Python, has become a huge phenomenon in the last year. And the latest company to join the fold,AppArchitect, is launching straight from our Disrupt NY stage. AppArchitect lets you build custom iPhone and iPad apps using a simple drag-and-drop interface. That’s right — you need zero coding experience to build your own iPhone app. It’s a brand new world. Once you log in to the AppArchitect system, you’ll be asked whether you want to make an iPad or iPhone app. From there, you can test and review your app before submitting it to the App Store for approval. According to co-founder Ilya Zatulovskiy, AppArchitect is unique within the competitive landscape because the app gives you the option to do your own thing, without any templates to get in the way. In fact, one of the few apps you probably couldn’t build within the platform would be a game. The app creation industry has been blowing up lately. Q: Who are you selling this product to?

iPad in de klas Dominicus College | platform van het iPadproject op het Dominicus College in Nijmegen Myths about iOS, iPad, iPhone & iPod touch I have the pleasure of working with educators who get to use iPads and iPod touches with students. Wherever I facilitate workshops, I find there are some myths floating around about Apple's iOS devices, and I'd like to clear up some of the misinformation. iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch do not have user manuals. Gone are the days when you receive a thick printed user manual with your electronics purchase. iPad User Guide: PDF or iBooksiPhone User Guide: PDF or iBooksiPod touch User Guide: PDF or iBooks You have to have a credit card associated with your iTunes account. A credit card is not required when you create an iTunes account. First log out of any iTunes accounts you might be signed into. If you have already given iTunes a credit card number, you can log into your account and click to edit your payment information. You can buy an app once and install it on all devices in the classroom or school. The Volume Purchase Program is only for paid apps. You need a Mac to sync multiple devices.

20 Ways to Use Augmented Reality in Education Second Life proved an incredibly valuable tool for educators hoping to reach a broad audience — or offering even more ways to learn for their own bands of students. Augmented Reality Development Lab: Affiliated with Google, Microsoft, and Logitech, the Augmented Reality Development Lab run by Digital Tech Frontier seeks to draw up projects that entertain as well as educate. The very core goal of the ARDL involves creating interactive, three-dimensional objects for studying purposes. Reliving the Revolution: Karen Schrier harnessed GPS and Pocket PCs to bring the Battle of Lexington to her students through the Reliving the Revolution game, an AR experiment exploring some of the mysteries still shrouding the event — like who shot first! Players assume different historical roles and walk through everything on a real-life map of the Massachusetts city. FETCH! Driver’s ed: Toyota teamed up with Saatchi & Saatchi to deliver the world’s cleanest and safest test-drive via augmented reality.

Ten Reflections on the First Year of an iPad Pilot | Ed Tech Diva Passing out iPads to students on the first day of school was like celebrating Christmas (or in this case Hanukkah) with thirty antsy kids sitting around the tree, attempting to hide their impatience. Once the iPads had been handed out, students were instantly excited, engaged and enchanted with the new learning device in their hands. At first, everyone was confused about where to find work, where to save and store their products – and which app to use for what purpose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Like this: Like Loading... Prezi of PowerPoint: van welke presentatie leert een publiek het meest? » Posted on 6, June 2013 in Category Algemene psychologie “We kennen de vijand, en hij heet PowerPoint!” Dat beweerde een Amerikaanse generaal tijdens de oorlog in Afghanistan, toen hij daar een nietszeggende presentatie moest aanhoren. Blijkbaar moet het Amerikaanse leger niet de Taliban maar deze presentatietechnologie doden om de strijd te kunnen winnen. PowerPoint: De wetenschap achter een goede presentatie Hoewel veel sprekers nog vaak hun dia’s vol tekst proppen, bestaan er toch enkele duidelijke richtlijnen over hoe je een goede PowerPointpresentatie ontwerpt. - Tekst en beeld zijn beter dan tekst alleen. - Tekst en beeld worden beter tegelijk dan na elkaar gepresenteerd. - Tekst staat best zo dicht mogelijk bij het bijbehorende beeld. - Overbodige informatie die de boodschap vertroebelt, wordt best verwijderd. Deze richtlijnen zijn vooral succesvol, als de informatie complex is en als die snel gecommuniceerd wordt. Prezi: De impact van design De resultaten Referenties
