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MindHabits - Stress Relief Game

MindHabits - Stress Relief Game

Stress Relief Game Worrying about your next date or the big presentation to your boss? Feeling low? Instead of running to the closest book-store to find a trendy self-help book, get MindHabits. Find relief at the click of a mouse. A video game that is actually good for you? Based on social intelligence research conducted at McGill University, these stress busting, confidence boosting games use simple, fun-to-play exercises designed to help players develop and maintain a more positive state of mind. Mindhabits is currently available for the PC and Mac and a demo is playable online. MindHabits can be played (free demo) and purchased online at, at the price of $19.99. Multiple Levels Over 100+ levels of gameplay in four training games Matrix Words Who Are You Grow Your Chi Based on the principles of social intelligence Inhibition - uses game mechanics to promote positive habits Association - connects personal info to positive feedback Activation - uses personal references

Brain Fitness and Cognitive Health Authority: Market Research and Advisory Services | SharpBrains THE FUTURIST: Video Games and Behavioral Modification 01.01.09 Technology Video Games and Behavioral Modification New technological methods help foster self-esteem. Anyone who’s ever been snapped at by someone having a bad day knows that feelings of insecurity lead people to behave in ways that might be deemed aggressive. Psychologist Mark Baldwin of McGill University says that insecurity, bullying behavior, and so on are emotional reactions that happen “automatically — extremely quickly, and without you wanting them or being able to control them.” He and his students have come up with a surprising answer to help people develop “more positive automatic patterns of thought,” namely video games. Through what he’s calling the Self-Esteem Initiative, Baldwin and his students have created a series of video games that aim to trick the human brain into forming more positive mental images and encouraging a healthier emotional state. “Some researchers are beginning to use fMRI to examine the neural correlates of social events,” he says. For instance, in WHAM!

Efficiency Of Brain Training | HAPPYneuron Let's do a bit of physiology - Do you know the essential features of brain training? Increasingly, scientific evidence tells us that we can dramatically increase the probability of staying mentally and physically fit throughout our lives.Physical exercise, good nutrition, social connection with others, and mental stimulation all play important parts in insuring that our brains remain sharp and agile. There are several physiological mechanisms to help keep your brain healthy: 1. Stimulated and therefore active neurons get more oxygen and nutritive elements. 2. Neural stimulation multiplies the number of connections between synapses. 3. In other words, complex mental activity can help protect the brain by building cognitive and brain reserves. Thus strengthened, we increase our neural network's capacity to face the effects of aging or neurodegenerative diseases. Stimulate your brain to preserve your cognitive skills 1. Several ongoing studies have come to similar conclusions.

Managing Overeating: The Art of Homework | 360 Degrees of Mindful Living The focus on wellness, particularly on the management of overeating, in therapy can be a double-edged sword. While clients often readily embrace the vector of self-care, goal-specific treatment planning and clinical homework can trigger the games of avoidance. Suddenly, the validating therapist is thrown into the role of a wellness expert and becomes an accountability check. Before too long, mere inquiry into the client’s progress runs a discordant parallel to punitive supervision. Such experiences have taught me that a non-directive, harm-reduction, humanistic angle of engagement works best in facilitating clients’ wellness goal of weight management. This gradual, exploratory behavioral goal-frame, in my experience, reduces the often arbitrary urgency of the need to change (with the example of arbitrary urgency being: “I need to lose weight to look good at my son’s wedding”). The trick – as I have “discovered” – is to keep clients interested in clinical homework by diversifying it.

Lumosity - Brain Games & Brain Training 14 Ways to Encourage Kids to Play Outdoors We believe that all parents want what is best for their children. We also know that our world is changing more quickly than ever before, and sometimes we are swept into new lifestyles before we realize it. Who would have imagined 30 years ago that we would need to encourage parents to send their children outside to play? The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights recognizes play as a right of every child and the American Academy of Pediatrics states that "Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of children and youth". We hope that your family will take a step back from the hurried lifestyle to which we have become accustomed, and recognize the need for all of us, but especially our children, to have free time for play!

