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Pure CSS Responsive Icons

Pure CSS Responsive Icons

Bootstrap Markdown Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin Switch regular textarea within your form into Bootstrap-Markdown editor seamlessly by adding data-provide="markdown" attribute Code <form><input name="title" type="text" placeholder="Title?" Inline editing with Bootstrap-Markdown is done by adding data-provide="markdown-editable" attribute <div data-provide="markdown-editable"><h3>This is some editable heading</h3><p>Well, actually all contents within this "markdown-editable" context is really editable. Result This is some editable heading Well, actually all contents within this "markdown-editable" context is really editable. Beside using above data-attributes, you could call it via code Noted that Bootstrap-Markdown could be used as a standalone input (without any form). Some examples Custom width using data-width="400" attribute Hidden buttons using data-hidden-buttons="cmdBold" attribute

Special Characters for HTML, CSS and JS My name is Neal Chester and I'm a web developer and consultant. Sometimes I use special characters as an alternative to images; many of these characters I never knew existed. When I surfed the Web, I always ran into 3 problems with character listings: They contained tons of characters I didn't useThere was no one list that brought together all the characters I neededThe fonts were too small and the page was difficult to use So I made my own listing page containing the best HTML characters I felt would be useful to everyone, especially web developers. Rendering Characters As you'll notice, some characters will render differently depending on the browser. Depending on the browser, some characters won't display. Therefore, it's important to view the characters in different browsers and mobile devices to determine if you want to use that character. First of all, make sure you're using the correct unicode. AddDefaultCharset utf-8 AddCharset utf-8 .html .css .js .xml .json .rss .atom

Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript. A Minimalistic Look at Man’s Best Friend – Illustrations by Josh Brill Article by Hyathiz I love my dogs, reading books, and taking great pictures with my battered but still functional digital camera. Taking great pictures with a high end camera is almost too easy, producing fantastic images with an outdated one is an accomplishment by itself. By Hyathiz on February 17, 2013, in Illustrations Tags: Addo Novo, art, design, display, dog, Josh Brill, light, minimalist, New Media Art Director, New Media Design, portraits, prints, words Josh Brill graduated from Maine College of Art with a degree in New Media Design. You can take a look at more of his work here. Do you want more visual fun? You might also like

8 Amazing jQuery Lightbox Plugins You Need to Check Out jQuery can be defined as a cross browser java script library. It is a multi-browser java script library and is basically designed for the purpose of simplifying the scripting of HTML on the client side. This is also the most popular java script library which is used by the people these days. jQuery has a lot of advantages such as it is absolutely free of any cost and it is also open source software. The syntax of this software is designed in a way that it makes it easier to navigate a document in addition it also helps to select DOM elements, create animations , handle events and also helps to develop ajax applications. Using jQuery the developers can also create plug-ins and also create low level interactions. 1) Pirobox 2) Shadowbox Js Shadowbox is a web-based media viewer application that supports all of the web’s most popular media publishing formats. 3) Colorbox A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery. 4) Ceebox a Thick box Videobox Mashup 5) Pretty Photo jQuery Lightbox

40 nouveaux packs d'icônes flat design à découvrir Le flat design connaît un succès fulgurant au sein de la communauté du Web design. Le flat n'en est qu'à ses débuts et aucun indice ne préfigure un abandon soudain de ce courant faisant la part belle aux couleurs vives, à la typographie et à l’espace. Dans cet article, j’ai rassemblé une importante collection d’icônes flat pour la conception de vos futures interfaces graphiques. Cette liste offre de merveilleuses combinaisons d’icônes flat designées pouvant être utilisées dans une grande diversité de projets. Ces packs conviendront parfaitement aux personnes en recherche d’icônes dans les thématiques Communication, bureautique, développement, e-commerce, social media, navigation, affichage… la liste est longue. De plus en plus d’applications Web adoptent ce concept. L’emploi d’icônes originales, les variations de couleurs, l’utilisation harmonieuse de photographies et de fontes sont les seuls moyens à notre disposition pour sortir du lot. Icônes flat designées par Mike Clarke

Backbone.js, now realtime with Pusher - Realtime Blog This tutorial was written by Micheil Smith Recently there have been a number of frameworks developed that allow you to add extra structure to your code when building rich javascript-heavy applications. These frameworks often achieve this structure by adding in layers of Models, Controllers, Views, and Events, most of the time performing synchronisation between the client and server using AJAX. One such framework that has recently grown in popularity is Backbone.js. Update: The code associated with this post has been updated to use Backbone.js 0.5.3 and Underscore.js 1.2.1 Backbone.js Backbone.js is a framework from DocumentCloud, which is known for it’s excellent documentation. Normally when using Backbone.js, you would have to implement your own timer and polling mechanism to check for changes on the server. // Poll every 10 seconds to keep the channel model up-to-date. setInterval(function() { channel.fetch(); }, 10000); Making Backbone.js realtime with Pusher ruby – items_controller.rb

Créer une police d’icônes facilement à partir d’illustrations vectorielles Les polices d'icônes ou "font-icon" popularisées depuis Bootstrap sont de plus en plus utilisées sur le web. Certains services proposent de piocher des icônes dans différents packs pour se créer sa propre "police". Dans ce petit tutoriel nous verrons comment, grâce au service en ligne IcoMoon, il est facile de se créer sa propre police d'icônes à partir d'illustrations et fichiers vectoriels. Une fonte-icône est tout simplement une police d’écriture dont on aura remplacé certains caractères par des glyphes représentant les icônes que l’on veut utiliser. Outre leur flexibilité elles permettent un gain de performance puisqu’il suffit de charger une police (un fichier) pour avoir accès à un nombre important de caractères. Voir une petite démonstration en ligne : Icon Font are Awesome. Le placement de l’icône se fait généralement grâce à une balise <i> ou <span> (inoffensive par défaut) qui va utiliser en classe le nom de l’icône que le souhaite afficher. ou... IcoMoon propose 3 outils :

Badass JavaScript Jonathan T. Neal | Understand the Favicon When Alec Rust asked the HTML5 Boilerplate project to switch to a HiDPI favicon, I realized how little I knew about favorite icons, touch icons, and tile icons. When I decided to dive in a little deeper, things got interesting. The classic favicon.ico is a 16×16 ICO file, often served in either 16-color or 24bit alpha-transparency format. More recently, favicons have been served as 32×32, which is appropriately scaled down in all major and popular-legacy browsers. In IE10 Metro, the 32×32 icon is used in the address bar. The rel attribute of a favicon is a product of evolution. The type attribute of a favicon is about as useful as the type attribute of a <script>. Good news, everyone! Bad news, everyone! This really depresses me, because Chrome, Firefox, Opera 7+, and Safari 4+ all accept the PNG favicon, but Chrome and Safari will opt to use the ICO favicon when both are presented, regardless of the order in which they are declared. And that’s just the beginning. One. You.

80 Awesome Twitter Bootstrap Templates To Get You Started Twitter Bootstrap is a powerful and easy to use framework enabling front-end developers to craft professional and high quality Bootstrap templates with flexible responsive layouts that look great on tablets, mobiles and desktops. Since its release back in august 2011 the development community has been growing fast, providing developers with the tools and knowledge to create ready-to-use, native Bootstrap html/CSS templates or themes that work on popular publishing platforms like WordPress and Joomla. One of the main reasons why Bootstrap is so popular is the ability to develop web apps and websites fast and its support for responsive design. When compared to other responsive CSS frameworks available it is also one the most mature frameworks with the largest user base at the moment, which certainly will have a positive effect on how mobile friendly websites are build. To help you get started, I have collected a list of my favorite Twitter Bootstrap templates. Article Index Site Templates

33 Beautiful Uses of Icons in Web Design Besides textures and patterns, icons, are one of the most important small elements that can make big changes to the over-all look of any site. While they are really small, and are not always very noticeable they are really used a lot on any kind of website. In Navigation bars, in sidebars, in footers, near sliders and wherever possible. Any website has a use of at least 3 icons on page, and up to 20 on a full website. In the following round-up we have listed a selection of websites that have a really beautiful use of icons, on their pages. These websites have all been hand-picked, so we were very impressed a lot by the their positioning, and the clever and ingenious use of icons. 33 Beautiful Uses of Icons in Web Design Movmt Rundotodo Trifermed CL Designz Deinternet Jongens Travelison Cappuccino Digital David Ecolla Typo Popote Robin Clediere Space Tofu Stylapps We Are Pandr InfluAds La Web Shop Duck App Deda Pixel 2 Html Symbolicons Agencia 110 World of eStore Light CMS Moso Resume Baking Webfoo London Fluxion

Extending Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead Plugin | redlab-log Update: also read this post In twitter bootstrap there is a JQuery plugin for auto completion. It’s called bootstrap-typeahaed. Typeahead uses an array of strings as datasource and is easily activated with in it’s simplest form 1 line of code. It’s very easy to use but somewhat limited. Our use case: 2 inputboxes, one for postal code (the numeric form) and one inputbox for the community that has that postal code.In Belgium different communities can have the same postal code, and the right community should be selected on selecting a postal code. The typeahead plugin is not suited for that. We wanted to use typeahead instead of any other existing JQuery plugin since we’re already using twitter bootstrap. To achieve this I extended, (actually more copied and altered) typeahead. View a demo Read on for a usage example Considering the example of the cities and postalcodes the javascript would be like for the postalcode inputbox and for the citynames inputbox. Like this: Like Loading...

JavaScript and jQuery PDF Viewer Plugins Today’s post is about some JavaScript and jQuery PDF related plugins we found on the Internet that allows you to embed and view PDF files. Enjoy! Related Posts: pdf.js PDF Reader in JavaScript. SourceDemo PDFObject Embeds PDF files into HTML documents. SourceDemo jsPDF It is an open-source library written by our lead developer, James, for generating PDF documents using nothing but JavaScript. Source + Demo ThickBox A webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Source + Demo AnyChartStock JavaScript API The chart can be exported as a static image in the PNG or JPG format or as a PDF document with an embedded static image of the chart or a fully interactive functional chart, as user sees it on the page. SourceDemo Google Docs Viewer plugin for jQuery (gDocsViewer jQuery plugin) Automatically embeds the Google Docs Viewer for viewing pdf, doc, docx, ppt and tiff files linked to by anchor tags. SourceDemo zohoViewer jQuery plugin SourceDemo AUTHOR: Sam Deering.
