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Hundreds of Proofs of God’s Existence

Hundreds of Proofs of God’s Existence
NOTE: For real proofs of the nonexistence of any god, see "Why Atheism?" For other evidence, go to Atheists of Silicon Valley debate page . Hundreds of Proofs of God’s Existence Formerly: Over Three Hundred Proofs of God’s Existence Originally adapted from a forum on the Internet Infidels . TRANSCENDENTAL ARGUMENT, a.k.a. (1) If reason exists then God exists. (2) Reason exists. (3) Therefore, God exists. COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT, a.k.a. (1) If I say something must have a cause, it has a cause. (2) I say the universe must have a cause. (3) Therefore, the universe has a cause. (4) Therefore, God exists. (1) I define God to be X. (2) Since I can conceive of X, X must exist. (1) I can conceive of a perfect God. (2) One of the qualities of perfection is existence. (1) God is either necessary or unnecessary. (2) God is not unnecessary, therefore God must be necessary. ARGUMENT FROM DESIGN, a.k.a. (1) Check out the world/universe/giraffe. (2) Only God could have made them so complex. ARGUMENT FROM BEAUTY, a.k.a.

Is God A Criminal? Table of Contents Introduction Does God stand above morality, defining for us what is moral and what is immoral in accordance with His will? Or is morality a characteristic that exists independent of what God wills to be moral or immoral? The essential belief of those who believe in the Judeo-Christian God [3] is that God created the universe and all that is within it. But it is increasingly apparent that our human sense of morality is inconsistent with belief in the Judeo-Christian God and the consequent truth of the above paragraph. My approach to the Moral Argument Against God will be to attempt to summarize a fictional trial of God on charges of crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The Facts of God's Acts In my capacity as the prosecutor of God, I will stipulate for the purposes of this trial that several of the books of the Holy Bible are the inerrant (or at the very least, the "authoritative") Word of God. The Law Governing These Facts (b) War crimes: P1.

How books work. This generation. SCORE 195 You're one in a million. SCORE 151 Seven hours. SCORE 453 Yawning. Kids. I could use one of these. Panda sushi rolls. How are you even calm right now?! Notre-Dame de Fátima Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Notre Dame de Fátima sur le blason de la ville. Notre-Dame de Fátima est le vocable sous lequel est invoquée la Vierge Marie telle qu'elle serait apparue à trois enfants à Fátima, petit village du centre du Portugal, à six reprises au cours de l'année 1917. Ces apparitions, dont le message porte sur la prière et les fins dernières, ont d'abord été l'objet de méfiance, aussi bien de la part des autorités civiles que des autorités religieuses. Puis, dès 1930, le succès populaire de ce qui devient un grand centre de pèlerinage est accompagné de la reconnaissance de ces apparitions par l'Église catholique romaine. La fête de Notre-Dame de Fátima a été fixée par le Saint-Siège en 2009, à la date du 13 mai[1], jour anniversaire de la première apparition, le 13 mai 1917. Contexte[modifier | modifier le code] La situation au Portugal[modifier | modifier le code] La Première Guerre mondiale[modifier | modifier le code] Situation géographique

The moral case for sex before marriage | Jill Filipovic Americans love to tout the value of waiting until marriage to have sex. We teach abstinence-only education in schools across the country, and even comprehensive sex-ed programs often point out that "abstinence is best." Pop stars from Britney Spears to Jessica Simpson, to the Jonas Brothers, to Miley Cyrus, to Justin Bieber routinely assert that they're waiting 'til marriage – putting them into the Good Role Model category (at least, until someone leaks a sex tape). There's a booming "purity industry", complete with jewelry, elaborate events, books, t-shirts and DVDs. Our state and federal tax dollars have long been spent promoting "chastity". While conservative commentators are happy to assert that waiting until marriage is the best choice for everyone and people who don't wait aren't doing marriage "the right way", sex-positive liberals hesitate to say that having sex before marriage is an equally valid – if not better – choice for nearly everyone. How do I know?

AtheistCartoons Positive Atheism (since 1995) Join the Struggle Against Anti-Atheist Bigotry! thinking styles The following is edited and adapted from It is intended to supplement personal understanding and enhance critical self-examination of yourself as a communicator. Styles of Thinking "How do people think about things?" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Synthesists "Synthesists are apt to appear challenging, skeptical, or satirically amused, even when you can see no cause for any of that." A Synthesist can juggle both arguments and counter arguments mentally and recognize the validity of each and form new ideas from that conflict. The first common strategy of the Synthesist is that of "Open Argument and Confrontation." Their second common strategy is "Asking Dumb-Smart Questions." Synthesists like to be observers of conflict. The ability to look at opposing viewpoints and not pass judgement is indicative of a Synthesist. Synthesists like to speculate. Even when Synthesists make recommendations, such thinkers challenge their own ideas. Idealists Summary

The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. The equation was written in 1961 by Frank Drake not for purposes of quantifying the number of civilizations,[1] but intended as a way to stimulate scientific dialogue at the world's first SETI meeting, in Green Bank, West Virginia. The equation summarizes the main concepts which scientists must contemplate when considering the question of other radio-communicative life.[1] The Drake equation has proved controversial since several of its factors are currently unknown, and estimates of their values span a very wide range. History[edit] In September 1959, physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison published an article in the journal Nature with the provocative title "Searching for Interstellar Communications Soon thereafter, Drake hosted a "search for extraterrestrial intelligence" meeting on detecting their radio signals. where: and

When religious people attribute the acts of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot to atheism Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were not atheists, nor were their actions attributable to atheism. "My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter" - Adolph Hitler It is a common talking point among fundamental Christians to attribute the horrors committed by infamous world leaders to atheism, and many times we are ill-equipped to refute those erroneous claims. In fact, in 2010, an Anglican Archbishop named Peter Jensen told his Australian congregation that atheism is not the rational philosophy that it claims to be. Atheist Foundation president David Nicholls says the comments are an act of desperation by the church. First of all, there is no such thing as state-imposed atheism. On Adolf Hitler… He was quoted as stating, On Joseph Stalin:

SAB, Absurdities Absurdity -All: Genesis - Revelation -Genesis - Deuteronomy -Joshua - 2 Chronicles -Ezra - Isaiah -Jeremiah - Daniel -Hosea - Micah -Nahum - Malachi -Matthew - John -Acts - Ephesians -Colossians - Hebrews -James - Revelation About the Absurdities Dwindling in Unbelief: Absurdity How To Draw - eBook Download "How to Draw" is a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basics to shading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. Murray-Hill riot The Murray-Hill riot (also known as "Montreal's 'night of terror'") was the culmination of 16 hours of unrest in Montreal, Quebec during a Montreal police strike. Police were motivated to strike because of difficult working conditions caused by disarming separatist-planted bombs and patrolling frequent protests. Montreal police also wanted higher pay, commensurate with police earnings in Toronto. As the police were on strike on October 7, 1969, a crowd of disgruntled taxi drivers congregated around the Murray-Hill garage in Griffintown, protesting against Murray-Hill’s monopoly at the Dorval International Airport. Attempts by the Sûreté du Québec to stop the procession towards the garage were stopped by striking Montreal policemen. As the riot was ongoing, the National Assembly of Quebec passed an emergency law forcing the police back to work.

Saturnalia: The Real Roots of Christmas | The Truth & The Light Ministries Many Christians today believe that Christmas is a Christian holiday. The fact is that people have been celebrating Christmas, long before the birth of Christ. The festivity was known then, as Saturnalia. This meant that the god Saturn was in need of the sun god in order to complete his job, therefore the attention was then shifted to the sun god. The Roman pagans introduced into their law December 17-25 as Saturnalia. In the 4th century The Roman Catholic Church adopted the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. The problem was that there was nothing in relation to Christianity concerning Saturnalia. As part of the Saturnalia carnival throughout the 18th and 19th centuries CE, rabbis of the poor places in Rome were forced to wear clown type of clothing and march through the city streets to the mocking of the crowd, heavely rained by a variety of missiles. Although this is a different story, the method in which Satan operates, is exactly the same. A. B. C.

Why Atheism Will Replace Religion Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries, particularly the social democracies of Europe (Barber, 2012). In underdeveloped countries, there are virtually no atheists . Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon. Why do modern conditions produce atheism? First, as to the distribution of atheism in the world, a clear pattern can be discerned. In sub-Saharan Africa there is almost no atheism (Zuckerman, 2007). The question of why economically developed countries turn to atheism has been batted around by anthropologists for about eighty years. Atheists are more likely to be college-educated people who live in cities and they are highly concentrated in the social democracies of Europe. It seems that people turn to religion as a salve for the difficulties and uncertainties of their lives. Even the psychological functions of religion face stiff competition today. The reasons that churches lose ground in developed countries can be summarized in market terms.

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