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In Support of Excellence

In Support of Excellence
Powered by Translate DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION: V4 published Mar 2015. I am still a little numb at the amazing interest in, and discussion about, the Padagogy Wheel from teachers and educators around the world. So why yet another version only one week later? Graduate Attributes and Capabilities: Without this your learning design will drift. Having energy, passion and enthusiasmBeing willing to give credit to othersEmpathising & working productively with diversityBeing transparent and honest in dealings with othersThinking laterally and creativelyBeing true to one’s values and ethicsListening to different points of view before coming to a decisionUnderstanding personal strengths & limitationsTime management skillsPerseveringLearning from errorsLearning from experienceRemaining calm when under pressureBeing able to make effective presentations to different groupsIdentifying from a mass of information the core issue/opportunity

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Creating Communication | 21st Century Presentation and Communication Tips Selected Tools Institutional_MOOC_strategies_in_Europe.pdf The Secret of Secrets - Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003 The Secret of Secrets – Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003 In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind. Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometres to the opposite side of the country. It was using this very technology that the most remarkable discovery was made. The discovery in RomaniaColossal diplomatic pressures came from the United States of America and the Vatican on the Romanian Government to not disclose to the whole world this discovery and so it led to a temporary agreement between the Vatican, USA and Romania.

Plus App Ideas don’t stop when the meeting ends The Post-it® Plus App takes the momentum from your collaboration sessions and keeps it rolling. Simply capture your notes, organize and then share with everyone. It’s that easy. How does it work? The Post-it® Plus App makes it easy to keep your team moving forward following any collaboration session: Capture your notes Use the app to capture the Post-it® Notes from your work session. Organize your thoughts Arrange, refine and organize the notes on your board — any way you see fit. Share with everyone Share your organized board with your team. Post-it® Plus App Features Discover the benefits that help make the Post-it® Plus App the centerpiece of your workflow: Capture multiple notes Capture up to 50 square Post-it® Notes at a time. Combine groups Collect and combine ideas from across multiple captures. Create digital notes Create entirely new notes to add to your existing boards. Organize your way Group your ideas by thought or simply organize on a grid. Excited?

The Rapid eLearning Blog - Practical, real-world tips for e-learning success. Creating great interactive learning experiences requires a few core building blocks: relevant content, pull versus push, and real-world decisions. With those building blocks you're able to structure effective learning scenarios that are meaningful to the learner and helps meet the objectives of the course. One of those building blocks in creating relevant content or content that is placed in a meaningful context. Essentially, you want to recreate the types of scenarios that are similar to the ones the learner has in real life. This allows them to see the content in ... Read the full article After last week's post on the different drag & drop interaction examples, I had quite a few emails asking for tips on how to create drag and drop interactions for elearning. Sliders are used as a means to make adjustments/selections or as a simple way to navigate content. It helps to look at what others are doing to get ideas and inspiration for your own work. Create ...

How to Mind Map FREE Online eLearning Program Download iPad App Learn to capture information and ideas with the technique that is helping over 250 million people worldwide to be more organised, productive and creative. Mind Mapping is a method of capturing information created by international speaker and bestselling author, Tony Buzan. It is proven to boost your productivity, creativity and memory. This versatile technique is already used by over 250 million people worldwide for a variety of tasks including brainstorming, identifying new opportunities, organising, managing projects, teaching, studying, communicating information and much more… with iMindMap software from Tony Buzan Practise your technique with Mind Mapping software from the inventor himself. Download a Free Trial A Mind Map is a visual thinking tool that can be applied to all cognitive functions, especially memory, learning, creativity and analysis. Mind Maps can be drawn by hand or using software such as iMindMap. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.

7 Kompetenzen, die wir brauchen werden, um in einer Welt der ständigen Veränderung klarzukommen [Kolumne] Sturheit und Veränderungsresistenz? Keine guten Kompetenzen Seit fünf Jahrzehnten verändert Moore’s Law unsere Welt in einem atemberaubenden Tempo. Die stetige Vervielfachung der IT-Rechenleistung bei gleichzeitiger Effizienzsteigerung und Verkleinerung der Komponenten führt zu einem sich unaufhörlich beschleunigenden Wandel dessen, was technisch machbar ist. Das nächste große Ding ist schon übermorgen wieder überholt. Die Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Politik und das soziale Miteinander sind weitreichend – und selbst auf kurze Sicht immer schwerer zu prognostizieren. „Für Sturheit und Veränderungs-Resistenz wird es auf Dauer keine Belohnungen geben Für Menschen bedeutet das eine permanente Unsicherheit darüber, was in zehn, fünf oder selbst nur in zwei Jahren geschieht. Man muss die ständige Erwartung von Veränderung und den daraus resultierenden Druck, sich permanent auf neue Rahmenbedingungen einzustellen, nicht mögen. 1. Der wohl offensichtlichste Punkte auf dieser Liste. 2. 3. 4. 5.

danooct1 The long awaited video of CIH trashing a standalone PC's BIOS and rendering the computer unable to boot. This video comes fourteen years to the day after CIH first unleashed its devastating payload upon the world. When CIH infects files, it checks to see whether there are enough gaps to completely store its code, rather than simply writing its code to the end of the file and increasing file size. On April 26th (in the original variant), CIH activates, overwriting part of the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) and overwriting the first megabyte of all hard disks in an endless loop, causing the computer to crash. I realize RogueAmp does have a video of CIH doing this same thing, but now there is a video of it activating in HD and with narration, which I feel is invaluable to the whole experience. Shoutout to my friend Wes (somefellow12345) who left one of the most amusing YouTube comments I've ever read on my old CIH video (which was done using a virtual machine).

Podcasts BJ Fogg's Behavior Model 50 Resources For Teaching With Bloom's Taxonomy - Simple suggestions for applying the taxonomy to kindergarten-level children. Lesson Planet: This source gives the goods on creating complete lesson plans using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Prezi: Enjoy this stylish Prezi presentation on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Iowa State U.: This is a wonderful tool to build learning objectives based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Differentiator: Teachers and students can work together using this source to design creative activities; provides resources, content and the verbs. Slideshare: Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, this presentation shows how to apply the principles for high-order technology skills. The Literary Link: This is a list of book review questions to use in the classroom. Vague Verbs: A quick list of verbs to stay away from when using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Educators Technology: Unique approach to using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Twitter. Bloom’s Taxonomy: This is an official iTunes app on Bloom’s Taxonomy. PLP Network: Poses the view of focusing more on creating using Bloom’s Taxonomy.

ANKOM - Publikationen der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung Die wissenschaftliche Begleitung fühlt sich dem Ziel verpflichtet, die Ergebnisse aus öffentlich geförderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten frei zugänglich zu machen. Hier finden Sie die Publikationen der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der BMBF-Initiative „ANKOM - Übergänge von der beruflichen in die hochschulische Bildung“ (seit 2012). Die Publikationen der Projekte sind unter dem Menüpunkt Ergebnisse der Projekte dokumentiert. Die ANKOM-Projekte haben einen großen Fundus an Wissen produziert. Die Publikationen der Jahre 2005-2011 sind im Rahmen der BMBF-Initiative „ANKOM-Anrechnung beruflicher Kompetenzen auf Hochschulstudiengänge“ entstanden. Buchpublikationen Aufsätze Buchpublikationen Übergänge gestalten – Durchlässigkeit zwischen beruflicher und hochschulischer Bildung erhöhen. Die Durchlässigkeit zwischen beruflicher und hochschulischer Bildung zählt zu den großen Themen der gegenwärtigen Bildungspolitik und fordert beide Bildungsbereiche gleichermaßen heraus. Aufsätze
