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Learn Git Branching

Learn Git Branching

How do you discard unstaged changes in git? (38) Akshit Khurana's answer to Python (programming language): What are the best Python scripts you've ever written How do I view 'git diff' output with a visual diff program? mame/quine-relay Git: The Safety Net for Your Projects I remember January 10, 2010, rather well: it was the day we lost a project’s complete history. We were using Subversion as our version control system, which kept the project’s history in a central repository on a server. And we were backing up this server on a regular basis—at least, we thought we were. The server broke down, and then the backup failed. Shortly after the server broke down, we switched to Git. During the course of this article, I’ll walk through how Git can help you avoid mistakes—and how to recover if they’ve already happened. Every teammate is a backup#section1 Since Git is a distributed version control system, every member of our team that has a project cloned (or “checked out,” if you’re coming from Subversion) automatically has a backup on his or her disk. Branches keep separate things separate#section2 When my more technical colleagues told me about how “cool” branching in Git was, I wasn’t bursting with joy right away. Why branches are essential#section3

An Introduction to the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) Introduction The Standard Library is a fundamental part of the C++ Standard. It provides C++ programmers with a comprehensive set of efficiently implemented tools and facilities that can be used for most types of applications. In this article, I present an introduction/tutorial on the Standard Template Library, which is the most important section of the Standard Library. For a detailed description or listing of all the STL facilities, you should consult a reference material, such as Bjarne Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition , or Matthew Austern's Generic Programming and the STL. Containers and Iterators Pop quiz: What do arrays and linked lists have in common? a) Nothing b) Some features c) Everything If you answered a), please keep reading: you will be surprised! In particular, let's take a look at a simple algorithm and try to implement it using arrays and using linked lists. Linked lists: int high = list->value; // list points to the first element while (current ! Arrays:

git - the simple guide - no deep shit! git - the simple guide just a simple guide for getting started with git. no deep shit ;) by Roger Dudler credits to @tfnico, @fhd and Namics this guide in deutsch, español, français, indonesian, italiano, nederlands, polski, português, русский, türkçe, မြန်မာ, 日本語, 中文, 한국어 Vietnamese please report issues on github Infuse analytics everywhere with the AI-powered embedded analytics platform. Start your free via Carbon setup Download git for OSX Download git for Windows Download git for Linux create a new repository create a new directory, open it and perform a git init to create a new git repository. checkout a repository create a working copy of a local repository by running the command git clone /path/to/repository when using a remote server, your command will be git clone username@host:/path/to/repository workflow add & commit You can propose changes (add it to the Index) using git add <filename> git add * This is the first step in the basic git workflow. pushing changes branching log

styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects Every major open-source project has its own style guide: a set of conventions (sometimes arbitrary) about how to write code for that project. It is much easier to understand a large codebase when all the code in it is in a consistent style. “Style” covers a lot of ground, from “use camelCase for variable names” to “never use global variables” to “never use exceptions.” Our C++ Style Guide, Objective-C Style Guide, Java Style Guide, Python Style Guide, Shell Style Guide, HTML/CSS Style Guide, JavaScript Style Guide, AngularJS Style Guide, Common Lisp Style Guide, and Vimscript Style Guide are now available. If your project requires that you create a new XML document format, our XML Document Format Style Guide may be helpful. These style guides are licensed under the CC-By 3.0 License, which encourages you to share these documents.

Git Workflows and Tutorials A Git Workflow is a recipe or recommendation for how to use Git to accomplish work in a consistent and productive manner. Git workflows encourage users to leverage Git effectively and consistently. Git offers a lot of flexibility in how users manage changes. Given Git's focus on flexibility, there is no standardized process on how to interact with Git. The array of possible workflows can make it hard to know where to begin when implementing Git in the workplace. As you read through, remember that these workflows are designed to be guidelines rather than concrete rules. What is a successful Git workflow? When evaluating a workflow for your team, it's most important that you consider your team’s culture. Does this workflow scale with team size? Centralized Workflow The Centralized Workflow is a great Git workflow for teams transitioning from SVN. However, using Git to power your development workflow presents a few advantages over SVN. How it works Initialize the central repository Example

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