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What is Google Plus? A Complete User Guide. (Videos and Blog)

What is Google Plus? A Complete User Guide. (Videos and Blog)
If you think Google Plus is just another social site, you are in for a big surprise. What has been created is, put simply, a phenomenal tool for human communication, and much more. But it takes you to experience it, embrace it and ‘get it’ before this realisation really comes. The complete guide to Google Plus will give you everything you need to use it as an individual or for business, including a free 90 minute video course. Introduction Since its launch in 2011, Google Plus has been gradually moving towards being one of the most active social networks with hundreds of millions of people having active accounts. And if you are looking at business applications of Google+, then also check out my ‘Google Plus Marketing Guide’ here. So, let’s begin! Whilst referring to the image of the rabbit/duck which first appeared in Harper’s Weekly in 1892, he says “I suspect most of you see a duck.” Google+, however, is something different and as such needs new language to explain the experience.

Google+: The Pros and Cons of Using it for Your Business | Touchpoint Digital In November 2011, Google unveiled their new social media venue, Google +. While it’s been clear from the beginning that Google + would be beneficial to large businesses and corporations, many have questioned whether or not it’s important for the small business owner. Similar to any social media venue, Google + has its advantages and disadvantages. If you’re a small-business owner who’s looking to expand your current social media marketing campaign, Google + might be beneficial to you. Likewise, if you’re just getting started with social media marketing, you may also gain exposure by using Google +. To determine how this venue might fit into your marketing plan, read on to learn about the pros and cons of using Google + for your business. The Advantages Enjoy a Rise in Search Results. The Disadvantages Administration Challenges. Making the Decision It’s not necessary to have a large business the size of Pepsi to benefit from using Google +.

How to schedule Google+ posts in Chrome If you're a fan of services like HootSuite which let you schedule tweets, Facebook posts, and even LinkedIn notes, then you'll probably like Do Share for Google Chrome, as well. Unfortunately, sites like HootSuite haven't rolled out the ability to schedule posts on Google+ to all of their users. So if you're interested in scheduling a notice about a product launch, a reminder to a friend, or just your random thoughts, Do Share can help you out. This browser extension is very simple to install, and even easier to use. Here's how to get started: Download a copy of Do Share for your Google Chrome browser. Note: Chrome has to be running, connected to the Internet and logged into Google for Do Share to send posts to Google+, since they are saved in your browser until the scheduled time -- per the notes for the extension. Step 1: Click then button for the extension on your browser's toolbar, then click on Create new post and then fill in the details of your message. (Via AddictiveTips)

A Guide to Optimizing Your Brand's Google+ Page: 3 Top Tips For today’s businesses, it seems there are more social networks to keep track of each day. While it’s helpful to find ways in streamlining the management of your many channels, it’s also important to keep your strategy for each platform distinct, as each attracts a different kind of audience with different expectations. Brandwatch’s recent infographic, the Guide to Perfect Social Network Posting, explored this etiquette across social networks. 1. Google is at the center of all Google products, and if you play your cards right on Google+, your brand should see a big uptick in traffic and conversions. The two main steps: Complete your Google+ business page. I know, I know, it’s a little laborious, but it’s important that you really flesh out every aspect of your business page for the sake of both customers and Google’s crawlers. A catchy tagline is a plus, as is an introduction that really tells your story. Here’s an in-depth guide with more tips on setting up your page. 2. 3. Circles. Hashtags.

5 Google Plus Mistakes that Can Really Slow Your Progress It’s really weird. I still can’t seem to get why so many people don’t like Google Plus at all… As a matter of fact the site Marketing Profs actually conducted a survey, where it turned out that for 41% of the voters Google Plus is the network they “Never Want to Hear About Ever Again”, while for a whopping 50% it is also the most confusing network. And it is true – there is a bit of a learning curve associated with Google Plus, but then again it is all rather straightforward once you get the hang of it (which shouldn’t take more than a couple of days). Anyway, what I really hope is that you haven’t voted Google Plus as either the worst or the most confusing network. If that’s the case and you actually have an active account over there, you have the opportunity to tap into a high-quality traffic source and a great community. Even if you like the network and participate however, you might be going in a wrong direction and making some strategic mistakes. Let’s get started: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Everything you need to know about Google + Communities 49.6K Flares Twitter 2.8K Facebook 63 Google+ 95 StumbleUpon 46.4K Pin It Share 12 12 LinkedIn 103 inShare103 Email -- Email to a friend Buffer 66 49.6K Flares × It really has been a long time coming for Google to launch their Google + “Communities”. It’s hard to believe that it took them more than a year to come up with their version of the popular Facebook Groups. I personally only use Google+ for business reasons, so I’m especially curious to see how Google+ Communities could help me with that. For all you Google + skeptics, let’s first take a quick look at Google+. But who exactly is using it? Google+ Communities is, as they say it, for people to “talk about the stuff you’re into with people who love it too.” You can choose to create private communities that only you and the friends that you choose to invite can join. So far, so good. It might have taken Google a bit long, but I have to say Google Communities is looking very good. Now it’s time to invite people to my community: Lilach

Marketing Strategy: Communications Strategy: Business Strategy: FrogDog: Article: Google+: The Basics - FrogDog Google+ is Google’s answer to Facebook. On the social media scene for more than a year, Google+ has done little to unseat social-media-juggernaut Facebook. Google+ has over 400 million subscribers and 100 million active users after one year. Google+ is backed by Google's powerful search engine and the company’s AdWords pay-per-click advertising service and it has become an aggregator for Google's other products: YouTube, picture sharing, video chat, contacts, and calendars. How to Use Google+ Companies can use Google+ to share information with customers, promote products and services, and measure customer interactions. Share Google+ gives companies several ways to build relationships with customers through sharing links, photos, and videos. Publish: Post links to topics, pictures, and videos that are relevant to your customers to engage them in conversation. Promote There are many ways to spread the word about your Google+ page. Google+ Badge: Add the Google+ badge to your Web site. Measure

The SEO Value of a Google+ Profile [INFOGRAPHIC] Because Google+ content will appear in Google's natural search results, it's important for your local business to have a page of it's own! Did You Know? Google+ attracted over 100,000,00 users within the first 6 months of its launch! Tweet This Stat!63% of Google+ Users are men with a tendency to post about technology. Learn more about how to use Google+ to enhance your SEO efforts in our infographic. This infograhic by Search Engine People Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Copy and paste the code below where you want it to appear. Post on web sites: The SEO Value of a Google+ Profile Post on a forum: [img width="100%" alt="Twitter SMB Infographic" title="Twitter for Small Business"] SEO Value of a Google+ Profile[/url]

Google Plus for Business SEO Tips - Fill in your Google+ Business Profile Properly Congratulations in taking the leap to Google+ and especially Google Plus for Business. Google Plus for Business Fill in your Google+ profile pages. The more information that you add, provides more information for Google to display to users when they search for something. Log into your Google+ Business PageIt should automatically open in your Profile Page, if not click Profile (2nd from top left)Then click, Edit Profile Click Edit profile, this will now show your Google+ Business profile, with a Blue Bar across the page just above your Business Page Name. Click the parts of your profile that you want to edit. When you hover over a section you will notice that it highlights in blue, these are in blocks, so click the block you would like to edit. Introduction The introduction section of the Google+ Business Profile is where you can add as much information as you require. Filled in Introduction section Contact Info In this section of the Google+ Business Page, add your. Business Address Website Info
