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How to Use Twitter for Marketing & PR

How to Use Twitter for Marketing & PR
Editor's Note: Check out our latest ebook on How to Use Twitter for Business, complete with updates for 2011! Click here to download it. Twitter is a tool for "micro-blogging" or posting very short updates, comments or thoughts. In fact, since Twitter was designed to be very compatible with mobile phones through text messages, each update is limited to 140 characters. Truly, a micro-blog. I have to admit I have not always been sold on Twitter. Ideas for How to Use Twitter for Marketing & PR Engage your CEO in social media. For example, here's a recent report that we posted on Twitter to promote Marketing Transformation Week: Notice how we've added a specific "hashtag" (#transform) to help us track when this content gets retweeted or shared. Using Twitter for Marketing & PR - A Step-by-Step Guide Sign-up and post a profile.

Facebook Tips: How to Use the New Business Page Layout As you know, Facebook can be an invaluable source of marketing for your e-commerce business. However, keeping up with the ever-evolving social bookmarking service is a challenge. Since we covered Facebook Marketing and Business Pages in our How-To Guide back in February (see Facebook How-To Guide: Create Business Pages and Ad Campaigns), Facebook has rolled out changes to Business Pages that directly influence how you use them and how your fans can interact with you on Facebook. To help you adjust, we take an in-depth look at recent changes made to Business Pages. Plus, we offer tips on how to use new features, such as status updates and Wall feeds to better connect with your Facebook fans. The New Wall and Tabs Layout The new Business Pages are designed to make your page look more like a personal profile page on Facebook. The center column, like the new personal profile pages, is the largest by width and importance. Searching for schools ... 90% complete Feed News to your Fan's Feeds

50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business We really can’t deny the fact that businesses are testing out Twitter as part of their steps into the social media landscape. You can say it’s a stupid application, that no business gets done there, but there are too many of us (including me) that can disagree and point out business value. I’m not going to address the naysayers much with this. Instead, I’m going to offer 50 thoughts for people looking to use Twitter for business. Your mileage may vary, and that’s okay. Oh, and please feel free to reblog this wherever. 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business First Steps Build an account and immediate start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names, words that relate to your space. Ideas About WHAT to Tweet Instead of answering the question, “What are you doing?” Some Sanity For You You don’t have to read every tweet. The Negatives People Will Throw At You Twitter takes up time. Some Positives to Throw Back What else would you add? Become a StudioPress Affiliate

The Best Subtle Things About New Twitter So, the new version of is upon us — well, some of us anyway (it’s in the process of a gradual roll-out right now that will likely last over the next couple of weeks). Everyone at Twitter I spoke with today agreed that this is the single biggest change they’ve ever made to the site since its initial launch. That’s going to rub some people the wrong way, but overall, my initial impression is that this is definitely an upgrade in pretty much every way. I’ve been playing with the new version for the past hour or so going through the ins-and-outs. “What’s Happening?” The “What’s happening?” Real Names Appear Next to people’s Twitter handles, you’ll also now see their actual names in gray. New Tweet Overlay Again, while the “What’s happening” box remains at the top of the tweet stream, it’s not the only way to tweet anymore. Flickr Set Support This is perhaps the most slick thing about the new Twitter. Messages Area Is Much Cleaner “?” If you hit the “?” “.” Larger Profile Page Icons

Facebook : les professionnels doivent-ils y passer ? Avec 1,5 milliard d’utilisateurs actifs dans le monde en 2016, Facebook est l’un des réseaux sociaux incontournables. Tourné vers le grand public, il est aussi devenu un enjeu de taille pour les entreprises et les professionnels. La question peut donc se poser pour une entreprise, un professionnel ou une marque : Facebook est-il le passage obligé pour toute entreprise ? Comment utiliser ce réseau social, et comment en tirer profit ? Quels sont les supports à utiliser ? Facebook, définition et avertissement Facebook est un site communautaire développé en 2004 et ouvert au public en septembre 2006. Facebook n'a donc pas vocation à être un réseau social purement professionnel, comme Viadeo ou LinkedIn, mais il peut le devenir en mettant en place une stratégie adaptée. Les profils Facebook sont uniquement destinés aux personnes physiques. Facebook, quelle utilité l'entreprise ou le professionnel ? En savoir plus : utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour sa stratégie B2B Les avantages de Facebook Liens

How to write a corporate Twitter strategy (…and here’s one I made earlier) (Cross-posted from the Cabinet Office digital engagement blog, with thanks for the guest spot.) You might think a 20-page strategy a bit over the top for a tool like Twitter. After all, microblogging is a low-barrier to entry, low-risk and low-resource channel relative to other corporate communications overheads like a blog or printed newsletter. And the pioneers in corporate use of Twitter by central government (see No 10, CLG and FCO) all started as low-profile experiments and grew organically into what they are today. But, having held back my JFDI inclinations long enough to sit down and write a proper plan for BIS‘s corporate Twitter account, I was surprised by just how much there is to say – and quite how worth saying it is, especially now the platform is more mature and less forgiving of mistakes. So in case it’s of use to others who are thinking of doing the same, I’ve turned BIS’s Twitter strategy into this generic template for any government Department:

Comment faire le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux ? Les réseaux sociaux sont de très bons outils. Ils permettent de diffuser et partager ses articles ou sa veille. Mais trouver une accroche pertinente pour inciter au clic n'est pas chose aisée. Je suis ainsi tombé sur une liste du site socialmediaworkbook, que je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de traduire. Voici donc 105 accroches pour faire le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux, ainsi quelques conseils de buzz pour Twitter. Un énorme merci à Chris Garrett pour son autorisation. Rédiger une accroche pour les réseaux sociaux Les accroches générales 10 astuces pour gagner du temps et de l'argent avec ______Le secret pour avoir le meilleur prix sur _______Comment trouver les meilleurs offres _____ sur le webLes meilleurs gadgets/widgets/hacks pour _____Est-ce que _____ vaut vraiment la peine ? Un peu d'histoire L'histoire de _______Comment ________ aura de l'impact dans 7 ans________, encore et toujours40 prédictions pour le futur de ________Les règles modernes de ________12 leçons d'histoires sur ________

Setting up your Facebook Fan Page. Part 2 Guys – here is a great opportunity to have Marco design your Facebook fan page! Exclusive discount and the chance to win a free customization of your fan page. If you have not seen his work please visit his web solutions company , mdo studio as you won’t be disappointed. – Frank On part one of this two-part article , I wrote about Facebook’s stats and the advantages of creating Facebook fan pages. Adding custom tabbed pages to your Facebook fan page Other than the profile picture, Facebook fan pages have the ability to run an application called FBML which lets you add a new tab on your fan page and even a module on the left column of your wall (below your fans). One distinct advantage for creating a custom tabbed page is that it allows you to define your new custom tab as your Facebook landing page for people who are not fans of your page yet, or those who are not signed-in at the moment. Using FBML you can also create your own “microsite” inside of your Facebook fan page.

HOW TO: Build A Twitter Strategy for Your Business Megan Berry is Marketing Manager for Klout, the standard for online influence. She also blogs at The Huffington Post and Brazen Careerist. You can follow her on Twitter at @meganberry. You know your business can't just wing it on Twitter, you need a strategy. 1. Who do you want to reach on Twitter? Here is a quick example: Look up at least 10 of your customers on Twitter (a quick name search on Google can turned up their Twitter profiles). The goal here is not to find everyone you'd like to interact with (that would probably be next to impossible), but to find people who might fit into your audience. 2. It might sound like I'm giving you clichéd advice to "listen," but clichés exist for a reason. Look up what people are saying about your company. 3. This is a bit more theoretical but it's an important step that many companies forget. Depending on your goal, try to figure out how much each person is "worth." 4. If you have a targeted audience, each lead probably carries more value. 5.

Want to Make Money on Twitter? Take a Look at How Dell Does It This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Dell is a shining example of a brand that has managed to turn their Twitter presence into both a customer service and sales outlet. Dell may be a big corporation, but the story behind the $6.5 million they've raised from their Twitter presence is one that shines a light on a road to success that any company, regardless of size, can learn from and emulate. I asked Dell's Senior Manager for Corporate Affairs, Richard Binhammer — otherwise known as RichardatDell — to elaborate on Dell's Twitter success. The following are principles extracted from that email interview. 1. If you're simply motivated to make money from Twitter, your heart is in the wrong place. According to Binhammer, Dell didn't initially approach Twitter with dollar signs in their minds, but instead as a listening outpost. 2. 3.

La Bible du Marketing sur Facebook: 38 manières (et +) de promouvoir votre marque, entreprise, produit ou service à l’intérieur de Facebook 9 Facebook Marketing Strategies to Build Super Fans Are you looking to attract high-quality and loyal fans to your Facebook page? Without quality fans, your Facebook marketing efforts can fizzle out quickly. Keep reading to discover nine ways you can build loyal fans who’ll love your business. In a recently published infographic, Moontoast illustrates a Facebook fan’s journey from a “Potential Fan” all the way to a “Super Fan.” Moontoast shows how a fan's level of interest with a brand can move from light to heavy engagement. Moontoast says Super Fans are Facebook users who have given you access to their data via their Facebook profile, purchased from you and also encouraged another fan to purchase from you as well. So how do you move a Potential Fan all the way up the ranks to Super Fan? For starters, it takes time. There are also specific actions you can take to create a thriving Facebook page full of Super Fans. #1: Give your page a human touch Have you taken a fun trip recently? Quick Tip: Test out the 80/20 Rule.

Facebook Strategy For Your Small Business Do you have it backwards when it comes to Facebook? Here’s what no one in the social media space seems to want to say: Facebook is a difficult place to reach new eyeballs organically if you do not already have good brand awareness. There I said it. If you are trying to use Facebook to reach a new audience, organically (i.e. without paying for Ads), from scratch – you are facing an uphill battle. Yes, the stats on how many Facebook users exist are mind-boggling. The fact is that Facebook is in the business of earning revenue – mostly through the ads they get page owners to buy. So Where Does Facebook Fit Into Your Strategy? Surveys show that people generally fan pages they are already customers of, and usually for discounts. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Facebook Marketing Strategy for Business, 5 Useful Applications It’s no secret that online social networking (done well) is a great way to market your business. Social network applications can make that even easier. Applications are used to enhance the experience for users (ever watched a video on Facebook?). Recommended: Are Facebook Ads Better than Google Adwords? Simplaris BlogCast - If you are a business owner, or small business marketer with a blog, this one will monitor your blog RSS feed for updates, and update your profile feed with each new blog post. Both of these tools are great ways to extend Facebook for business in a soft way (“selling” can have adverse effects for sure). My LinkedIn Profile – You can put a LinkedIn Badge on the Info tab of your Facebook profile which allows visitors to hop over to your LinkedIn profile page with a click.Profile HTML – This allows you to place standard HTML code on a section of your profile or even a Fan page that wouldn’t ordinarily work using the standard Facebook interface. About Travis Campbell
