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For phones

Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii As of June 2008, Nintendo has sold nearly 30 million Wii game consoles. This significantly exceeds the number of Tablet PCs in use today according to even the most generous estimates of Tablet PC sales. This makes the Wii Remote one of the most common computer input devices in the world. It also happens to be one of the most sophisticated. It contains a 1024x768 infrared camera with built-in hardware blob tracking of up to 4 points at 100Hz. Any software on this page is primarily meant for developers and may not run without proper the development tools installed. NOTE: For most of these projects, you don't need the Nintendo Wii console. Coming Later: 3D tracking, and more.... Unfortunately, time constraints in the next couple of months have significantly reduced my ability to work on more projects.

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar - Sénégal Ubuntu Linux Comes to Smartphones | Wired Enterprise Mark Shuttleworth. Photo: Flickr/Stopped Ubuntu Linux is coming to smartphones. “We are confident that Ubuntu will ship on phones from large manufacturers in 2013,” says Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth. Shuttleworth sees the new version of the OS appealing to two markets: entry-level smartphone consumers and enterprises that want to give employees just one device instead of two or three. While Apple and Microsoft have developed separate operating systems for desktops and phones, Canonical is pushing a single operating system that can adapt to different devices. “We think these things can converge both on the front end and under the hood,” Shuttleworth says. Ubuntu already runs desktops, servers, and even TVs, and Shuttleworth says a version for tablets is “coming soon.” Canonical is entering an already crowded market for smartphone operating systems. Although Canonical claims Ubuntu is running on over 20 million desktops, it’s still tiny compared to Windows.

Free Widgets and Gadgets for your Websites | Webpages on tablets Web applications sit alongside native apps as equal citizens on Ubuntu – with their own icons and access to system services. Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps, Gmail and Spotify are all available from day one – thanks to Ubuntu’s brilliant web app system, developers can easily make their site install on the tablet as an app. We aren’t limited to HTML5. Native apps are blazingly fast, taking advantage of the full capabilities of the tablet’s processor and graphics hardware. A mobile SDK does most of the work for you, giving you that Ubuntu style. Best of all, Ubuntu’s common platform enables development of one application which can then be published across phone, tablet, desktop and TV. Learn more about developing for Ubuntu on tablets ›

Ubuntu Linux heads to smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical & Ubuntu Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Linux, will announce at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Orlando, FL, that they will be taking Ubuntu Linux to smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. In an interview in an advance of the official announcement, Shuttleworth told me, that their short term plans are to make Ubuntu 12.04, the next long term support (LTS) of their Linux distribution, as stable as possible and to give the Unity desktop interface, it's final fit and polish for both home and business Linux desktop users. Shuttleworth said, "This is a natural expansion of our idea as Ubuntu as Linux for human beings. While Canonical had never said that they were planning on exporting Unity, its GNOME-based desktop, beyond the desktop, I, and others, have long thought that Ubuntu's Unity Linux desktop looked like a natural for tablets. It turns out it wasn't just the technical pieces. Related Stories:

25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines Almost every web developer has a favorite database that he/she feels comfortable working with as all the tricks & gimmicks are already experienced. It can be one of the popular databases below: or even simpler ones like XML, text, etc. It is understandable why these databases are frequently used; they are well-documented, have a community behind them, integrated with most popular CMSs', easy-to-use, offered by most of the hosting companies ,etc.. But there are also many other databases which are getting popular day-by-day & may have advantages over what you're already using. Here are 25+ open source alternative databases that you may consider using in your next project: MongoDB It is an open source, high-performance, scalable, schema-free & document-oriented (JSON-like data schemas) database. There are ready to use drivers for most popular programming languages like PHP,Python, Perl, Ruby, JavaScript, C++ + more. Hypertable Apache CouchDB Neo4j Neo4j offer a massive scalability. Riak Memcached Redis

NIETZSCHE, Frédéric – Par delà le bien et le mal Donneur de voix : Sualtam | Durée : 6h 51min | Genre : Philosophie « Ce livre est, pour l’essentiel, une critique de la modernité – sans en exclure les sciences modernes, les arts modernes, ni même la politique moderne. Il contient aussi les indications sur un type opposé, aussi peu moderne que possible, un type aristocratique, qui « dit oui ». Traduction : Henri Albert (1868-1921). > Consulter la version texte de ce livre audio. NB. How Apple's Safari was kept a secret How do you build and test a new web browser when nobody in the world -- outside of the tiny development team -- is allowed to know of its existence? Very carefully, according to Safari engineer Don Melton, who detailed some of the finer points of covert browser building on his personal blog. Everything from hiring the team to testing the browser online was done in complete secrecy. Prospective Safari team members didn't even know what they were interviewing for or what they would be working on, and once they were brought on board, they swore an oath of loyalty. Namely, the user agent strings that tell each server what browser is being used, and where the individual visiting the site is located.

database Ubuntu 9.04 et Android | FrAndroid - Communauté francophone Andr Android est compatible Windows, Linux et MacOs pour la partie développement d’application (SDK) et MacOS, Linux pour la partie Linux Android. L’ensemble des documents d’installation et de configuration des environnements de développement et du kernel Android sont basés sur une documentation Ubuntu 8.10. Le 23 avril 2009, Ubuntu a sorti la dernière mouture de son OS Linux, dans sa version 9.04. Que vous installiez ou mettiez à jour votre environnement courant, il vous sera toujours possible de pouvoir continuer avec les sources d’Android pour créer vos nouvelles images, drivers… Cependant, un problème intervient lorsque l’on souhaite débogguer sur un vrai device ses applications. Débranchez votre device sudo cp /etc/udev/rules.d/50-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rulesRebranchez votre deviceEn cas de soucis, tapez la commande /etc/init.d/udev reload Branchez votre device! En cas de besoin posez vos questioins sur le thread ouvert dans le forum.

iWorld Startup Battlefield: Das sind die Finalisten der TechCrunch Disrupt 4 Finalisten auf der TechCrunch Disrupt: Asap54,, Lock8 und Voicesphere Wie es sich für ein adäquates Startup-Event gehört, gibt es auch auf der TechCrunch Disrupt, die derzeit in Berlin stattfindet, einen Pitch. Insgesamt 15 Gründer haben am gestrigen Abend ihre Ideen einer hochkarätigen Jury vorgestellt. TechCrunch-Disrupt-Finalist: Asap54 Wie alle Startup-Battlefield-Finalisten ist auch Asap54 im Rahmen der TechCrunch Disrupt online gegangen. TechCrunch-Disrupt-Finalist: verwandelt Webseiten in eine API und macht es Entwicklern somit möglich, Daten aus dem Netz mit nur wenigen Klicks zu importieren. TechCrunch-Disrupt-Finalist: Lock8 Lock8 ist eine ziemlich intelligente Fahrradsperre, die mit dem Smartphone bedient werden kann. TechCrunch-Disrupt-Finalist: Voicesphere Voicesphere ist eine Plattform, die es ermöglicht, Sprachsteuerung in Drittanbieter-Apps zu integrieren. Und welches Projekt ist euer Favorit im Finale?
