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ARQuake: Interactive Outdoor Augmented Reality Collaboration System « [WCL] Wearable Computer Lab, University of South Australia ARQuake is an Augmented Reality (AR) version of the popular Quake game. Augmented reality is the overlaying of computer generated information onto the real world. We use a head mounted display, mobile computer, head tracker, and GPS system to provide inputs to control the game. Using ARQuake, you can walk around in the real world and play Quake against virtual monsters. Check out the photos below and also the videos section. Note that we have made some very significant developments in the hardware used for our outdoor AR research. Q: What is it? ARQuake is an Augmented Reality (AR)version of the popular Quake game. We added our own textures to give a grid pattern, which is easier to see when this image is composited with the real world. We added all of the MOnsters etc. to keep the playability of the game We then display this image inside special AR Goggles that are semi-transparent and let the real world into the picture as well. And there you have it!! Q: Did you actually build this? do?

Eye Shakespeare app - Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Shakespeare Week Thank you for helping us make the first Shakespeare Week a huge success! Over 3,000 schools took part, and we want to make next year even bigger. Explore our free classroom resources and look out for more news of Shakespeare Week 2015: 16-22 March Shakespeare Week site Discover the world of Shakespeare We offer a range of inspiring e vents from one day to two weeks. Immerse yourself Explore our Treasures We have a wealth of fascinating books and other artefacts in safe keeping at the Shakespeare Centre. Explore our library and archive collectio ns on-line. Discover our treasures Dozens & Trails iTacitus - Intelligent Tourism and Cultural Information through Ubiquitous Services

10 proyectos de arte y realidad aumentada Por Pau Waelder La Realidad Aumentada (RA) es la visualización del entorno real por vía directa o indirecta con la incorporación de elementos generados por ordenador (por ejemplo, sonido, vídeo, texto, imagen o datos obtenidos por GPS). Se entiende que la realidad es aumentada puesto que la percepción del usuario no se limita a lo que captan sus sentidos, sino que recibe información adicional generada por el ordenador a partir de librerías predefinidas o bien en base a datos obtenidos en tiempo real, por ejemplo de una conexión a Internet. La investigación con dispositivos de RA se ha desarrollado en gran medida a lo largo de la última década, llegando a un punto de máxima difusión con la popularización de smartphones como el iPhone de Apple y los modelos Android, dispositivos de uso masivo que incluyen una cámara, gps, y numerosas aplicaciones. Myron Krueger – Videoplace, 1974-1984 Jeffrey Shaw – The Golden Calf, 1994 Bruce H. Clara Boj y Diego Díaz – Red Libre, Red Visible, 2004
