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12 Excellent New Web Tools for Teachers

12 Excellent New Web Tools for Teachers
1- EQuizShow EQuizShow is a great app for teachers who want a quick and easy way to engage students and have them ready for exams or assessments tests. It allows you to easily create a jeopardy quiz show for your students. 2- FatURL FatURL is a link sharing service provided to you free of charge by platform .The service enables you to forward multiple long or short URLs with just one single URL. 3- Every Stock Photo This a search engine for free photos. LikeHack is super easy and powerful tool. 5- Feedspot This a great tool where you can read all your favorite websites in one place and discover new good ones. 6- PDF Mergy As its name indicates, this is a free web tool that you can use to merge PDF files , The process if very easy and does not require any software installation 7- Tranquillity Tranquillity is a great tool for those who like writing poetry. it provides a clean interface for poetry writing, syllable count, comprehends rhyme scheme, and suggests rhyming words. 8- GeoSettr Related:  Herramientas para prof de historia

10 Great Search Engines for History Teachers Use the LUNA Browser to check out David Rumsey’s Map Collection with more than 30,000 images, searchable by keyword. Find excellent sources for women’s history with the Genesis dataset and extensive list of web resources. Get access to historical military records through Fold3, the web’s premier collection of original military records and memorials. Use the Internet Modern History Sourcebook to find thousands of sources in modern history. Use the history guide from the Library of Anglo-American Culture and History for a subject catalog of recommended websites for historians, with about 11,000 to choose from. History Buff offers an online newspaper archive, reference library, and even a historical panoramas section in their free primary source material collection. University of Houston’s Digital History database offers a wealth of links to textbook, primary sources, and educational materials in digital history.

Here Is An Amazing Tool for History Teachers September , 2015WhatWasThere is an excellent web tool and mobile app that uses Google Maps technologies to provide users with an interactive experience through which they get to learn how different places looked in the past. It’s like a virtual time machine that takes you in a journey in space and time. When you install WhatWasThere on your iPad or iPhone and once it is launched, the app will detect the geographical location where you are and will provide you with any historic photographs that were captured nearby plotted on a map! You can also switch into Camera view to get an augmented reality experience of the history that surrounds you.' Historic photographs found on WhatWasThere come in with source information and more details to help you Google Street view it. WhatWasThere is still a work in progress and much content is still lacking.

5 Good Lesson Planning Tools for Teachers April 20, 2016 In yesterday’s post we reviewed web tools that you can use to create interactive lessons, lessons that integrate a wide variety of multimedia materials. In today’s post, we are sharing with you another collection of web tools in the same direction. These are tools to help you with your lesson planning. Besides allowing you to design engaging teaching materials, they also provide you with practical functionalities to monitor students learning and track their progress using features such as quizzes and discussions. 1- PlanbookEdu ‘PlanbookEdu takes the hassle out of lesson planning. 2- Blendspace by TES Bendspace is a platform that allows you to create engaging lessons to use in your instruction. 3- WeLearnedIt 'DocentEDU is a great web tool and mobile app to use with your students. ‘Engage, assess and personalize your class with Socrative!

Some Great Lesson Plan Tools for Teachers August 5, 2015 Preparing your curriculum materials for next semester? Updating what you already have? Revising lesson plans from someone else to fit your class? COLOURlovers : Pick a tasteful color palette here to give your materials a creative polish. Find images, videos, audio, docs, and other digital materials with the Creative Commons license. Create interactive lessons, quizzes, assignments, games, or stories with this multi-platform tool. Write out your lesson and get basic formatting automatically in this simple online text editor. Want more? Lesson Plan Tools and Resources This is curated by library media specialist Sherry Lancaster. This one is curated by blended learning academic manager Michael Wacker. By Mike Lee, Co-founder of edshelf

Top 7 Websites for Downloading Lesson Plans 1- Lesson Plans Center This is one of the popular sections in Teachnology. It features a library of original lesson plans with more than 30,000 lesson plans. 2- EdHelper This is a great helper for teachers and I personally can't think about looking for teaching resources without having edHelper on top of the selection. edHelper provides a wide variety of lesson plans, worksheets, printables, themes and many other interesting materials for teachers. 3- Lesson Planet Lesson Planet has provides a convenient way for teachers to discover and share innovative lesson-planning resources. HotChalk’s Lesson Plans Page (LPP) was created with one goal in mind — making life easier for teachers. There is a section in Schoolastic that provides thousands of lesson plans, unit plans, discussion guides, and extension activities. 7- ReadWriteThink ReadWriteThink provides hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices.

ThingLink Released A Wonderful Virtual Reality App for Teachers April 17, 2016 The popular interactive media platform ThingLink released today a new interesting educational virtual reality app called VR Lessons. The app is particularly geared towards young learners. It provides them with an enhanced virtual environment where they can explore and learn about the world in engaging and fascinating ways. VR Lessons comes with three main features to help you create immersive stories and lessons: audio annotations, background audio for 360° images, and the ability to connect several 360° images or videos into one story’. Créer un axe chronologique avec le logiciel de mindmapping Xmind Je tenais à vous présenter une évolution de Xmind qui est la structure en ligne de temps. En effet cette structure va vous permettre de réaliser des axes chronologiques qui vous pourrez transmettre ensuite à vos apprenants sous format image et PDF. Pour vous exposer cette fonctionnalité j’ai créé un tutoriel vidéo qui vous permettra de prendre en main le logiciel Xmind et ainsi réaliser votre propre frise chronologique. Je vous conseille avant de préparer toutes vos ressources (textes, images, liens) ainsi l’intégration de vos médias dans la carte n’en sera que plus facile et rapide. A la fin de cet article vos trouverez deux liens. Le tutoriel vidéo Carte sur la grande guerre Carte sur la seconde guerre mondiale Ressource en lien avec cet article Deux modules Elearning – la grande guerre – la seconde guerre mondiale à diffuser à vos élèves

How to Use the New Version of Padlet Last week Padlet introduced a revamped version of their online corkboard tool. The core functions of Padlet are still the same, but the user interface has changed a little bit. The primary changes are in the way that you customize your Padlet boards. Padlet Mini as a bookmarking tool:Padlet Mini is a Chrome extension that you can use to bookmark websites. Padlet as a KWL chart: Padlet can be used to create a KWL chart that students can contribute to anonymously (or not anonymously if you want them to sign-in). Padlet for group research and discussion: A few years ago I showed my special education students a short (18 minutes) video about cultural changes that took place in the US during the 1920's. Padlet as a showcase of your students’ work: If your students are creating digital portfolios, creating slideshows, or producing videos you could use Padlet to display all of your students’ best work on one page.

CopyPasteDesign. Éditer et annoter vos captures d’écran Article mis à jour le 30 janvier 2018 par Fidel Navamuel CopyPasteDesign est un petit utilitaire en ligne qui permet d’éditer et d’annoter très facilement des images ou des captures d’écran depuis votre navigateur. Si vous n’utilisez pas de logiciels professionnels pour réaliser vos captures d’écran comme Snagit dont on a parlé ici, CopyPasteDesign va vous être d’une grande utilité. CopyPasteDesign va vous aider en cela. Une fois satisfait du résultat, un simple clic vous permettra de télécharger l’image annotée au format PNG. CopyPasteDesign est entièrement gratuit et sans publicité. Lien : CopyPasteDesign

5 Web Tools to create the best website for your school Children born in the late 90’s and in the 2000’s are experiencing a significantly different process of learning and development. Technology has affected and reshaped the learning process in the XXI Century, since the aggressive emergence of the digital media traditional classrooms with paper-based lectures, talks, and physical practices are no longer in use. According to Statista, the worldwide e-learning market will surpass 243 billion dollars by 2022. Students are also showing the willingness to embrace the digital learning technologies, 92 percent are interested in digital media and visual learning. As a school or education facility you shouldn’t ask the question whether you need to create a website for students or create your own classroom website, you must know that this is not an option anymore.Having a school website where you can inform, educate and provide learning sources is something you need to have in order to provide quality educational services. Final Thoughts

Crea animaciones con GifCam Una aplicación que captura nuestras acciones y las convierte en Gifs animados. Muy a menudo nos vemos en la situación de explicar a nuestros alumnos o compañeros cómo realizar alguna acción en sus ordenadores. Si nuestra audiencia es real, lo más fácil es mostrarles como hacerlo en una pantalla o proyector, pero en muchas veces tenemos que explicarlo virtualmente. En esos casos, es muy útil recurrir a capturas de pantalla, indicando los botones o opciones de menú... o bien, a grabar un vídeo, con todo lo que ello conlleva: planificarlo, grabarlo (a mi nunca me sale a la primera ni a la segunda...), subirlos a youtube, poner títulos, música... Para estos casos, cosas sencillas que debemos explicar a una audiencia virtual, GifCam es una herramienta fantástica. Nos permite grabar una determinada acción o acciones y generar una animación que podremos enviar por correo o insertar en la web muy fácilmente. El proceso es sencillo y rápido: Descargamos GifCam y lo descomprimimos.
