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Fujitsu Wandant Dog Pedometer 日本語 November 27, 2012Fujitsu Limited Supports health monitoring and obesity prevention in pets Tokyo, November 27, 2012 — Fujitsu announced the release of the Wandant(1) dog pedometer, based on motion-tracking technology(2) developed by Fujitsu Laboratories, and an associated cloud service(3) that supports health management for dogs—the first of its kind in the pet care industry. The new product and service will be made available only in Japan from November 28. With Wandant, the same sensing technologies developed for use in mobile phones are incorporated into a tag worn on the dog's collar, which automatically measures and records(4) the number of steps taken, shivering motions, and temperature changes. Fujitsu is using ICT to visualize a pet's health and support the quality of animals' lives for a more prosperous society where people can confidently take better care of their pets. Background Service features 1. 2. 1. Service interface Website for personal computers (Windows screen) Inquiries

Petcube GreenGoose (stopped) Do you already track your own health using apps, GPS, Wi-Fi scales and wearable devices? Well, perhaps after the “quantified self” comes the quantified dog. Really! The first product from GreenGoose, a start-up that makes wireless sensors for personal tracking, is a $49 kit of dog-focused sensors to monitor walking, playing, feeding and rewarding your pets. The San Francisco company started taking orders on Thursday, promising to ship the doggie sensors in January. GreenGoose’s sensors measure a pet’s movement, and communicate with a base station plugged into a user’s home wireless router. So, for instance, GreenGoose’s dog-walk measurements come from a tag that can be attached to the handle of a dog leash. “The whole idea is simply making everyday things we do more playful,” said GreenGoose founder Brian Krejcarek, in an email to AllThingsD.

Bewertung, Test, Review zu Acana Grasslands Hundefutter Getreidefreies Futter Acana Grasslands ist ein hochwertiges Hundefutter ohne Getreide. Eine meiner Leonbergerhündinnen hatte als Junghund häufig Parasiten, deshalb suchte ich ein getreidefreies Futter. Acana Grasslands Sehr gutes Futter. Alternative zu Orijen Prima Futter, wird gern genommen und gut vertragen, eine Alternative zu Orijen, falls Ihr Hund dies nicht mag! Sehr gutes Trockenfutter Ich habe schon einiges für meinen Hund(Bolonka Zwetna)aus probiert er hat immer kaum etwas gefressen.Bin durch Zufall auf Acana gestoßen(Hundemesse Dortmund)dachte probier es mal aus und siehe da,er kann nicht genug davon bekommen.Hätte nicht gedacht das er es fressen tut,bleibe jetzt immer dabei. Meine Hündin trinkt seit ACANA sehr viel. Meine 7 monate alte Labradorhündin,frisst für ihr Leben gern und auch besonders gern Acana. Exellent Das hat nichts mit dem Acana Futter zu tun

Actical - Philips Now with 32MB of on board memory, and high speed sampling capabilities, the Actical system makes monitoring physical activity for days or weeks a practical reality. Powerful, fast, and flexible, Actical helps you collect valuable physical activity and energy expenditure data simply and reliably. The Actical physical activity monitoring system is a rigorous solution designed with the needs of serious researchers in mind. Powerful – get the power to store more data and explore analytical options Now with the ability to collect up to 32* MB of physical activity and stepsReview data trends in customizable line charts or actogramsCalculate physical activity, energy expenditure, and step statisticsSelect hourly, daily, or custom intervals for calculations Fast – have the speed to collect and delivery useful outcomes Flexible – gain the flexibility to adapt to your research needs *Features not available in previous Actical. Day-to-day wearability Lightweight, durable, and waterproof Actical software

Chihuahua & Co - ALPHA-ANIMAL ja, bitte informieren Sie mich regelmäßig über News und Angebote Voyce B.A.R.F. - Obstliste Äpfel Inhaltsstoffe: Etwa 300 Biosubstanzen wie organische Säuren, Gerbstoffe, Pektin, ätherische Öle, Vitamin C, B, Kalium, Kalzium, Phosphor, Eisen, Natrium, Zucker. Gesundheit: Äpfel sind nicht nur gesund, sondern auch noch kalorienarme Sattmacher. So haben drei mittlere Äpfel gerade mal 250 Kalorien und stecken voller Pektin, einem Ballaststoff, der den Cholesterinspiegel senkt und den Säuregehalt im Körper neutralisiert. Wichtig: Vorsicht, hier lieber Bio-Produkte einkaufen, da viele Äpfel durch lange Transportzeiten schon nur noch einen Vitaminbruchteil beinhalten, dafür aber viele Schadstoffe mit dem Wachsen und Spritzen erhalten haben. Anwendung: Fast das ganze Jahr über gibt es fast täglich ein Stück Apfel sowohl in die Obst, als auch in die Gemüsemahlzeiten. Bananen Inhaltsstoffe: 10 verschiedene Vitamine, besonders B6, 18 Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente, besonders Kalium, Magnesium, Zink, Kalzium. Gesundheit: Optimal wirksam, wenn Schale dunkelgelb mit braunen Flecken!

Shop | Petbit - a bit more information about your pet Tractive MOTION – PET ACTIVITY TRACKING MOTION tracks the daily activity of your pet, categorizes the movements in three categories ‘lazy’, ‘active’ and ‘dynamic’, and tells you whether or not your pet needs to be more active. Several sensors provide information to you and your pet’s veterinarian. You can set a daily goal of Pet Points, that are calculated by taking into account steps, movements, playtime and additional information provided by the sensors. The collected information will be displayed in easily understandable graphs in the free MOTION apps for iOS and Android. The waterproof MOTION device weighs only 7g and with a size of 15mm x 50mm x 9mm it can be used on cats, dogs and any other animal 2 kg and over. Find more details at Supported Devices: Package Contents: Tractive MOTION – Pet Activity Tracking deviceBlack silicon clip for collarsUSB Charger Technical Details:
