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How to Convince Your Skeptical Boss That Facebook Marketing Works

How to Convince Your Skeptical Boss That Facebook Marketing Works
Is your business on Facebook? Do you need to convince your boss—or a client—that Facebook is a worthy marketing investment? In this article I’ll show you 7 things you can do to convince decision-makers of the value Facebook. #1: Assess Your Goals Before you can convince anyone that they need to be on Facebook, you’ll need to understand what they want to accomplish. Remember that not every business needs to be on Facebook. If you are in a B2B that sells concrete to two or three huge companies, LinkedIn might be a better fit. Not all businesses need to be on Facebook. Ask the following questions before you start planning a campaign to help you assess expectations and set goals. What are your expectations? For starters, explain that ROI for social media can be measured by getting better customer feedback, increasing word-of-mouth marketing and gaining a better understanding of customers’ wants and needs. You need to understand social media ROI and know your company’s expectations. inShare982

Cause Marketing 101 Once a philanthropic tactic practiced by billion dollar mega-brands, cause marketing has grown to be a key element in the marketing mix for companies and brands of all types and sizes. Credits Designed by Modern Marketing Partners Liked by 1 Person Show More Analytics: don’t forget your mobile apps! The average person has around 41 apps on their phone; these range from social and gaming apps, to daily deals, retail and media apps. As mobile traffic continues to gain traction on web traffic, and as apps continue to be a vital channel for keeping the consumer engaged, it has never been more important for brands to monitor how their apps are performing to ensure they are delivering the experience users expect. With so many businesses investing in mobile apps, it’s clear that there is a requirement for businesses to measure and monitor the performance and usage of these apps, and yet we are discovering that a lot of organisations aren’t aware of the mobile analytics tools available to them. Would you own a website without tracking how users were moving around it, or would you run an AdWords campaign without analysing how it performs? There are a number of good app analytics tools available for measuring and evaluating the performance of apps. These include:

Social Media Monitoring Services - 5 Free or Low Cost Tools Social Media Monitoring Services When it comes to businesses leveraging the social web to communicate with customers and improve brand awareness, there’s some good news and there’s some bad news. The good news: 86% of professionals have adopted social media in some way, according to a recent survey by Mzinga and Babson Executive Education. The bad news: A whopping 84% of survey respondents who’ve adopted social media don’t measure their social media programs. Even worse: 40% weren’t even sure they could monitor social media ROI. Thankfully, there are a host of free or low cost tools available to help companies and organizations track social media success. 1. This social media monitoring tool from ORM expert Andy Beal tracks nearly every element of online media, from blogs, RSS feeds and Tweets, to images and video. 2. 3. This free tool from Google provides email updates of the latest relevant Google search results. 4. 5.

10 Ways to Use Your Personal Facebook Profile for Business Are you wondering how to use your personal Facebook profile for your business? One of the reasons Facebook is effective is the personal connection you can make with people. In this article I’ll show you 10 ways you can use your personal Facebook profile to impact your business. Why My Personal Facebook Profile? Your Facebook profile and Facebook business page can work together today. On one hand, it’s important for a company to have a professional Facebook business page that’s in line with the company’s messaging, target audience and branding. But the way you use your Facebook personal profile can also play a role in the success of social media for your business, and this is often overlooked. First remember that according to Facebook’s Terms of Service, you’re not allowed to use your personal profile strictly for business. You can't use your Facebook personal profile strictly for business. Here are 10 ways to leverage your personal Facebook profile for business. #2: Celebrate Moments Over to You

FB PAGE FEATURES (How to Audit Your Facebook Page Features) How long has it been since you’ve reviewed your Facebook Page? Are you taking advantage of the latest Facebook features? It’s critical that Facebook Page managers take time to regularly audit their Page and ensure that they are not missing out on new features. This Facebook Page audit guide outlines 11 key items to review to help maximize your Page’s potential. Facebook changes often—audit your Page to keep up! #1: Maximize Your Page Cover Image Facebook recently updated its guidelines and loosened the restrictions on what you can display on your main Page cover image. The key is that text cannot exceed 20% of the cover image area. Facebook now allows creative uses of the timeline cover image. If designed creatively, cover images now afford Pages a powerful new opportunity to communicate key pieces of information to visitors. #2: Evaluate Your Profile Image Your profile image is used whenever you post and it is the first thing users see when glancing through posts in their news feed.

Conducting Data-Driven Content Marketing Since it’s routine to measure return-on-investment (ROI) for online marketing campaigns, marketers are regularly looking at specific metrics and evaluating success based on campaign goals. Through this regular measurement, data is gathered that can be used to craft future content marketing endeavors that are truly aligned with audience needs. However, many marketers aren’t using this data to drive content development and marketing, even though they’re collecting it day in and day out. Below are six types of data that can help you determine what an audience prefers, so you can focus your future efforts on the types of content most likely to be successful. 1. Though people typically check their site traffic daily, many do not reference their most-viewed pages or blog posts. For example, say a career website publishes blog posts offering tips and tricks for job seekers. 2. Other information to take into account when analyzing social data is who is digesting specific content. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Six ingredients of a great mobile app Having developed over 160 mobile apps across across a number of different industries, we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t when it comes to mobile apps. Here are a few of our top tips to help you on your way to creating a successful mobile app. Does not translate your existing offering The mobile context, or rather the situations users are in when using their mobile device, must be considered when it comes to mobile apps. Don’t just take your website (if you have one) and put it on mobile. When a user opens an app on a mobile device for example, they are more than likely going to have different requirements to a user visiting a desktop website, and because of this, it’s important to really take advantage of the native features that are available on mobile devices. Think about things like location services, NFC, maps and cameras; these mobile features are a great way enhance the user experience. It’s really important for businesses to consider the mobile context around their app.

48 Social Media KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) There are a lot of things you can measure about you social media efforts. I have compiled a list of KPIs (key performance indicators) that you can consider for you specific activities. One thing to remember is to remember that you should set at least some metrics that indicate if you are turning profit. Now, before you begin be sure to set the baseline. Concentrate on the rate of change of your chosen key performance indicators. You can combine several KPIs into one that is more meaningful for you. Distribution What social media channels are you using, how can people reach you, are you visible? FollowersFansNumber of mentionsReachSocial bookmarks (SumbleUpon, Delicious)Inbound linksBlog subscribers Interaction How likely are followers going to engage, spread your message and interact with eachother? Influence How do attitudes change due to the social media activities? Action and ROI How many sales and other real world result do you get from social media? Internal

9 Tips for Integrating Your Facebook Page With Your Facebook Profile Do you have a Facebook Page and a Facebook personal profile? Are you trying to figure out how to work your business life into your personal life on Facebook? Well, have no fear. I’m going to lay it all out for you and dive into some of the reasons the two sides of your Facebook life should be linked together. You may also want to review your Facebook privacy settings to help you understand what’s visible on your personal profile. Here are 9 tips for understanding how your Page and your profile work together. #1: Understand That Your Page and Your Profile Are Very Separate Even though you log into your profile to get to your Page and they look like they are linked together, no one else knows which Pages are attached to your profile. When you log in using the email address you use for your personal profile, you can then switch to use Facebook as your Page. You can switch to using Facebook as your Page by clicking the down arrow in the upper-right corner of Facebook. #9: Feature a Page Owner

SME: Facebook Strategy Are you looking for creative ways to use visual storytelling in your social media marketing? Do you have a great story to tell, but you’re not sure how to share it? Every company has a story to tell. It could be anything from brand history to internal innovation to fun customer feedback. In this article I’ll show you five imaginative ways brands are using pictures to tell compelling stories that generate engagement on Facebook. Why Tell a Visual Story? A picture is worth a thousand words. Posting images can help increase engagement and shares on Facebook. Are you using pictures to your advantage? #1: Use Clever Photo Collections The American Express Facebook page strives to give a strong visual representation of the brand.

The Expanding Role Of B2B Marketing Two years ago I wrote that Change is Coming To B2B Marketing . I predicted that changes brought on by digital, social and mobile technologies had placed the customer firmly at the center of marketing strategy. And it was straining traditional marketing strategy. Along the way since then, studies indicated that Marketing leaders felt unprepared for the changes that had come. And we’ve seen the increasing level of discussions on how marketing was evolving into content marketing and employing social business strategy. And now the topic of conversation in B2B Marketing is change itself: our need to transform our organizations to be more customer-centric, agile marketing departments, with the technology and the talent required to meet demanding customer needs. This sentiment was also echoed last week at the Business Marketing Association’s annual conference titled the “ BMA Blaze .” The Expanding Role of B2B Marketing: 97% agreed that the pace of change is accelerating.

Become a smarter digital marketer Benchmark your social media | In-Depth Analysis An exclusive report on how brands can put a value on their digital activity in 2012. Most marketers will spend more on social media this year than last, yet few claim to know what they really get for their money. In response, the CIM is creating a testing ground with benchmarks for the industry to measure and share campaign success. Here, brands kick off the dialogue with their own experiences. Many businesses are bullish in their commitment to digital marketing, convinced that it’s a cost-effective way of marketing their products and services. Three-quarters say they will spend more money on social media this year compared with 2011, according to The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Procter & Gamble is one of those dedicated to the digital approach, to the extent that it has restructured its marketing team in the belief that social media is a major force. Xbox is tracking data points across its YouTube pages and Facebook channels, setting targets and benchmarks for each. Instagram
