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8 Powerful Apps To Help You Create Books On The iPad

8 Powerful Apps To Help You Create Books On The iPad
Want to self-publish a novel? Get your classroom materials into the hands of others? Share your brilliant insight and call yourself an author? So try out some of these apps and it should hopefully inspire you to become a digital author sooner rather than later. Book Creator Book Creator is simple way to create your own beautiful iBooks, right on the iPad. Book Writer Book Writer is useful app to make books with iPhone/iPad! StoryBuddy 2 Create stories with drawings, photos, text, and audio recording! Scribble My Story Scribble My Story is a junior version of the popular Scribble Press App. StoryKit Create an electronic storybook with StoryKit . Picturebook: School Edition Create and share your very own illustrated stories in a few simple steps! Story Creator With Story Creator you can easily create beautiful story books containing photos, videos, text, and audio all in one gorgeous collection. BONUS!

Updated Padagogy Wheel Tackles The Problem Of Motivation In Education One of the biggest problems at the core of education is motivation. That’s according to the newest iteration of the popular Padagogy Wheel (pad for iPad instead of ‘ped’agogy) we showcased a couple weeks ago. Allan Carrington spent what must be counless hours thinking, revising, and refining the wheel you see below which is now at version 3.0. Be sure to click here to view version 2.0 of the wheel and click here to view version 1.0. What’s New In The Padagogy Wheel Version 3.0 The new version tackles a major question that is lurking in the back of everyone’s mind. So why yet another version only one week later? How It Works Start at the center. But it’s not how it has to be. Do you ever wonder how schools, universities, colleges, and large groups in general should use social media?

Polling tools event Introduction In this recorded session we took a look at if, and how, we use/have used e-polling or surveys. The idea for this session was triggered when I used a poll in the overview for last week’s Serendipity and wondered about the different polling and survey tools that people use. The Session We started with a look at whether we had used polling/surveys either as a respondent or as an information gatherer. Then came the most interesting part of the session where we started to look at tools we have used and/or that we know about. Next came the best bit where members of the group shared an experience of using a poll/survey tool, We had brief looks at GoogleForms (including a quick play), Facebook, Flubaroo and PollDaddy before running out of time and moving on to our best takeaways from the session. Conclusion This was so interesting – I love to know what tools others are using and to hear about the contexts and purposes. Next Webinar

50 Little-Known Ways Google Docs Can Help In Education 5 Ways To Be A Better Public Speaker 7.16K Views 0 Likes If you've been asked to speak at a conference or host a seminar, you may be shaking in your boots. Not only is the thought of speaking in public nerve-wracking, but being in charge of a seminar that no one wants to at... My 10 Favorite Learnist Boards Of The Year 2.66K Views 0 Likes I wanted to take a moment and share my favorite Learnist boards from the past year. Explain Everything ™ Collaborize Classroom Blog: Education to the Power of We This is a partial re-post of an article by Catlin Tucker from her blog at Image from Using an online learning platform, online discussions, and/or work online to complement your class can: 1. Teachers spend hours each week creating, copying, collating, stapling, and hole punching handouts, assignments and activity sheets for students. 2. Copy machines, ink, paper and repairs cost school districts thousands of dollars annually (monthly for some larger districts). In less fortunate districts, teachers are forced to spend hundreds— if not thousands – of dollars of their own money to supplement classroom resources. Teachers can save money and paper by posting assignments, directions, notes, reading materials online. 3. Online discussions and collaborative group work free teachers from their role as the only source of information and feedback. 4. 5. Teachers can use online tools to engage in conversations with students they may not normally have. 6. 7.

The 100 Best Learning Tools Of 2012 As Chosen By You Word Cloud of this list of learning tools! It’s a magical time of year. The time when we start seeing some of the best roundups of web tools and apps being used to enhance learning around the world. In case you missed the first in our series, check out The 30 Best Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers (2012 Edition) . More than 500 learning professionals took part in voting for their favorite tools, apps, and learning resources. Be sure to check out the full voting records and a look at how each resource is being used (personal, professional, enterprise) at Jane’s terrific site, C4LPT. I have iPads in the Classroom. Now What?

10 Best Apps 4 Teachers Most of what we do is for the students. The focus of this and many other blogs and websites is about learning, and rightly so, but there are also apps that will make our jobs easier too. I am talking about that catergory of apps that are designed specifically for the classroom teacher. Those apps that will assist us in the everyday little jobs that need to be done, often on the run and often while 10 other things are also happening in the room. There are plenty and I am sure as more and more teachers gain the confidence to design their own apps, there will be more suitable one to come. Here is a list of apps that you can use to make your job easier. Keynote: $9.99 Keynote for iPad is almost as powerful as the desktop application. Since one of the first jobs you have to do each morning is to take the role Attendance is a great solution for the iPad. TeacherTool saves grades and makes suggestions for grades. iAnnotate is a PDF reader and annotation tool for the iPad. GradePad: $2.99

35 Digital Tools That Work With Bloom's Taxonomy Integrating technology in the classroom and engaging students in higher order thinking creates the ultimate learning experience for students. Bloom’s Taxonomy and digital tools creates an innovative learning environment where students are engaged in their assignments. The following is a list of digital tools as it relates to Bloom’s Taxonomy. 1. Creating – In creating, students create projects that involve video editing, storytelling, video casting, podcasting, and animating. Digital tools to allow students to create include: Story Kit , Comic Life , iMovie , and , SonicPics , Fotobabble , and Sock Puppet . 2. For a sample lesson using digital tools with the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy visit my post at: .

Create a Narrated Slideshow on an iPad with Haiku Deck and Explain Everything <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> This week I’m leading a 3 day iPad Media Camp in Oklahoma City. On day 1 we learned about creating 5 photo stories and narrated slideshows with the iPad apps Educreations (free) and Explain Everything ($3). Check out the final narrated slideshow on YouTube, which I also embedded on our Day 3 curriculum when we’ll learn about “Interactive Writing” and “Creating Multimedia eBooks.” Here is the Haiku Deck presentation I used for my slides. On this day..

20 Creative Ways To Use Instagram In The Classroom The buzz around Instagram might have you thinking about jumping ship. Instead, why not consider a few ways to use the app in your classroom? Teachers who want to reach their students must continue to evolve their curriculum for the world now- not as it was five or ten or fifteen years ago. Despite the negative connotations that Facebook and other such platforms have (specifically in regards to distracting students), there are all kinds of positive ways that social media can play a role in learning enrichment. Instagram may not be as well known as Facebook or Twitter, but this photo-sharing social media platform could be a great tool in your classroom. 1. Students can make a photo collage of all the books they’ve read throughout the year. 2. Turn a dry subject with numbers and formulas, and connect it to art through visual expression. 3. Have each of your students take a photo of themselves in different parts of their town and city. 4. 5. 6. 7. Host a field day for your class. 8. 9. 10.

46 Education App Review Sites For Teachers And Students We try our best to keep our thumb on the pulse of the best education apps and web tools. In fact, we have probably spent way too much time attempting to offer up as many useful product reviews and helpful lists over the past several years. But we’re just two people. Katie and I can’t cover the entire education app industry by ourselves. Whether you’re looking to find the best interactive whiteboard app, a new way to deliver exit slips, or simply a fun educational game that can be used in your classroom tomorrow, these app review sites are definitely your go-to source.

Brain Rules: Brain development for parents, teachers and business leaders | Brain Rules | The iBook Author Project: Transforming the Classroom. This is a great find. For those of you lucky enough to be a Mac school, I firmly believe the library needs to promote--prodigiously!--not just the teacher use of iBooks Author, but STUDENT-CREATED iBooks. I've blogged previously (ad nauseum?) about our iPad Trials (though, personally, I think it's more of an iBooks Author trial at this point, but it may be expanding). Basically, for this project, students are researching WW II, specifically some aspect of their home countries' involvement (we're an international school). We'll also include interviews at the end from each of the teachers (history, tech integrator and me), discussing the project as a whole, and what WE learned from it. Our major concern lay in keeping the tech from over-whelming the content. We spent a day introducing the basics of iBooks Author, then gave them a week to put their chapter together. Students handed in their iBA files, and an intern put them all together. What we would add next time:
