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Second Life Wiki

Dwarf Fortress Wiki KANAE PROJECT - Products for Second Life - NOMI(Chisel) is Sculpted Prim Relief Maker. NOMI is the software which simply makes sculpted prim with relief contours from one picture using the brightness of it. A preview can be checked before uploading to SL. From the original picture, the software outputs a sculpted prim picture and a texture picture. Moreover, better relief can be achieved if the desired height information is added and processed. A user moves a control point, can smooth the surface of relief or can make the relief which is not a square. The mainly improved functionality is as follows. The interface of the edit pane was improved like KUMIKI. NOMI Frequently Asked Question(FAQ)

Second Life Built into the software is a three-dimensional modeling tool based on simple geometric shapes that allows residents to build virtual objects. There is also a procedural scripting language, Linden Scripting Language, which can be used to add interactivity to objects. Sculpted prims (sculpties), mesh, textures for clothing or other objects, animations, and gestures can be created using external software and imported. The Second Life terms of service provide that users retain copyright for any content they create, and the server and client provide simple digital rights management (DRM) functions.[3] However, Linden Lab changed their terms of service in August 2013, to be able to use user-generated content for any purpose. The new terms of service prevents users from using textures from 3rd-party texture services, as some of them pointed out explicitly.[5] Users can also photograph in Second Life with the camera technology the client programs have. History[edit] 10th anniversary[edit]

Second Life Marketplace Minecraft Wiki - The ultimate resource for all things Minecraft Kajira 101 Finchwhistling - flighted bird found at the ground level of the rainforest, it is insectivorous.In the ground zone, and on the ground itself, are certain birds, some flighted, like the hook-billed gort, which preys largely on rodents, such as ground urts, and the insectivorous whistling finch, and some unflighted, like the grub borer and land gim. Along the river, of course, many other species of birds may be found, such as jungle gants, tufted fishers and ring-necked and yellow-legged waders.Explorers of Gor, page 311 Fishertufted - a water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi.Along the river, of course, many other species of birds may be found, such as jungle gants, tufted fishers and ring-necked and yellow-legged waders.Explorers of Gor, page 311 Fleer: common - large hook-billed bird which hunts at night.My master looked upward, at the moons. lang - an insectivorous bird which inhabits the ground level of rainforests inland of Schendi.

Limits Summary The Second Life Viewer and simulators have a division of labor, keeping track of the data that makes Second Life run. The Viewer's job is to: Handle locations of objects. The simulator's job is to: Run the physics engine. Limits are necessary for all of these components to work together. Avatar Max. # of attachments - 38 combined HUD or body attachments. Animation Building Communication Gestures Groups Maximum number of groups you can belong to: 42 for Basic accounts, 60 for Premium accounts. Inventory Maximum number of inventory items that can be sent in a folder: 42 Folders count as items too. Land Maximum parcel size: 65,536 meters² Covering a whole region, or square on the World Map. Mesh User Found Temporary Mesh limits: Because of an apparent bug in the importer stay within these limits. 174,752 triangles, beyond which additional triangles will appear as holes. Misc. Billing and Trading Limits - Includes LindeX currency exchange limits. Profile Performance Scripting Sound Textures

Second Life Grid Status Reports FrontPage Second Life Newser: Linden Lab Starts Increasing Prim Limits of Private Sims On Thursday November 3, Linden Lab announced that they were in the process of increasing the prim limits of Mainland sims. They also stated that while private sims would also be seeing a similar increase, it would not be right away, but "within a couple months." On Tuesday November 29, the Lab announced that they were finally starting these increases. As of today, we are extending this benefit to Private Estate Regions. Full Regions, Homesteads, and Openspace Regions on Private Estates will get a 33% increase in Land Impact allowance at no additional charge! As with the Mainland sims, the private island prim capacity increases are being done through their weekly rolling restarts. Linden Lab also brought up their plans to allow private sim owners the option to boost their prim allowance by an additional 10,000 to 30,000, saying it would be "starting next week" and details would be soon.

[VIEWER 2 TIP] Shared Media: Show YouTube on a FUL I'm a big fan of narrative arcs, and Shared Media has wrapped up some loose ends very neatly (with other ongoing threads, like privacy, continuing to be covered). I've been asked for YEARS: "How do I play YouTube in Second Life?" Before Shared Media, some very clever Residents devised ways to continually re-fetch the MP4 links that YouTube has made increasingly available for videos on its site. Now we have Flash support with Shared Media, we can show YouTube as-is without any conversion or hosting hassles. BUT! It's cool I can show YouTube, but I ONLY want to show the video. There are several methods to this, but one of the simplest is provided by YouTube itself. See where it says "watch"? You can try clicking on the two URLs in your normal web browser to compare. Or, on a YouTube page, look towards the upper right for an icon with the hover tip "Watch this video in a new window". Other sites may have their own means.

Second Life Official Site - Virtual Worlds, Avatars, Free 3D Chat Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki G&S Cookbook « The Bondmaids Heart *Note: last known update 01-2016 Here is a web based version of the cookbook for the G&S System that we use in Second Life. This is my attempt to make a more usable version more like a recipe book outside of the game to make the recipes easier to locate. I have grouped the contents by categories and the links will take you to the recipe page. Some pages have multiple recipes on them. I have also included some information from the books about the animals and food for your reading pleasure Enjoy! A VERY special “Thank you!” (Super Secret Learned recipes are found Here) **For a quick reference of Energy values, click HERE ! Share this: Like this: Like Loading... Leave a Reply Cancel %d bloggers like this:
