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Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease
© n/a We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled "opinion makers." The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. It Is Not Working! These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The long-established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which dwarf any historical plague in terms of mortality, human suffering and dire economic consequences. Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before. What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Let's get back to the sweet roll. Related:  Health

41 States Sell Out to Merck's HPV Shot Gardasil Vaccine Since 2006, 41 states have introduced legislation to support the HPV vaccine industry, despite the danger of death and injury. Shockingly, Dr. Diane Harper, a lead developer of Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine, warns against Gardasil vaccine deaths and she advocates complete disclosure about the risk of death and adverse reactions (including Guillian-Barre syndrome) to parents and patients. Dr. 95% of infections from HPV resolve on their own with zero government intervention. The HPV vaccine legislation in 41 states includes mandatory vaccination, funding Merck and GSK’s HPV vaccines, removing parental rights by removing parental consent for the HPV vaccine, or educating the public about the HPV virus. The federal government funds HPV vaccinations to a large degree. With this much money on the table, greedy vaccine makers are pushing the HPV vaccine that was designed to treat cervical cancer, on boys (note to Merck & GSK: males do not have cervixes). Merck HPV Lobbying Scandal

GMO OMG — Stunning New Documentary Film Trailer Le parasite de la langue à l’humanité : “merci pour la surpêche !” Les isopodes sont des crustacés (comme le homard). Certains sont des parasites isopodes (comme celui qui vous fixe dans l’image d’entête). Si vous éprouvez des difficultés à savoir ce que, précisément, cet isopode a parasité, la réponse est : un poisson. Ce petit monstre se tortille à travers les branchies de son hôte pour arriver et s’implanter dans la bouche du poisson, afin de se gaver de ​​la langue de sa victime, qu’il remplace désormais… en permanence. Les chercheurs connaissent ce parasite retourneur d’estomac depuis des décennies, mais il y a encore beaucoup de choses que nous ne connaissons pas sur lui. Cette semaine, une nouvelle étude publiée dans le Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (lien plus bas) a montré que ces parasites de la langue (Ceratothoa italica) sont répandus chez quelques espèces de poissons de la Méditerranée connue sous le nom de Marbré (Lithognathus mormyrus).

13 antiinflammatoriska livsmedel som kan rädda ditt liv...! Det finns faktiskt två typer av inflammation och även om de är närstående varandra, så har de annorlunda inverkan på din hälsa. Akut inflammation uppstår när du har en skada eller någon typ av infektion. Den smärta, rodnad och svullnad visar på att immunförsvaret gör sitt jobb, motverkar infektionen och tar bort den skadade vävnaden. När hotet har tagits bort, så går det naturliga antiinflammatoriska medlet ner och inflammationen försvinner. Med kronisk inflammation är det annorlunda, eftersom det kan liknas vid att immunförsvaret har "fastnat" i en position, som det inte själv klarar av att ta sig ur. Allt fler experter har börjat misstänka att kronisk inflammation är nyckelpunkten hos de flesta stora degenerativa sjukdomar, som hjärtsjukdomar, diabetes, astma, demens och cancer. Den goda nyheten är att sambandet mellan kost och inflammation är oehört viktig, vilket gör det relativt lätt att förebygga eller förbättra. - Vitlök är oerhört effektivt vid exempelvis tarmsjukdomar.

New Evidence of Synergy Between Vitamins A and D: Protection Against Autoimmune Diseases | Mother Nature Obeyed One of the perennial topics of this blog is the synergy between vitamins A and D. A new Japanese study published last July in the journal Immunology Letters (1) provides further evidence of this synergy, this time suggesting the dynamic duo can courageously combat the most flagellant of our inner impulses, keeping our wayward neutrophils in check and barring them from wandering too far down the winding road that leads to autoimmunity. These investigators faced a conundrum. A number of studies suggest that the activated hormone form of vitamin D, calcitriol, has great promise for preventing and treating autoimmune diseases, but its usefulness in the clinical setting is currently limited because it promotes excessive accumulation of calcium in the blood and soft tissues. One hardly wants to cure, say, psoriasis if it means having to pass kidney stones. Th17 cells are helper T cells that produce a number of inflammatory chemicals, including interleukin-17. 1. 2.

Feature Story: Meet Bob O'Hara | CANOEING.COM Advanced Paddler Both groups eventually made it through the ice to Baker Lake where O’Hara would share his candy and tobacco. While he was there, O’Hara would learn about South Hampton Island, home to two bird sanctuaries on Hudson Bay. It would take another two years to plan, but the seed had been planted. {*style:<b>A Man of the Water </b>*}O’Hara has always been drawn to the water, but he made his start as an adventurer far from the rivers of the north. O’Hara’s passion for canoeing led him to the Minnesota Canoe Association, where one of his new paddling friends made a discovery that would spark O’Hara’s far north canoeing career: , a chronicle of two teenagers’ canoe trip from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay in 1930. “It’s amazing how fast you can think sometimes.

La Russie avertit Obama: une guerre globale sur la disparition des abeilles menace How to decalcify the Pineal Gland? Decalcify Pineal Gland - Decalcifying, Detoxifying & Activating Pineal Glands (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra) How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra)? Section Contents: How to cleanse your pineal gland? STEP 1 – Stop further calcification of your Pineal Gland1. STEP 2 – Remove existing calcification within your Pineal Gland1. How to cleanse your pineal gland? As mentioned in the previous section (What is your Pineal Gland?) There are two parts to pineal gland decalcification. Below we will go through the methods you can take to achieve these two steps. STEP 1 – Stop further calcification of your Pineal Gland The key to stopping further calcification of your pineal gland is to firstly identify what causes calcification, and then secondly stopping these sources. Below is a list of the primary causes of calcification: Halides: Halides are chemical substances such as Fluoride, Chlorine and Bromide. Fluoride is the most common and widespread in our diets. Recommended Product (US & Worldwide): Manina 100% Vegetable Base Neem Advance Toothpaste 6.42oz with Mint Calcium: Tap Water: 1. I. 2.

Keeping Teens Organized Organizational skills can be the key to the chaos that is your child's life. Teens are often at a loss to know why they cannot find their notes and assignments or are always running behind. Not all children realize that organizational skills must be modeled and taught. If this is the case with your teen, it may be time to step in and ask if they would like some help organizing and ordering their life. The Necessary Supplies Begin by helping your teen to choose the supplies that they will need to organize their school items. In each binder, place a set of dividers and label them appropriately for the class. Saving the Date Next, help your child to set up a planner or appointment book that they can use to keep track of classes, assignments due, and extra curricular activities. Practicing New Skills Once you and your teen have taken the time to set up a system of organization that works for them, take some time to go over basic tenets of organization. Follow Through is Key School Lunch Ideas
