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Related:  Pédagogie du XXIe siècle

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Business He started by telling them that there were kids in other parts of the world who could memorize pi to hundreds of decimal points. They could write symphonies and build robots and airplanes. Most people wouldn't think that the students at José Urbina López could do those kinds of things. Kids just across the border in Brownsville, Texas, had laptops, high-speed Internet, and tutoring, while in Matamoros the students had intermittent electricity, few computers, limited Internet, and sometimes not enough to eat. "But you do have one thing that makes you the equal of any kid in the world," Juárez Correa said. "Potential." He looked around the room. Paloma was silent, waiting to be told what to do. "So," Juárez Correa said, "what do you want to learn?" In 1999, Sugata Mitra was chief scientist at a company in New Delhi that trains software developers. Over the years, Mitra got more ambitious. Over the next 75 days, the children worked out how to use the computer and began to learn.

Our Dream School: A Net-Positive Campus for Today, A Model School for the Future The Academy for Global Citizenship is an innovative Chicago Public Charter School, located on the Southwest side of Chicago, where access to quality public education is scarce. AGC is meeting an urgent demand: serving grades K-5, adding grade level every year, and serving a larger mission to influence the way our society educates future generations. Our approach, which incorporates sustainable living, student-led learning and local and global communities, has fostered dramatic change in our students, our community and in the Chicago Public School System. This campus will be the first of its kind in Illinois and will serve as a model for generations ahead. Our Campaign This is where we need your help. If 200 of us each reach out to 50 of our friends and families and ask them to donate $5 or more, we can reach $50,000. We are asking you to join us in this step towards building the first energy net-positive school building in the State of Illinois. The Why Excited? Get the word out!

The 21st Century Learning and Teaching Skills You should not Miss Digital media and internet are transforming the way our kids socialize and play; they are even changing the way they learn and participate civically. Many believe that this shift could possibly transform teaching and learning broadening, thus, the focus of literacy to include the digital element. Technology is not only revolutionizing education but it is also reconceptualizing the way this education is delivered. Learning environments in the 20th century : Learning in the 20th century was basically taking place in a poor environment whose major players were : school, teachers, and parents. Learning in the 21st century : Now that technology has creeped into our life a new vision of learning emerged. The first principle is the shift from education to learningThe second one is the shift from consumption of learning to participation and productionThe third one is the shift from thinking about institutions to thinking about new works.

10 Principles for the Future of Learning » Edurati Review (This post, written by Jason Flom , is cross-posted on Ecology of Education .) I daydream the future of schooling will include a teacher like this . (It’s too late for me, I know, but I cross my fingers for the sake of my daughter.) Yoda aside, who better to daydream the future of learning with than the good folks at MIT? Thanks to funding from the MacArthur Foundation , The MIT Press has published a series on digital media and learning (with open access electronic versions ), which they describe this way: The John D. and Catherine T. In their report, The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age , Cathy N. (The principles in bold are unedited. 1. Self-learning has bloomed; discovering online possibilities is a skill now developed from early childhood through advanced adult life. 2. 3. Learning is shifting from issues of authoritativeness to issues of credibility. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It has become obvious that from the point of view of participatory learning there is no finality. 9. 10.

Les 4 piliers de l'apprentissage d'après les neurosciences D’après Stanislas Dehaene, psychologue cognitif, neuroscientifique et professeur au Collège de France, les neurosciences cognitives ont identifié au moins quatre facteurs qui déterminent la vitesse et la facilité d’apprentissage. 1. L’attention L’attention est la capacité que nous avons à nous ouvrir à la réalité : l’attention ouvre notre esprit. Audrey Akoun et Isabelle Pailleau, auteurs de La pédagogie positive, la définissent comme Le mouvement cérébral qui va nous permettre d’orienter notre action en fonction d’un objectif, d’un centre d’intérêt… Grâce à elle, nous captons, par nos cinq sens, les différentes informations en provenance soit de notre environnement, soit de notre ressenti émotionnel ou psychologique. Stanislas Dehaene ajoute que l’attention sert à sélectionner les informations, module massivement l’activité cérébrale et facilite l’apprentissage. Mais l’attention peut être sélective. Quelles conséquences pour l’enseignement ? 2. Stanislas Dehaene écrit : 3. 4.

A Guide to Depth of Knowledge: 5 Tips to Help Your Students View Original Photo How do you know that the tasks your students complete will meet the rigorous standards of the Common Core? How do you know they’re reaching the level of thinking required for Common Core assessments and college and career readiness? You know by using a frame of reference called Depth of Knowledge. While Depth of Knowledge (DOK) is not a new concept, it is a new way of labeling the level of thinking required by a question or assignment in the Common Core. If you’ve noticed the exit questions included in some of our closure activities, or if you have heard of Bloom’s taxonomy, you are familiar with the fact that some activities require deeper levels of thinking. The CCSS ELA standards require students to produce at a Depth of Knowledge 3 and 4. A Breakdown of DOK1-4 DOK 1: The ability to process knowledge on a low level so that the knowledge can be reproduced or communicated. DOK 2: Solve routine problems, like book learning. A detailed look at DOK1-4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tinkering School: Think, Make, Tinker! Méthodes et modèles pédagogiques Frédéric Haeuw :"L’irruption massive des technologies et des réseaux dans la formation des jeunes et des adultes fait ressurgir de vieux débats sur les méthodes pédagogiques. Les Massive Open Online Courses, par exemple, sont généralement distingués en « xMOOC » plutôt basés sur une pédagogie transmissive de savoirs clairement identifiés dans des référentiels fermés, et en « cMOOC » dont les objectifs d’apprentissage sont plus ouverts et qui se basent sur le principe que ce sont les participants qui créent le contenu. On parle alors de méthodes pédagogiques, classées généralement en méthodes déductives (démonstrative, expositive …) ou inductives (active ou expérientielle), et l’on considère souvent que la méthode dépend de l’objet à construire ou à transmettre : les savoirs académiques se prêteraient davantage à une méthode déductive et les compétences à une méthode inductive. Les constructivistes répondent à cette question de manière radicalement opposée.

Upgrade your KWL Chart to the 21st Century | Langwitches Blog One of the take aways from the Curriculum Mapping Institute this past week was that it brought an upgrade to THE trusted KWL (Know, What to Know and Learned) Chart to the forefront. It seems a no brainer…one of those things… “I should have thought about it”… So what is this upgrade all about? An “H” snuck into the Acronym! What does this “H” stand for”?Why is this an upgrade for the 21st century? I started out by searching Google, which immediately wanted to correct my search term and showed me the traditional “KWL chart” results. The top search results turned out mostly downloadable files for templates, which was quiet interesting as there were several explanations in these tutorials what the “H” could stand for: HOW can we find the answers to these questions? In direct relation to our quest to bring Information literacy in the 21st century to our teachers and students, the “HOW will we find the information” sticks out right away for me. Related 12. In "Featured Carousel" 8. 29.

Sweden’s Newest School System Has No Classrooms There’s a whole new classroom model and it’s a sight to behold. The newest school system in Sweden look more like the hallways of Google or Pixar and less like a brick-and-mortar school you’d typically see. There are collaboration zones, houses-within-houses, and a slew of other features that are designed to foster “curiosity and creativity.” That’s according to Vittra, which runs 30 schools in Sweden. Their most recent school, Telefonplan School (see photos below via Zilla Magazine) in Stockholm, could very well be the school of the future. Architect Rosan Bosch designed the school to encourage both independent and collaborative work such as group projects and PBL. The un-schoolness doesn’t stop with the furniture and layout though. Most of all, admission to the school is free as long as one of the child’s parents pays taxes in Sweden and the child has a ‘personal number’ which is like a social security number to our U.S. readers.

Organisez votre scénario pédagogique avec le mindmapping Un petit rappel : Le mindmapping ou la carte heuristique est une méthode très créative pour structurer l’information et ses idées. Si vous adoptez cette méthode pour gérer votre ingénierie pédagogique vous prendrez conscience que la carte mentale peut réellement optimiser la construction et la scénarisation de vos séquences de formation. Pour vous en convaincre j’ai créé une map qui vous permettra de gérer votre ingénierie. Les chapitres qui suivent vous guideront dans l’exploitation de cette carte Présentation de l’organisation de la carte Au centre de la carte on retrouve l’objectif global du module ou la compétence à acquérir par exemple “développer une stratégie de vieille sur internet”. Les séquences Les premiers sujets sont dédiés à la scénarisation de vos séquences et nous prendrons comme exemple ce module qui contient 7 séquences. Ce fichier qui a été inséré dans la carte est un document Word. Lien de téléchargement : Organiser son scénario pédagogique avec le Mindmapping

Teenagers Inspiring Positive Change | TEDxNextGenerationAsheville Le CRAP - Cahiers pédagogiques et l’éducation nouvelle L’éducation nouvelle a plus de cent ans. Comment peut-on dire qu’elle est encore « nouvelle » ? « L’éducation nouvelle a plus de cent ans. Comment peut-on dire qu’elle est encore « nouvelle » ? » Nous aimerions que cette phrase soit vraie, que la « nouveauté » ne le soit plus, étant intégrée au quotidien des classes et des établissements. C’est sur cet appel, repris en 1994 pour la « biennale de l’éducation et de la formation », dans une brochure parue alors sous le titre « L’éducation en mouvements » : qui conjugue volontarisme et réalisme que s’ouvrait le premier numéro d’une revue qui allait devenir après plusieurs changements de nom les Cahiers pédagogiques. en publiant chaque mois des témoignages sur « ce qui bouge » dans l’École ; en proposant des outils ; en se faisant tribune permanente des innovateurs, sans pour autant interdire l’accès de la revue à des contradicteurs ou à des esprits plus sceptiques ; en faisant connaître ce qui change en profondeur ;
