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Competency-Based Learning or Personalized Learning

Competency-Based Learning or Personalized Learning
Transitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility, allows students to progress as they demonstrate mastery of academic content, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. Competency-based strategies provide flexibility in the way that credit can be earned or awarded, and provide students with personalized learning opportunities. These strategies include online and blended learning, dual enrollment and early college high schools, project-based and community-based learning, and credit recovery, among others. This type of learning leads to better student engagement because the content is relevant to each student and tailored to their unique needs. It also leads to better student outcomes because the pace of learning is customized to each student. By enabling students to master skills at their own pace, competency-based learning systems help to save both time and money. State efforts District efforts Alternative/credit recovery schools and programs

Keeping Competency-Based Programs Relevant Over Time By Brian Fleming, Senior Analyst One of the unique features of competency-based education (CBE) is its ability to offer market-ready academic programs in high demand disciplines that are readily aligned to specific industry needs. Over time, however, this presents a grave vulnerability in this market. From our research, we find a growing number of forward-looking institutions in CBE, including Southern New Hampshire University, Arizona State University, and Purdue University. Basic Strategy In this process, an institution actively and aggressively pursues partners and solicits their input, both at the outset of program design and as a critical component of program improvement. Effort and Impact Keep in mind that forging knowledge-sharing partnerships usually comes with varying degrees of effort and impact, depending on a partner’s position within an industry. Getting Started with Knowledge Sharing Partnerships Stating the benefits of these partnerships is one thing. Eduventures Summit

Office of Accreditation and Assessment @ Teachers College :: Student Learning Student Learning Student learning outcomes are benchmarks for assessing what students know or can accomplish by the time they graduate. Student learning outcomes assessment is accordingly the systematic process of comparing measured outcomes against clearly stated goals for the knowledge, skills, habits of mind, and values that students should acquire during their academic career. Institution-wide assessment is a continuous cycle comprising a variety of activities, including curricular alignment, data collection, analysis, interpretation, reporting, and application of assessment results to both the improvement of instruction and refinement of the assessment process itself. Mission Teachers College, the nation’s oldest and largest graduate school of education, is dedicated to promoting excellence in education, and to overcoming the gap in educational access and achievement between the most and least advantaged groups in this country. Learning Goals and Outcomes
