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Code & form » Computational aesthetics

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blprnt.blg | Jer Thorp Everything Visual » Generative, Coding & Interactive Posts Filed Under 'Generative, Coding & Interactive' Into the Dark – “Tearing Shadows” projection sculpture (teaser) by Robert Seidel “Tearing Shadows is a new projection sculpture by Berlin-based artist Robert Seidel. “Tearing Shadow” by Robert Seidel is on show from 23rd of February to 13th of April 2013 at the 401contemporary gallery in Berlin, Germany. Links:Robert Seidel401contemporary Related posts:Form Follows Fantasy – “Scrape”, “Black Mirror” and “Folds” by Robert SeidelWave Artefacts – “Meander” Live AV Performance By Robert Seidel & Heiko TippeltPaper Projection – “Chiral” By Robert SeidelMonday Motion: Vellum — Slices Of A Virtual Sculpture By Robert Seidel 0share 0 Posted on March the 12th, 2013 at 08:14 pm / Catergories: Aesthetics, CGI & 3D, Experimental, Generative, Coding & Interactive, Installations Share: Recommend: Form Follows Fantasy – “Scrape”, “Black Mirror” and “Folds” by Robert Seidel “Scrape” “Black Mirror” “Folds” 0 Posted on October the 13th, 2011 at 03:40 pm /

Digital Performances & Cultures MEMBRE DU RAN* Generative Art International Conference Le blog de Concours d’œuvres radiophoniques 24 mars 2014 Un concours organisé par l’atelier de création sonore radiophonique dans le cadre du festival MONOPHONIC. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#14 par Marc Wathieu 21 mars 2014 “J’apprends en m’amusant : le graphisme”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#13 par Marc Wathieu “Sport et santé : la course à pied”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#12 par Marc Wathieu 21 janvier 2014 “J’apprends en m’amusant : les mathématiques”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Court-Circuit : identité visuelle 19 janvier 2014 Workshop communication visuelle à la HEAJ (Haute École Albert Jacquard) à Namur. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#11 par Marc Wathieu 14 décembre 2013 “Loisirs et détente entre amis : l’alpinisme”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Couvrir / Découvrir 28 novembre 2013 Novembre 2013 : 3e exercice : constitution d’une collection d’images et travail graphique (dessin, collage). Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#10 par Marc Wathieu

Philip Galanter » Resources Generative Art Links Following is a selected list of links to web sites that are generally related to generative art. For a huge list of technology art related web sites please see Stephan Wilson's Information Arts Link pages. Additional topic-specific links can be found on each page of the Generative Art Wiki. Physical Computing Software Evolutionary Art Programs NetLogoBeginner-friendly platform for complex systems and artificial life ScriptographerScripting plug-in for Adobe Illustrator ChucKOn the fly audio programming language JMSLJava Music Specification Language Max/MSP/JitterA commerical graphical programming environment for audio and video Pd (Pure Data)An open source Max variant for real time grapical audio and video programming SuperColliderA real time audio synthesis programming language VVVVA graphical real-time programming environment for video synthesis and more ProcessingAn open source programming language for artists OpenProcessingA processing related blog & exhibition

Research - Technologies - Generative Art: protoquadro Ever-evolving Protoquadro art starts out conventionally enough with a series of photos and images with very specific properties along the artist’s chosen theme. A software algorithm designed according to the laws of chaos is then applied to select and combine different aspects of the photographs to create unique and constantly evolving works of art that can be displayed on flat screens or projected onto suitable surfaces in places ranging from homes, offices and hotels to shops, museums and other public buildings. Such is the nature of the technique that the resulting artwork will never repeat itself, and even the artist is unable to predict precisely which direction it will evolve in. So unique is each creation that two protoquadros generated using the same set of photos and algorithm will even develop differently. Fascination Philips Research first became involved in the generative art movement out of sheer fascination with the technique. It was

Generative Art in Illustrator: Scriptographer | The Chopping Block They say the devils’ in the details, and while working with vectors can be fast and freeing, it can also cause a designer to obsess over every last point. A good way to counteract this is to inject some randomness into your design. That’s where the illustrator plugin Scriptographer comes and saves you. Scriptographer is an open source Javascript-based plugin which adds several new tools to your Illustrator tool bar. Furthermore, since Scriptographer is Javascript-based, you can even create your own tools if you’ve got the coding chops. So download it, kick the tires a little and go crazy. *A brief word of caution: The creators of Scriptographer are working hard on a CS4 update, and we have seen a few bugs here and there especially with the more processor heavy rendering tools, save often.

Generative Art Links Some links to Generative Art, Math & Fractals, and other creative ways of creating computional imagery. The list is not meant to be exhaustive: rather, it is a list of my favorite links. Generative Art Software General-Purpose Software Processing is probably the most used platform for Generative Art. It is an “open source programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts and visual design communities”. Nodebox – A Python based alternative to Processing. vvvv is “a toolkit for real time video synthesis”. PureData a “real-time graphical dataflow programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing.” Specific Systems Context Free Art – uses Context Free Design Grammars to generate 2D images. Structure Synth – my own attempt to extend Context Free Art into three dimensions. TopMod3D – “is a free, open source, portable, platform independent topological mesh modeling system that allows users to create high genus 2-manifold meshes”. Ready.

Context Free Art
