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Becoming Conscious: The Science of Mindfulness

Becoming Conscious: The Science of Mindfulness

Video and Audio Contemplative Teaching and Learning promotes awareness of self, others and the world by infusing classroom life and teaching with experiential practices such as mindfulness, yoga, tai chi, reflective journaling and others. It deepens learning and builds inner strengths and skills including attention, self-regulation and compassion. Why Care for Teachers Matters Teachers and school administrators who attended one of the Garrison Institute's CARE for Teachers retreats took some time to tell us why CARE (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education) matters so much in our schools right now. CARE helps teachers reduce stress and enliven their teaching by promoting the inner resources they need to help students flourish. Dr. Dr. Adele Diamond: Child Development and the Brain - Insight to Help Every Child Thrive In her talk, "Child Development and the Brain: Insights to Help Every Child Thrive," Dr. Pamela Seigle: Advancing the Science and Practice of Contemplative Education
