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We No Speak Americano ft. Cleary & Harding

We No Speak Americano ft. Cleary & Harding Dance Form & Structure Once the choreographer has conceived key movement phrases, he or she can combine, manipulate and organize them into longer sequences, paying attention to: 1. Compose by Ouyang Xi, He Binbin, Zeng Li & Li Bo & Yanko Design - StumbleUpon Compose Music All High Tech Like Have you ever caught yourself whistling a made up tune and thought to yourself, “hey this could be a hit song!” Those moments of inspiration are fleeting but with the Compose concept, you can compose anywhere. The pen acts as a mic you sing into. When docked into the digital paper tablet, your vocal harmonies are automatically transcribed into a score. For the old schooler, you can write directly on the display.

Explainer: what is contemporary dance? Contemporary dance is a catch-all phrase used fairly indiscriminately, meaning many things to different dance communities across a wide range of cultures. In fact, it’s probably easier to say what contemporary dance is not than what it is. But a good place to start is by thinking of it as a genre in its own right, with different styles that can be housed under one roof. What came before? Before we had contemporary dance (1970s onwards), we had postmodern dance (1960-70s) and, prior to that, modern dance (1920s-1960s) and it is here that the styles of dance we comfortably call “contemporary” today find their genesis. The European influences on American modern dance came from the German Expressionist dancers Mary Wigman (1886-1973) and Hanya Holm (1893-1992).

Musics 50 Favorite Albums of 2011 : NPR - StumbleUpon The Whole Dancer This unit plan was revised from the Ontario Ministry of Education Course Profiles written in 1999. Unit Description The focus of this unit is for students of dance to develop a healthy view of themselves and their bodies. Students will examine the role of good nutritional practices and informed food choices and how that impacts self concept and overall wellness. Beyoncé et Britney Spears doivent beaucoup à Michael Jackson (pas le chanteur, le danseur) Moonwalk, anti-gravity lean, balancé testiculaire… Michael Jackson maîtrisait certes des «steps» hors de portée du commun des mortels, mais il a surtout introduit une certaine idée du métissage chorégraphique sur les dance floors. Alors que pullulent encore à l'échelle planétaire cours, tutos et jeux vidéo prétendant vous apprendre à danser comme Michael Jackson, alors qu'il n'est pas un individu qui n'ait déjà ruiné son capital sexuel en tentant publiquement une imitation des zombies de Thriller, nous continuons à méconnaître l'apport réel du King of Pop dans le champ chorégraphique. Les études sur la musique de Michael Jackson sont nombreuses, mais celles liées à la danse restent quasi inexistantes. Pourtant, du classique au hip-hop en passant par le contemporain, il n'est pas un chorégraphe actuel qui se risquerait à dire qu'«on a un peu surnoté ses chorés».

Planet Dance: a visitor's guide to contemporary dance Welcome to Planet Dance From time to time people tell us that although they’ve watched dance performances and enjoyed them they wouldn’t mind having some kind of ‘user’s guide’ to contemporary dance. “Is it one style or many? How does it relate to other kinds of dance?
