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Recommended Blogging Resources & Tools

Recommended Blogging Resources & Tools
I am regularly asked for recommendations on different tools, training, resources and services available to blogging. People particularly want to know what tools I use to run my blogs. As a result I’ve put together a list of recommended blogging resources that I’ve either personally used (in most cases) or which have come highly recommended to me by people I trust. I will add to these lists as I come across new blogging resources that I recommend. Blog Platforms WordPress My recommendation for blogging platforms is pretty clear – A couple of other platforms exist of course including: – a free hosted blogging platformBlogger – another free hosted option – owned by Google Recommended Reading: Choosing a Blog Platform Hosting There are many hosting services available for bloggers. If you’re just starting out or have a smaller blog I highly recommend you check out BlueHost who have put together a special discount offer for ProBlogger readers. Blog Design/Themes Related:  karlo5

NISTE ZADOVOLJNI SVOJOM KUPOVINOM? Istražili smo kako i kada možete vratiti proizvod u trgovinu -Jutarnji List Kada sam prije nekoliko godina bila u Americi, dok smo hodali jednim od njihovih poznatih trgovačkih centara, jedna prijateljica, odrasla u Americi, pričala nam je kako Amerikanke petkom masovno kupuju odjeću – majice, haljine, topiće i suknjice za subotnji izlazak te ih komotno u ponedjeljak vrate i dobiju svoj novac nazad. - Pa kako, zar ne uprljaju odjeću tijekom izlaska? Što naprave s etiketom? Mirisom? Danas, nekoliko godina kasnije, takva praksa postala je uobičajena i kod nas. Na blagajni H&M-a i Zare jasno stoji natpis kako se kupljena odjeća i obuća može zamijeniti ili tražiti povrat novca za istu u roku od 30 dana od kupovine. Kupili smo majicu u Zari na sniženju, koštala je oko 50-ak kuna. Jednaka je situacija bila u H&M-u. No, uvjeti reklamacije nisu isti u svakoj trgovini i nemojte se nadati da, ukoliko ste u jednoj trgovini dobili povrat novca bez problema, da ćete imati jednako pravo u svakoj trgovini. -Ukoliko želite vratiti proizvod, možete dobiti samo zamjenu.

Blogging Toolbox: 120+ Resources for Bloggers An aspiring blogger can be overwhelmed with the vast amount of resources, tools, and advice for bloggers available on the net. While in no way definitive - there's simply too much going on in this space to cover it all - we did our best to bring you a comprehensive list of blogging resources, which should be equally useful to beginners as well as veteran bloggers. Enjoy. WordPress WordPress Themes ThemeViewer - The number one location to find WordPress themes to make your page cool, which you will most certainly want to do.Templates Now - A smaller collection of WordPress themes, but still worth your while to check out.TemplateMonster - If you want more professional quality themes then this site can be useful. Best WordPress Plugins Akismet - The best blog comment spam prevention plug-in. Wordpress Plugin repositories Movable Type Movable Type Styles Best Movable Type Plugins Movable Type Plugin repositories Blog Hosting Solutions Dedicated & Shared Hosting Services Paid Blog Hosting Services Tips

SPREMA SE JEDINSTVENI NEBESKI SPEKTAKL KAKAV SE VIDI SAMO JEDNOM U ŽIVOTU Golim okom će se moći vidjeti sudar dviju zvijezda! -Jutarnji List Na početku trećega stoljeća na području Velike Britanije bjesnio je građanski rat, a rimski car Septimije Sever spremao se za velika vojna osvajanja na sjeveru. Istodobno, na nebu su se, a da toga borci na tlu nisu bili ni svjesni, sudarale dvije zvijezde i uzrokovale kataklizmičnu eksploziju, piše The Telegraph. Sada, čak 1800 godina poslije, svjetlost iz tog povijesnog razdoblja napokon će doputovati do Zemlje i stvoriti novu zvijezdu na noćnom nebu. Ovakav spektakl inače je moguće pratiti samo preko teleskopa, ali 2022. godine dvije zvijezde koje će se sudariti (a zapravo su se već sudarile), stvorit će dovoljno jaku 'eksploziju' da ona bude vidljiva i ljudskome oku. 'Prvi put u povijesti roditelji će djeci moći pokazati rađanje nove zvijezde na nebu', kaže dr. Procjenjuje se da će trag sudara zvijezda intenzivno ostati na nebu u razdoblju od čak šest mjeseci, a poslije će, kroz dvije do tri godine, postepeno slabiti i početi sjati poput drugih 'normalnih' zvijezda.

5 Remarkable Resources on Building a Better Blog Today I’ve got 5 resources about building websites that you’ve got to check out. The true cost of entrepreneurship (what your friends and family will never understand) 5 steps to building a better blog (an oldie, but did you finish all 5 steps yet?) The dirty little words that prevent your readers from buying whatever it is you’re selling (I call them wallet-closing words). A remarkable, high-converting feature box download (for Thesis users) 3 beautiful website designs that use Thesis (for design inspiration) Plus, I need your opinion… 5 Resources on Building a Better Blog First, let’s start with the resources: 1. When you begin building a web-based business, your friends will think life is great. (Note, I want you to pay close attention to some of the comments on this article. 2. 5 steps to building a better blog We published this article on DIYthemes a few weeks back, but today I want to check in with you. 3. 4. By now you know I love the Feature Box, so I’ll spare you the “selling.” 1.

POSTAJE LI ČOVJEČANSTVO SVE GLUPLJE I GLUPLJE? Gen za obrazovanje i pamet polagano izumire, jer njegovi nositelji rađaju sve manje djece -Jutarnji List Veliko istraživanje, koje je proveo niz znanstvenika s raznih svjetskih sveučilišta, pokazalo je da se krećemo prema ostvarenju ideje idiokracije koju su u istoimenom filmu predstavili Mike Judge i Etan Cohen. Otkrili su da je gen odgovoran za obrazovna postignuća u opadanju, da njegovi nositelji imaju manje djece te da samim time generalno opada kvocijent inteligencije. Epidemiološke i genetske studije već su dokazale utjecaj genetskih varijanti na sklonost obrazovanju, no znanstvenici su sad uspjeli konstruirati takozvane poligenske ocjene prema genotipu osobe. Ljudi nositelji tog gena, koji imaju viši kvocijent inteligencije, imaju manje djece, i to uglavnom zato što se za osnivanje obitelji odlučuju kasnije. Negativna selekcija ovdje prepoznata najvjerojatnije je rezultat zajedničkog utjecaja gena i okoline što znači da bi se i taj trend mogao promijeniti ako se promijene društveno-ekonomske prilike. Sigurno je da ljudska rasa u genetskom smislu ne stagnira.

Alt Design Summit - Blog - Great Blog Resources Every Blogger Should Know Alt Summit Blogging Goodness in SLC, and now Online! Altitude Summit is your definitive resource for the very serious business of beautiful, brilliant blogging. A community of exciting, creative thinkers and entrepreneurs, Altitude Summit is a workshop with all your closest friends, and friends-to-be! Did we mention the Altitude Summit in SLC from January 22-25, 2014 and in SF on July 18, 2013. DOŠLI U TRGOVAČKI LANAC PO KRUMPIR, ZGROZILI SE KAD SU VIDJELI ŠTO SU ZAPRAVO KUPILI 'Izgleda lijepo, ma milina, a onda otkriješ da to nije krumpir!' -Jutarnji List Nekoliko Đakovčana nemalo se iznenadilo kada su u trgovačkom centru Lidl kupili pakiranje krumpira težine deset kilograma, s oznakom “Okusi zavičaja” u kojemu su osim krumpira našli - kamen, piše Glas Slavonije. Zanimljivo je da je kamen vrlo sličan krumpiru, gotovo jednake konfiguracije, a da nije riječ o povrću otkrijete tek kad ga krenete pripremati za jelo, odnosno kad ga operete. Jedan od njih je i Nenad Bunoza koji je kamen i izvagao. - Ovo se dogodilo već nekoliko puta, tj. da u pakiranju krumpira kod pripreme i pranja otkrijete kako neki baš i nisu jestivi, imaju lijepu težinu od gotovo 220 grama, zaobljeni, ma milina, ali problem je što otkriješ da je to umjesto krumpira - kamen. Što o svemu kažu u Lidlu Hrvatska, odnosno kako je moguće da se u mrežici krumpira nađe kamen te što kupci mogu učiniti dogodi li im se ponovno ovakva situacija, Glas Slavonije je doznao u tom trgovačkom lancu.

Blog Resources This resource list puts together a very good group of WordPress centric blogs that don’t quite fit into one specific niche. Many of them discuss development, design, news, and tutorials. Be sure to check them out and see which one becomes your favorite! WPForce News, Themes, Plugins and Hacks. WP Mayor Resources, news, and a job board. Code Poet Loads of resources and interviews. WPHub Top quality resources all in one place. WPExplorer Themes, plugins and more! WPSnipp Code snippets for every area of WordPress. Yoast Reviews, Hosting and Plugins. WPEngine Interviews, hosting and WordPress news. WPKube News, themes, plugins and more WordPress goodness. Bill Erickson Tips and tricks from a WordPress consultant. Paulund Tutorials, snippets and other helpful resources. Got any more that we missed? And if there are any that are outdated or that no longer publish consistently then please let us know as well. Like this: Like Loading...

Why Understanding These Four Types of Mistakes Can Help Us Learn | MindShift | KQED News by Eduardo Briceño This article was first published in the Mindset Works newsletter. We can deepen our own and our students’ understanding of mistakes, which are not all created equal, and are not always desirable. Here are two quotes about mistakes that I like and use, but that can also lead to confusion if we don’t further clarify what we mean: “A life spent making mistakes is not only most honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing” – George Bernard Shaw “It is well to cultivate a friendly feeling towards error, to treat it as a companion inseparable from our lives, as something having a purpose which it truly has.” – Maria Montessori These constructive quotes communicate that mistakes are desirable, which is a positive message and part of what we want students to learn. Types of mistakes The stretch mistakes Stretch mistakes happen when we’re working to expand our current abilities. Stretch mistakes are positive. We want to make stretch mistakes! The aha-moment mistakes

Best Resources To Start Your Blog Or Website Hello everyone, my name is Tyler. I have been helping Kari with the many technical details of starting and running GI 365 | Gourmet Innovations. We’ve had many questions already about how we built our blog. So, we thought many of you would be interested in knowing some of the resources we are using. There are so many different products and services to choose from, that it can be overwhelming when you’re trying to get started with your blog or website. On this page, I have listed some of the best resources we found after researching what we would need to start our blog. Disclaimer – Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. Index Domain Name A domain name is like a personal address to your website. Web Hosting Service What is a host? Bluehost Bluehost is probably one of the best hosting service providers you could have for any small – medium size blog or website. You can read more about their features at – Why Choose Bluehost? Media Temple *Update* – May 13, 2013 Before Media Temple

4 Types of Learning Goals --The Project Approach There are many social and scientific concepts fundamental to our way of life which children can learn in the context of the school classroom. These have been well documented in curriculum guides and school text books. Knowledge also takes the form of stories, personal anecdotes, myths, songs, poems and other art works. Information: facts, cultural perspectives, stories, works of art Concepts: schemas, event scripts, attributes and categories Relations: cause and effect, how objects and processes relate, part-whole Meaning: personal experience of knowledge, individual understanding Skills are relatively small, clearly defined, observable units of behaviour or action. In addition to learning many basic skills and how to apply these, children need to learn social and personal skills. Dispositions are habits of mind or patterns of behaviour. Habits of mind: wondering, figuring out, predicting, explaining, etc. The way children feel about their work is important for achievement.

Business Blog Marketing Hub Business Blog Marketing Hub What is Inbound Marketing Software? Learn how HubSpot can help turn your business into an inbound marketing machine . Tools for Finding Blogs Google Blog Search Technorati Tools for Reading Blogs Bloglines FeedDemon Google Reader NetNewsWire Tools for Writing Blogs Blogger HubSpot Movable Type TypePad WordPress Tools for Measuring Blogs Alexa Compete Comscore Technorati Blog Grader Top Blogs About Blogging Blogtrepreneur Copyblogger Daily Blog Tips Lorelle on Wordpress Problogger Comprehensive Business Blog Resources If you want to get found online, a business blog is a great way to produce ongoing, fresh and remarkable content to improve your search engine rankings. Featured Business Blog | Blog Articles Why Blog? Best Practices: Image Help: Content Ideas: Promotion: Metrics: Business Blog Kit Blogging for Business Marketing Kit Business Blog Webinars NEW! Blogging for Business 5 Tips for Advanced B2B Business Blogging How to Blog Effectively for Business (via IMU ) Grade Your Blog

The Four Types of E-Learning – Bersin by Deloitte Now that you're thinking about using PowerPoint for courseware, when should you use it? Think "Informational" – not "Instructional" Breeze is a fantastic new product. But where does it fit? The first question you should ask is: What kind of e-learning application do you really need? The Four Categories of E-Learning Applications We have found through our research and work with many clients that learning applications fall into four major categories. © "Four Categories of E-Learning" – Bersin & Associates, 2003 all rights reserved. As you can see from this table, depending on your business need, any given problem "the problem of a new price schedule" may be solved using one or more of these four models. (Our research paper Blended Learning: What Works™ goes into this model in much detail.) The Issues of Cost and Time These four categories of e-learning differ in several ways. Typical costs per instructional hour are as follows: The main issue is time. The second problem is cost.

15 Resources for Pro Bloggers (or Those Who Want to Be) I get asked every week about the various resources I am using. Last week, a blogger asked about my podcast equipment. Another asked about the productivity apps I am using on my Mac. Still another, asked if I could recommend some leadership resources. Photo courtesy of © So, I thought I’d write a series of posts on these resources, devoting one post to each category. Here are my fifteen go-to resources: WordPress. SnagIt. I am constantly trying out new tools. Questions: What resources have I missed?
