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DIY IKEA Shelf In-Home Aquaponics - Planted Space

DIY IKEA Shelf In-Home Aquaponics - Planted Space
Dubbed "Malthus," this Ikea-hacked project by Conceptual Devices pieces together a 100g fish tank, plastic grow beds, a pump and piping onto an IKEA Broder shelf, with wheels. Malthus is designed to be an in-home unit, and to grow one meal a day, a portion of fish with a side of salad. If you don't know yet, aquaponics is basically hydroponics + fish in a sustainable loop. Forming the width of two small refrigerators, this in-home aquaponics system is designed for "the next generation kitchen or living room," hoping to grow food right next to where you cook it. All elements of the unit can be found in home improvement stores, the shelf and structure are from IKEA, the water pump, LED strips, mechanical timer, and tubing can be found readily in any retail chain. Malthus #01 was built late last year for the Nordic Environmental Social Sciences Conference, and now sits in the Zurich office of Conceptual Devices. Have your own DIY aquaponics setup you'd like to share with us? Related:  Home Improvement

Fabriquez votre insecticide maison bio ! Les insecticides répulsifs naturels pour diffuseur et vapo.. Voici les huiles essentielles à mettre dans votre diffuseur ou à vaporiser dans la maison et dans vos placards : action répulsif. - Huile essentielle de Citronnelle : insectifuge, fourmis, pucerons, mouches, moucherons, moustiques, mites..aussi désodorisante - Huile essentielle d'Eucalyptus citronnée : insectifuge et désodorisante - Huile essentielle de Lemongrass : insectifuge,altises, pucerons, moustiques, tiques, - Huile essentielle de Lavande : insectifuge, araignées, mouches, moustiques, altises, puces, pucerons, mites, - Huile essentielle de Lavandin : insectifuge, araignées, moustiques - Huile essentielle de Géranium : insectifuge général - Huile essentielle de Menthe poivrée : insectifuge, moustiques, fourmis, chenilles, altises, mouches, moucherons, poux, mites. Insecticides naturels à pulvériser au jardin..

Metal barrel cupboard Beautiful work by the German Team of Lockengeloet (St pauli, Hamburg). They take metal barrels and transform them to make these stunning cupboard they call “Schrank”. Sold here for 399 euros (french) ++ Lockengeloet Comment élever des poules ? Peu contraignant, rentable, ludique et écologique, l’élevage des poules est sans doute l’un des premiers pas vers le retour à la nature. Traditionnel s’il en est puisque 70 % des familles françaises avaient un poulailler avant l’exode rural, cet élevage vous apportera d’énormes satisfactions pour bien peu d’investissements en temps ou en argent. Aubonsens se propose de donner les fondamentaux pour conduire un petit élevage familial avec succès. Pourquoi élever des poules ? Pour l’économie Les oeufs Un œuf de qualité acceptable se vend 30 centimes pièce [1]. La viande Du poulet industriel « élevé hors UE » au poulet de plein air certifié agriculture biologique, le prix varie entre 3 et 12 € par kilo. Pour l’écologie Les déchets En une année, chaque français produit 400 kilos de déchets qui seront apparemment taxés d’ici 2014. Les conditions d’élevage des animaux de l’industrie Plus de 8 œufs sur 10 sont produits par des élevages d’intérieur en batteries ou en volières. Pour la qualité de vie

10 DIY Sinks and Vanities (and a Tub and Shower Too!) posted Categories: DIY Turning bowls into vessel sinks, and dressers into vanities aren't new ideas, but the difference is that the people that are in this article did it right. Also in our list are some ideas that might serve as inspiration for the next big thing in bathroom fixture re-purposing. Jill bought a bamboo $20 bowl at World Market and turned it into a lovely vessel sink. She wrote up a how-to 5 months after its installation, just to make sure it held up. Ginger used a resin bowl to make her vessel sink. An IKEA Hacker turned a $15 BLANDA BLANK salad bowl into a vessel sink. From industrial to farmhouse, this galvanized steel turned laundry tub is so charming it hurts. Instructabler CaptainJester tells us how he turned this dresser... into this bathroom vanity:

66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden" Growing your own food is exciting, not only because you get to see things grow from nothing into ready-to-eat fruits and veggies, but you also don't have to worry about the pesticides they might contain, and you definitely cut down on the miles they—and you—have to travel. As it turns out, with pretty minimal effort, anyone can be a gardener. My boyfriend and I are essentially first-timers this season and so far have the beginnings of strawberries peeking out, tomatoes are on their way, the basil's about ready for a big batch of pesto, and once the last frost hits, the peppers, kale, spinach, chard, and mesclun will be on their way, too. WATCH VIDEO: World's Greenest Homes: Rooftop Garden If you're up to the challenge—and it really isn't much of one—growing your own food can be so rewarding. Here's a starter list of all the crazy things even urban gardeners, without space for a garden, can grow at home. Tree fruits - including apples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Citrus fruits 10. 11. 12. 13.

Data Clock (Cloud + Amazon Echo + LED's = Artistic Data!): 7 Steps (with Pictures) The key to grabbing data from the cloud to display on our data clock is to use API's. API's are great when developing on the web, however, most API's output JSON which is complicated for the arduino to parse. We'd rather just have the parsing done in the cloud and then deliver clean data to the arduino when we request it. This is where Thingspeak comes to the rescue! As part of the weather mode on our data clock we need to know the historical record high. When you substitute YOUR_KEY for your api you should get a response like this: This is a very messy JSON output - difficult for arduino to use. Click the "New ThingHTTP" button. Checkout the new output: 95 That's nice clean data easily passed to arduino!

Self-Watering Veggie Table A Brief History of Gardening in Containers: Do you like gardening but digging in the dirt is too painful, messy, or time consuming? Container gardening is your answer. Recently, the advent of so-called "self watering" containers have helped gardeners to grow flowers, vegetables, and herbs with even more success. At the University of Maryland Extension, Jon Traunfeld designed a Salad Table which is essentially a shallow wooden frame with a large surface area and a mesh bottom that allows water to drain. The Idea: I loved the idea of a salad table as a way to maximize the space I have to grow salad greens to feed myself and my rabbits. What is Self-Watering?

The Simple Guide to Painting Kitchen Tile - How To Build It Before you spend a lot of time and hassle to remove a tile backsplash or countertop, consider this. It is entirely possible to paint that tile and get a whole new look without removing a single one! Here is the simple guide to painting kitchen tile. Over at 11 Magnolia Lane, Christy painted her brown tile backsplash with amazing results. Clean tiles are a necessity before starting this DIY project. Now use a good primer on the tiles to ensure the best adhesion for your paint. Now it’s time for paint! At Designer Trapped, Tasha used General Finishes Milk Paint on her backsplash and cabinets, followed by a satin clear coat on the tiles for extra protection. Enjoy your beautiful painted tiles!

Using Milk as a Natural, Homemade Pesticide - Organic Gardening Spraying your plants with milk won't drive bugs away from your garden, but the dairy product can be used to culture Bacillus thuriugiensis Berliner, a well-known bacterial pesticide sold under such brand names as Dipel, Thuricide and Biotrol. The agent is quite effective in controlling — among a number of insect problems — infestations of loopers, which are those pesky little worms (they're actually moth larvae) that attack broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other members of the cole family. Once eaten, the bacteria paralyze the larvae's intestinal tracts and bring about their death in two to four days.Before you spray your garden with thuringiensis, though, be aware that this bacterial-warfare weapon is fatal to the caterpillars of all Lepidoptera (an order of insects that includes many lovely, and relatively harmless, moths and butterflies) . . . so please don't employ the remedy in cases where simply handpicking the loopers off your plants will do the job. Using Milk as a Pesticide

From Slab to Fab - DIY 5 Panel Door - Mrs. Do It Herself Let me just come right out and say it. I HATE slab doors. For real… And you know what really stinks? I have a 3000 square foot house FULL of them! 15 of them to be exact… and they aren’t even remotely pretty. With the bathroom remodel, I knew something had to give with these doors. Today I am going to show you how to update your interior doors and take them from SLAB to FAB! Here’s what you’ll need: 1 ugly slab door1 sheet (4×8) of 1/4″ thick plywood cut in to 4 inch by 8 foot strips – the guy at Lowe’s seemed a bit annoyed when I told him I wanted the whole sheet cut, but he did it anyway. Step 1: Remove the door and door knob I had my “demo hubby” do this. BRAG TIME: I told him last weekend that I’d really like the overgrown flower bed at the end of our driveway cleaned out completely. Ok… back to the door. I removed the hinges from the door and the door jamb, then cleaned the door really well with Clorox Wipes. I decided it was nothing a little wood putty or wall patch couldn’t fix. Save

Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho (NaturalNews) There's been lots written recently about the toxicity of Monsanto's poster child product Roundup, exposing how harmful it is for the earth and how poisonous it is on exposure for both animals and humans. However, what is not common knowledge to most organic gardeners and back yard enthusiasts is how they can manage weed control safely without the need for dangerous pesticides. Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and safely, with no side effects to you, your pets, wildlife and mother earth. Killing weeds naturally with vinegar allows you to target exactly what weeds to eradicate, and it's cheap and easy to use. Vinegar is not choosy and cannot differentiate between broad-leaf weeds, narrow-leaf weeds, grass, flowers or vegetables. The best way to apply vinegar for weed control is with a spray bottle or pump sprayer. Spray or paint the vinegar on liberally to kill weeds naturally. Use vinegar to kill weeds before the weeds go to seed to prevent new weeds from growing.

DIY Super Efficient Chest Fridge Hack Chest fridge Using vertical doors in refrigeration devices is an act against the Nature of Cold Air. Understanding and cooperating with Nature rather than acting against it leads to much better efficiency. My chest fridge (Vestfrost freezer turned into a fridge) consumes about 0.1 kWh a day. It is obvious that a truly energy efficient fridge does not cost any more money than a mediocre one. So - WHY mediocre food-spoiling fridges are being made? Nearly every household on Earth has a fridge that totally wastes at least 1 kWh of energy a day (365 kWh a year). Rather than waiting for someone to do something I would like to volunteer to supply modified chest freezers and/or freezer modification kits to environmentally conscious people of Australia. Chest fridge that consumes about 0.1 kWh per day. Note the electronic thermostat on the wall and the energy meter at the power point. Full article pdf | Thermostat part list Buying online freezer-to-fridge conversion thermostat

Construire en terre paille : un poulailler-serre en torchis - Permaculture - Auto EcoConstruction Note : Pour la construction de maison en paille, on consultera "Une maison de paille à ossature bois". La permaculture est recherche la combinaisons les plus riches des ressources , qui sont aussi les plus écologiques. Ici, les habitants de la Ferme du Collet racontent la construiction d’un poulailler en torchis, à partir donc de matériaux locaux et écologiques : la terre terre et paille. Ce poulailler a la particularité d’être un poulailler-serre, qui combine poulailler et serre. Il réalise ainsi avec de très simples moyens ce que d’autres architectes appellent plus savament de la cogénération. Principe Utiliser la chaleur dégagée par le métabolisme des poules, la nuit, pour chauffer la serre pendant les heures froides. Construction Pour la construction du côté poulailler, nous avons employé une technique normande de torchis (terre et foin). Le torchis normand Une ossature de poteaux est construite. Diego & Bertrand Ferme du Collet : détail pour les Murs en Torchis - Passerelle Eco n°9
