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Why Nerds are Unpopular

Why Nerds are Unpopular
February 2003 When we were in junior high school, my friend Rich and I made a map of the school lunch tables according to popularity. This was easy to do, because kids only ate lunch with others of about the same popularity. We graded them from A to E. We sat at a D table, as low as you could get without looking physically different. My stock gradually rose during high school. I know a lot of people who were nerds in school, and they all tell the same story: there is a strong correlation between being smart and being a nerd, and an even stronger inverse correlation between being a nerd and being popular. Why? The key to this mystery is to rephrase the question slightly. One argument says that this would be impossible, that the smart kids are unpopular because the other kids envy them for being smart, and nothing they could do could make them popular. In the schools I went to, being smart just didn't matter much. If someone had told me that at the time, I would have laughed at him. Why? Related:  misc

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On “Geek” Versus “Nerd” | Slackpropagation To many people, “geek” and “nerd” are synonyms, but in fact they are a little different. Consider the phrase “sports geek” — an occasional substitute for “jock” and perhaps the arch-rival of a “nerd” in high-school folklore. If “geek” and “nerd” are synonyms, then “sports geek” might be an oxymoron. (Furthermore, “sports nerd” either doesn’t compute or means something else.) In my mind, “geek” and “nerd” are related, but capture different dimensions of an intense dedication to a subject: geek - An enthusiast of a particular topic or field. Or, to put it pictorially à la The Simpsons: Both are dedicated to their subjects, and sometimes socially awkward. Do I have any evidence for this contrast? “You shall know a word by the company it keeps” ~ J.R. To characterize the similarities and differences between “geek” and “nerd,” maybe we can find the other words that tend to keep them company, and see if these linguistic companions support my point of view? Data and Method where in this case

The Origin of the Nerd Introduction In the little more than a decade since I created my original web page here about the origin of the word nerd, it has grown considerably, in part due to various controversies about the word's origins as well as to new information and speculation about its history. My views on the term's origin have not changed much, as you can see by the fact that Dr. Seuss's Nerd has joined me in the page's icon (assuming that you're not viewing the page in the "Full Width" style), but it does seem like time to reorganize the material. The factor that made me decide that nerd might be a label worth reclaiming was its early association with Dr. Controversy Nerd vs Knurd The biggest surprise that my page has brought me is the vehemence of a number of readers that the original spelling is "knurd' and that the word derives from reversing the sense of the word "drunk", despite the lack of any documentation in support of the assertion. History Nerd And then, just to show them, I'll sail to Ka-Troo Nurd

Recursos para mejorar la caligrafía en Infantil y Primaria Estas doce webs tienen recursos, ejercicios y fichas que permitirán mejorar la caligrafía de los alumnos de Infantil y Primaria. ¿Qué actividades sueles realizar en el aula para que tus alumnos adquieran una letra bonita y legible? 1.El portal educapeques ofrece en su apartado de caligrafía 22 fichas para reforzar la escritura de los más pequeños. Con ellas es posible repasar todas las letras del abecedario. 2.En esta web encontramos diferentes recursos para que los niños aprendan o mejoren su escritura. 3.En el apartado de actividades de la categoría de Lengua de la web Rincón del maestro encontramos un amplio catálogo de láminas de refuerzo de la caligrafía. 4.En este portal se encuentran multitud de fichas imprimibles en formato PDF para que los niños mejoren su caligrafía de una forma divertida. 5.Childtopia cuenta con multitud de actividades para reforzar todos los aspectos relacionados con la escritura o el lenguaje. 9. 10. 11. 12.

203 expresiones en inglés coloquiales y su traducción al español - El Blog de Idomas por Carlos · Publicada septiembre 2, 2015 · Actualizado enero 25, 2020 Amplía tu repertorio de expresiones comunes inglesas para dominar el idioma británico, todas son expresiones del día a día que puedes oír en lugares como Londres o Manchester. Además esta lista de inglés coloquial vocabulario y expresiones esenciales, también te regalamos un pdf con la lista de expresiones para que te las puedas descargar. Más de 200 expresiones en inglés y su traducción para que no te quedes sin saber qué decir 🙂 ¡Al comienzo del post, teníamos pensado ir añadiendo los aportes de nuestros viajeros y viajeras en el propio post para ir completando, pero es que sois muchísimos y jamás nos hubieramos imaginado este recibimiento! No te olvides de seguirnos en las redes sociales 🙂 ¡Si te quedas con ganas de más expresiones en inglés a continuación te dejamos una selección de libros para ti o geniales para regalar a quién tu quieras! Etiquetas: coloquialcomunesexpresionesinglésvocabulario

100 word wednesday: wise words… | In The Name Of Love Wisdom is hard to find. Truly. Just ask me. I’ve gotten the same ticket three times in row. On the same corner. By the same cop. Sorry Job! Since wisdom is valuable and 100 Word Wednesday have been dedicated to wisdom, here are 100 of the wisest words a high school teacher passed on to his students. [Don't say I never gave you anything! 1. Happy Wednesday, friends!

Color POV men vs. women La prisa como estilo de vida | EL PAÍS Semanal Cuánta gente anda corriendo de un lado para otro sin saber a dónde va ni a qué ha ido, y sin llegar a valorar si necesitaba ir de prisa o si podría haber hecho lo mismo a otro ritmo. La prisa no es un valor añadido. Nadie es mejor profesional ni mejor persona porque vaya rápido a todos sitios o porque exprese lo estresadísimo que está. ¿Ha calculado cuánto tiempo gana cuando va a toda velocidad? Imagínese encontrándose con alguien conocido que le saluda mientras habla por el móvil a la vez que mira el reloj, le estrecha la mano y le sonríe para mostrar lo feliz que se encuentra. En este siglo acabaremos con las enfermedades, pero nos matarán las prisas”Gregorio Marañón Muchas personas viven aceleradas e instaladas en la prontomanía, en la necesidad de contestar a todo de forma inmediata como si no hubiera un mañana. La persona que convive con la prisa lo hace también con el estrés y la ansiedad, no ­disfruta del momento porque está anticipando el futuro. ¡Basta! Priorizan. Desconectan.

Simon & Garfunkel & Me A great day in the park Do you remember where you were on September 19, 1981? I sure do. To this day, I can close my eyes and feel the damp late-summer air, smell the wet grass and the weed, and feel the joyously communal vibe of the 500,000 people who surrounded me that day. To back up just a little bit, let's remember that September '81 was only nine months removed from the day John Lennon had been murdered outside the Dakota. I didn't have to beg my parents to let me go, or make illicit plans to sneak into the city with my friends. I don't remember the logistics of what we packed for lunch or how we got into the city that day, I just remember getting to the park early enough to snag a decent spot (though we still needed to use the binoculars we brought), sitting on an old camp blanket in a drizzle, and watching the sea of humanity grow bigger and bigger around us as the day wore on. And of course, I remember the music.

Life simplified. Not so far from the truth though.

Article un peu long sur l'école aux USA.

Paul Graham (Mr. Startup dans la Silicon Valley) part du point de départ "pourquoi les nerds sont impopulaires" pour faire une critique de l'école Américaine, qui est, selon luin, une garderie-prison pour les individus dont la société ne pense pas pouvoir tirer un bénéfice économique (les adolescents). by kehrlann May 17
