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A little inspiration goes a long way

A little inspiration goes a long way

The Publishing Process in GIF Form At first you're thinking of writing a novel and you're all... But then you have an idea! And you go... But then you hit page 50 and you're all.... And then you hit page 75 and you're all... But you power through!! And then you're finished!!! Only then find out you have to start querying agents. So you write your query letter... You obsess over it... And then you send it out to agents and you're all... Then a couple of days go by and you're all... And... And... But then you hear from your first agent!! And it's a rejection. Then you get a few more and it's more like... But then! But you don't want your agent to think you're crazy so instead you're like... And you love your agent! But instead you go... And then it's time to submit to publishers. Then the editors start saying.... And your inbox starts looking like... And you're all... But then your phone says your agent is calling. But instead it's more like... And it's an offer! And then you go celebrate with your friends and they're all...

(Images) 56 Inspirational Picture Quotes That Will Motivate Your Mind Now and then when we need a little Inspiration we often reach for a daily quote or motivational video. So I decided to share 56 of my favorite picture quotes, share them with your friends or plaster them on your wall and desktop for your daily Inspiration. 10 Articles That Changed My Life | It’s easy to find a well written article. It’s not always easy to find a well written article with genuine value. That’s because the Internet has nearly limitless value — you can use it to look up the correct spelling of a word, or to translate text between languages, or even figure out “what’s the name of that guy from that movie who was in that other movie?” You can also use the Internet to go shopping while at home, or do job searching while at work, or publish blog entries while on vacation. Taking it to the next level, you can use the Internet to interact with people, make new friends around the world, or research your next dating partner. What I’ve discovered to be most surprising, though, is that the Internet contains life-altering advice. Regardless of this, most people don’t think to seek it out. For this reason, I’ve compiled the following list of articles containing value so profound that they literally changed my life. #1 – Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Suicidal thoughts after my daughter's death - Online Grief Support - A Social Community Hello everyone. I used to be the lucky father of a wonderful 6 year old named Mia. She was my everything, the most precious person on Earth and the most beautiful little girl ever. I tried to do everything I could to make her life as good as it could get. On September 23rd 2012, she died of leukaemia. Mia's mother, the day after the burial, moved back to Italy, her country of origin. It is why I am writing this post today. Please, help me. Thank you. Illustrations Of Unusual And Rarely Spoken Words Recumbentibus—A knockout punch, either verbal or physical. The Irish illustration duo of James and Michael Fizgarald, or also known as The Project Twins, have come up with a series of illustrations that visually represent rarely spoken and heard of words. In their series called ‘A-Z of Unusual Words’, the meaning of the words have been visually defined in the form of a whimsical poster—which can be purchased on their website. Here are some of their ‘informative’ posters: Acersecomic—A Person whose hair has never been cut. Harmartia—The character flaw or error of a tragic hero. Jettatura—The casting of an evil eye Pogonotrophy—The act of cultivating, or growing and grooming, a mustache, beard, sideburns or other facial hair. Ostentiferious—Bring omens or unnatural or supernatural manisfestations. Scripturient—Possessing a violent desire to write. Ultracrepidarian—A person who gives opinions and advice on matters outside of one’s knowledge. Yonderly—Mentally or emotionally distant; absent-minded

25 Great Quotes to Inspire and Brighten Your Day Here’s a collection of great quotes by some of the most inspirational men and women that ever walked this earth. Hopefully you’ll find them inspirational in some way. If you do like them and find them helpful, check out our similar posts by visiting the links listed below. We have created over 20+ of these galleries, so there is lots more to be seen. Also, be sure to inspire your friends, family and coworkers by sharing some great quotes with them. More popular quotations: – 25 Inspirational Quotes – Great quotes to ponder upon Check out all of our galleries with nice quotes here: More great quotes:

Top 5 Most Inspirational Videos on YouTube “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Post written by Leo Babauta. Sometimes we all can use a little inspiration. Play these as needed. 1. 2. Unless you’re a cold-hearted bastard (and none of you who read this blog are, I know), you will get teary-eyed watching this video. 3. I admit, I’m a Steve Jobs fanboy — the guy invented the Mac, the iPod, and Pixar for goodness sake! 4. Will Smith is right on in this speech. 5. —Read about simple productivity, focus and getting great things done in my book, The Power of Less.

10 Ways I Know There's Nothing Wrong with You (or Me) “On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a joyous energy behind what you do.” ~Eckhart Tolle At seventeen I had it all. I made straight As, was the vice president of the Honor Society, held two jobs, took the lead in four community theater performances, and joined Donnie Osmond onstage as part of the children’s chorus in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I was busy. I was so hungry for success and approval I’d do anything to get it, even if it meant exhausting and dehydrating myself straight to the ER. What’s worse, I was continually dissatisfied with everything I did. Thirteen years later I don’t do nearly as much. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up—there’s something wrong with me. I live across the country from my family and haven’t justified it by becoming a massive success—there’s something wrong with me. I’m obsessed with self-improvement, but I’m still not perfect—there’s something wrong with me. Stop. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Litro | a little London literary magazine with a big worldview. A Chronicle of French Hipsters A Chronicle of French Hipsters Posted by Morrison Conway on August 6, 2012 · 74 Comments Theo Gosselin is an amateur photographer from Paris. His photographs are full of young enthusiasm and youthful romance as he documents the hipster movement in France. Like this: Like Loading...

Top 10 classics of Indian Pop If I say that "Bollywood has ruined Indian Pop" so i think, nobody will disagree.There were time in the 90's when Indian pop was enriched will lot of great talents such as KK, Sonu Nigam, Shaan, Lucky ali, Silk Route Raageshwari, Anamika, Anida, Jojo, Falguni Pathak, Neeraj Shridar ,Bali Bramhat, Jassi, and lot more. But with course of time most these artist either stop making music for some reason or moved to playback siniging. So this time we have been trying to bring you some classics of Indian pop: 1.Yaaron-KK 2.Chandini Raatein -Shamsa Kanwal 3. 4.Aye Sanam -Abbey 5.Tere Bin Jeena Nahi -Bali Brahmhat 6.Mera Laung Da Gawacha - Bally Sagoo 7. 8. 9.Aap Ki Dua - KK 10.
