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10 Excellent Digital Citizenship Tips for Your Students and Kids

10 Excellent Digital Citizenship Tips for Your Students and Kids
Now that you have understood the basics of Digital Citizenship and have read the digital footprint guide, you night be in need of a handy graphic to share with your students to wrap it up all. Well, I have one for you. The graphic below features some wonderful tips and pieces of advice on how to develop good manners online. source:

Ideas for Digital Citizenship PBL Projects More and more, we're hearing the term "Digital Citizenship." I think we should simply call it "Citizenship." In our increasingly connected world, what it means to be a citizen is contextualized by more than just our countries and communities; we are global citizens. Target the NETS The ISTE Student NETS #5 is itself called Digital Citizenship. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. a. Create an Authentic Purpose This is a key piece. Target Content Area Standards A Digital Citizenship PBL project is an excellent opportunity to partner with the teachers of other content areas to teach and assess multiple standards. A PBL project can be an intentional and meaningful place to engage students in understanding digital citizenship.

Activité de lecture litteraire, au jour le jour - Renée Léon Cyber_Digital_Citizenship Units, Rich Topics and Themed Learning - Pupils, teachers, inquiry, questions and projects A theme looking at our online life and who we are in relationship and connection with others. The "Cyber-Digital-Citizenship" Theme can range into a lot of different curriculum areas with a focus on the key competencies of self-management.Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Activities: Cyber-Citizenship offline Activities - cards to practice being Cyber Safe and to spot scams (PDF 4MB).Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Online Bookmarks: Series of screened "Cyber-Citizenship" links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme. Download from after you have registered here Cyber-citizen Poster form available Comment Making Write great comments Digital Citizenship Poster form Cyber Citizenship Cybersafety Pamphlet in PDF form. Digital Citizenship Student Five aspects of Digital Citizenship Home Digital Contract A sample home contract. Scenario Cards Test out your skills offiline Write a Blog Pupil Activities Inquiry activites

Episode 1: Fred et le Chat Démoniaque un épisode parrainé par la CNIL - UTILISATION DANS LE CADRE DU B2i Domaine 2 - Adopter une attitude responsable 2.2) Je protège ma vie privée en ne donnant sur internet des renseignements me concernant qu’avec l’accord de mon responsable légal. 2.3) Lorsque j’utilise ou transmets des documents, je vérifie que j’en ai le droit. 2.7) Je mets mes compétences informatiques au service d'une production collective.Domaine 5 – Communiquer, échanger 5.1) Lorsque j'envoie ou je publie des informations, je réfléchis aux lecteurs possibles en fonction de l'outil utilisé. PROBLEMATIQUEMon image, aujourd’hui et demain : prolongement, fantasme ou réalité ? NOTIONS ABORDEES • Définir l’appellation «données personnelles» : ces données personnelles le sont-elles vraiment ?

This Printable Digital Citizenship Poster Belongs In Your Classroom Bringing technology into your classroom means bringing your students into a more digital world. Its likely they already spend time there out of the classroom, but being the teacher and facilitator in an online space offers a good opportunity to present your students with the tools they need to be upstanding digital citizens when they use the online tools. Even though they may already use many of the online tools you’ll employ in your classroom, they may not have been explicitly taught many of the hallmarks of digital citizenship. The graphic below was created by Common Sense Media, and can be printed out and put in your classroom to remind your students how digital citizens should act. Protect private information for themselves and others.Respect themselves and others in online communities.Stay safe online by listening to their gut feelings.Stand up to cyberbullying when they see it happening.Balance the time they spend using media and doing other activities.

Actualités Pollution : alerte rouge à Pékin ! mardi 8 décembre 2015 à 14h24 par Élodie Citerne Le smog de pollution à Pékin est de retour depuis lundi et les 25 millions d'habitants de la capitale chinoise suffoquent ! Lire la suite » Chine, COP21, Pékin, Pollution COP 21 : ce qu’il reste à faire lundi 7 décembre 2015 à 12h32 par Frédéric Fontaine Après une semaine d'intenses négociations, les participants de la conférence de Paris sur le climat se sont mis d'accord sur un texte général, le brouillon de l'accord final qui doit être présenté à la fin de cette semaine.C'est un bon début : les représentants de près de 200 États sont parvenus à se mettre d'accord sur un texte d'une cinquantaine de pages qui reprend les grands principes pour parvenir à... Lire la suite » COP 21 : pourquoi l’Inde veut garder son charbon mercredi 2 décembre 2015 à 08h18 par Frédéric Fontaine Lire la suite » Changement climatique : dépasser les égoïsmes lundi 30 novembre 2015 à 16h30 par Frédéric Fontaine Lire la suite »

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum – Know your web – Good to Know – Google At Google we believe in the power of education and the promise of technology to improve the lives of students and educators -- leading the way for a new generation of learning in the classroom and beyond. But no matter what subject you teach, it is important for your students to know how to think critically and evaluate online sources, understand how to protect themselves from online threats from bullies to scammers, and to think before they share and be good digital citizens. Google has partnered with child safety experts at iKeepSafe, and also worked with educators themselves to develop lessons that will work in the classroom, are appropriate for kids, and incorporate some of the best advice and tips that Google's security team has to offer. Class 1: Become an Online Sleuth In this class, students will identify guidelines for evaluating the credibility of content online. We are always looking to improve these classes.

Espace Enseignants de Siténa Connaître la vie de l’entreprise Des activités à faire en classe Interventions de professionnels en classe.Visite des sections de LEP et BEPRecherche sur les formations existantes relatives à un métier choisi ou à un projet personnel.Recherche et fiches sur un métier : présentation à la classe sous forme d’exposé oral. Travail sur les petites annonces16-18 ans est un âge où on se questionne sur son avenir, où on cherche à élaborer un projet de vie. Par ailleurs, si certains ENA sont appelés à poursuivre leurs études dans le système éducatif français, en lycée général ou professionnel, voire même à l’université, d’autres en revanche, et notamment les jeunes pris en charge par la MGI, seront dirigés dès leur deuxième année en France vers une filière professionnalisante. Analyse de petites annonces des sites qui proposent des annonces de différents types : Exercice 1

Why Digital Citizenship Must Be Taught in Schools - Scott Steinberg - Voices Wake up and smell the silicon: From smartphones and apps to computers and social networks, technology has permanently invaded kids’ lives, much to the benefit of parents and educators. But with the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad now topping children’s wish lists, kids aged 2 to 5 are more equipped to run apps than tie their own shoelaces. In the rush to place high-tech and mobile devices in so many hands, we’re also doing perilously little to prepare adults and kids alike for life in a connected world, potentially endangering future generations. According to the latest Norton Online Family Report, nearly 62 percent of children worldwide have had a negative experience online — nearly four in ten involving serious situations, i.e. cyberbullying or receiving inappropriate photos from strangers. Even technology insiders presently struggle to define rules of online etiquette, social media conduct and personal boundaries, given the speed at which advancements now arrive and online trends shift.
