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Grain Free Butternut (or Sweet Potato) Flatbread

Grain Free Butternut (or Sweet Potato) Flatbread
I know, that’s sounds like an extreme claim. But if you follow a restricted diet, then you know just how liberating it is to have a never-fail staple recipe in your culinary arsenal. This grain free flatbread, a healthy bread alternative, fits the bill when you crave something–for lack of a better term–bready. If you are on a grain free diet, then you know how comforting it is to have something that can be used for sandwiches. I’ve been enjoying these for breakfast, slathered with raw honey. The strange ingredient in this grain free flatbread is the gelatin. “I don’t have gelatin,” you may be thinking, “can I leave it out?” I know I will be asked about egg substitutes. If you don’t have the butternut squash, you could use mashed acorn squash or sweet potato to make this grain free flatbread. Grain Free Butternut (or Sweet Potato) Flatbread Ingredients Instructions Have all ingredients at room temperature.

Réduire ses taxes scolaires… sans tricher Même quand je reviens de vacances et que ma boîte de courriels contient plus de 2000 messages, je ne me lasse jamais de lire les messages des lecteurs de , et maintenant de . Vous êtes nombreux à me poser des questions de finances personnelles, à dénoncer les pratiques douteuses des commerçants ou à me raconter vos trucs pour mieux gérer votre argent. Merci ! J’adore. « On m’a déjà dit que, n’ayant pas d’enfant, j’ai le privilège de changer pour une commission scolaire qui a un taux de taxation moindre. En effet, il est possible de réduire ses taxes scolaires en payant son compte dans une autre commission. Ils peuvent changer de commission scolaire uniquement lorsqu’ils n’ont pas d’enfant qui fréquente une école dans cette commission. Mais il faut être conscient que le taux de taxation des commissions scolaires anglophones est souvent plus élevé que celui des commissions francophones. Dans certains cas, la différence peut être considérable. C’est complètement faux !

Spiced Gooseberry Chutney – Lip Smacking by Chef Heidi Fink If you have been wanting to buy some of those gorgeous green gooseberries but are not sure what to do with them, let me help you out. First of all, make yourself some gooseberry jam. Hands down my favourite jam in the universe! But definitely, definitely make sure you save some berries to make a jar (or four) of Spiced Gooseberry. It’s hard to imagine how delicious Spiced Gooseberry is if you have never tried it. Can I say that I learned to make this from my Gran and that I spent hours every summer putting up chutney from my mother’s gooseberry bush? I adapted this recipe from one I found last year at, while I was searching for non-jam ideas for berries (for my Bountiful Berries cooking class, natch). Who needs ham when you can eat a gooseberry sandwhich? SPICED GOOSEBERRY CHUTNEYMakes two cups (two jars). instructions In large Dutch oven, stir together sugar, vinegar, water and salt.

Exposed: Factory Chicken Slaughterhouses Using Super-strength Chemicals to Cover Up Extreme Salmonella Contamination There is a reason why the conventional poultry industry in the U.S. has been fairly successful in recent years at lowering detected levels of salmonella in chicken. But it has nothing to do with factory birds being raised in cleaner and more humane living environments. To the contrary, a new investigative report by The Washington Post (WP) reveals that many chicken slaughterhouses are merely treating their filthy chickens with an ever-expanding volume and variety of toxic chemicals to mask the presence of more virulent salmonella strains from federal regulators. This shock finding was realized after researchers looking into the salmonella testing process for poultry identified a mismatch between levels of bacteria detected on birds and overall infection rates among the general population. Simply put, salmonella contamination rates in chicken appear to be decreasing while salmonella poisoning rates in humans have remained the same or are even increasing.

Ancient Wheats and flour. The ancient flour…….. …2010 It was with great expectations that we visited John Letts` plots of ancient cereals he grows at Wheatley near . Mainly wheats and some , the aim of Johns growing is to encourage diversity. Rye will cross pollinate, so John has planted numerous types of Rye together, from Latvia, Ireland, Canada etc to establish a diverse gene pool, in direct contrast to the mainstreams monoculturing and highly selected narrow gene pool. This has many implications for our food supply…later. My expectations were met I must say. John`s wheats were resplendent in divergence. Johns accompanying explanation of the history of wheat, illuminated by the heads he was cutting as he spoke, was the best sort of education for a baker. Earlier that day I had made bread with the baker Geoff Coleman from Wheatley, who bakes for the bread group. I also toasted some the next day and I was immediately aware of its toasty/oaten aroma.

Photographer Captures Waves of Trash in Indonesia Waves for days. Trash for eternity. That’s what photographer Zak Noyle discovered on a recent trip to Java, Indonesia. The waves of Java, always known for being pristine and barreling, were now rolling swells of disgusting trash and debris. Noyle was shooting Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya in a remote bay when he and Surinaya discovered the water to be covered in garbage, according to GrindTV. “It was crazy. In addition to the sea of plastic, large objects like tree trunks were being tossed around in the waves. Indonesia, a country comprised of more than 17,000 islands, suffers from a terrible trash problem that is polluting its waters. Often, the only other disposal option Indonesians have is burning their trash. Residents of large population centers are often the ones improperly disposing of their trash, which storms and currents carry to beaches and islands most locals have never even seen. No matter who is to blame, the effects are felt by those who live in or visit Indonesia.

Homemade Ice Cream (No Machine) with only 2 Ingredients | Gemma’s Bigger Bolder Baking Hi Bold Bakers! Can you believe you can make your own Homemade Ice Cream with only 2 Ingredients and no expensive ice cream machine? Enjoy my Original Homemade Ice Cream (No Machine) video featuring 6 BIG & BOLD flavors including Mango Dreamsicle, Strawberry Cheesecake, Cookies & Cream, Honeycomb, Funfetti and Rainbow Ice Cream. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel HERE! WATCH My Other Homemade No Machine Ice Cream Videos: Create your own custom labels HERE! 2 Ingredients No Machine Ice Cream Author: Gemma Stafford Recipe type: homemade ice cream, 2 ingredient ice cream, no machine machine ice cream 14 ounces (1 Can/ 400ml) sweetened condensed milk (fat-free or regular) cold 2 cups (16oz/450 ml ) whipping cream, cold Place sweetened condensed milk in the fridge to keep cold Beat cold heavy cream on medium in a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment (or using a hand mixer) until stiff peaks form. Related Red Velvet Homemade Ice Cream (No Machine) Hi Bold Bakers! February 8, 2015 Hi Bold Bakers!

What’s Buried Next Door to Vancouver Island University? — Crimes against Humanity in our own Backyard are Finally Surfacing I was held in the Nanaimo Indian Hospital when I was a child, for seven years. I was used like a guinea pig in experiments. Lots of Indian kids died in there. - Joan Morris, Songhees Nation, at a lecture at Malaspina College (VIU) in the spring of 2004 Just south of the VIU campus stands an overgrown piece of land behind stern barbed wire fencing: the site of the former Nanaimo Indian Hospital, run by the United Church of Canada and the federal government for over a half century. According to Joan Morris and other Indians, this ground holds the remains of children who were killed after grisly medical experiments were conducted there for decades by military doctors. This past week, Joan Morris’ testimony is helping to place Nanaimo in the news at international human rights forums in Europe. “My mother and I were both imprisoned in the Hospital in the 1960′s” she described. “Dr. In the words of Joan Morris,

«Oui, je connais Justin Bieber et j'ai un iPod !» Photo : Joannie Lafrenière J’enseigne au secondaire depuis 1978. J’ai enseigné à peu près toutes les matières : français, anglais, musique, écologie, morale, mathématiques, dans une douzaine d’écoles, dans des centres pour décrocheurs et pour délinquants, dans des classes enrichies, en formation professionnelle, en récupération scolaire et en orthopédagogie. J’ai côtoyé des adolescents brillants, mais aussi de grands écorchés, des enfants battus, victimes d’inceste, affamés, déprimés, révoltés ou réduits au silence par des souffrances insoutenables. Mon expérience et ma formation devraient donc aplanir bien des obstacles et faciliter l’exercice de ma profession, mais ma passion s’éteint peu à peu, mes convictions se désagrègent et ma foi en l’avenir s’étiole. Tous les enseignants que je connais ont été victimes de critiques injustifiées de la part de leurs élèves et des parents de ceux-ci. Autrefois, on affirmait qu’enseigner était une vocation. J’en suis à ma 32e année d’enseignement.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I changed my mind on weed Dr. Sanjay Gupta says we have been "systematically misled" on marijuanaDEA lists marijuana as a schedule 1 substance with "high potential for abuse"Most recent research on marijuana has been on its negative effects, Gupta saysStudies on marijuana require approval from National Institute on Drug Abuse (CNN) -- Over the last year, I have been working on a new documentary called "Weed." The title "Weed" may sound cavalier, but the content is not. I traveled around the world to interview medical leaders, experts, growers and patients. Long before I began this project, I had steadily reviewed the scientific literature on medical marijuana from the United States and thought it was fairly unimpressive. Well, I am here to apologize. I apologize because I didn't look hard enough, until now. Instead, I lumped them with the high-visibility malingerers, just looking to get high. Dr. Medical facts of Marijuana WEED: A Dr. I hope this article and upcoming documentary will help set the record straight.

A Medium Sized Rain Water Collection System We decided to do a medium size rain water harvesting project by collecting water off the roof of our outbuilding shop/garage/barn. The idea is that this manageable size system could provide water for the garden and some trees, and that we could learn from it and decide if we want to do a somewhat larger system using the house roof which provides quite a bit more collection area. 2nd year update March 2013 -- a freeze problem.. One year update May 2012... Overview The shop building with its gambrel roof and the extension shed roof on one side provides a total of 925 sqft of equivalent flat collection area. We added gutters to the east and west sides to pick up the water, and then ran PVC piping to a 2500 gallon plastic tank located under the south end of the lean-to roof. The water collected by the gutters goes to an inlet at the top of the tank. The sections listed below give quite a bit of detail on the sizing and construction, which is all pretty simple. Sizing the System Performance

“Lait” le 2ème criminel qui se cache dans votre réfrigérateur » Eco Ecolo pour Écologie, Bien-être Bio et Médecine Alternative Email Les inconvénients du lait sur votre santé Pourquoi une femme sur 10 est atteinte d’un cancer du sein en occident en comparaison avec 1 sur 10 000 en Chine ? Les Chinois ne consomment pas de produits laitiers. Le nom familier du cancer du sein en Chine est « La maladie des femmes riches » car elles mangent de la glace ou du fromage comme à Hong Kong. Les études en épidémiologie commencent également à mettre en évidence le lien entre lait et cancer. Le lait maternel est un aliment parfait pour le bébé mammifère. Plus de 70% de la population mondiale ne digère pas le sucre du lait, le lactose. Les études épidémiologiques montrent une corrélation positive entre la consommation de produits laitiers et le cancer du sein depuis une vingtaine d’années. Une autre question est maintenant soulevée : le lait que nous buvons depuis les années 1960 n’est plus le même que celui d’avant ; en effet auparavant les vaches mangeaient de l’herbe, ce qui est rarement le cas de nos jours.

Butter vs Margarine: The Big Fat Butter Lie Is butter bad for you? For decades, the food processing industry has used advertising campaigns to successfully lie about the urgent and proven need to replace “unhealthy” butter with “healthy” margarine. But now we know that this teaching was nothing more than made-up. In the battle of margarine vs butter, you may now be surprised which comes out on top. Even back in the 60s and 70s sufficient scientific evidence indicated that butter was far better than margarine for good health. Who knew? The commercial processed fake food industry merged with Madison Avenue, the AMA, and mainstream media to instill a whopper of a lie by reinforcing margarine as better for you. Damage from Fake Fats that Replace Favorable Fats Partially hydrogenated fatty acids in margarine damage arteries and blood vessels. The NY Times covers hydrogenated oil health issues while still promoting saturated fat nonsense. Butter vs Margarine: Butter Hierarchy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1. Additional Sources: Mercola

Le jour où j'ai cessé de dire "Dépêche-toi" | Rachel Macy Stafford Chaque minute compte dans nos vies modernes et effrénées. On a constamment l'impression qu'on doit cocher quelque chose de notre to do list (choses à faire), qu'on doit vérifier un écran ou un autre ou se presser pour se rendre à notre prochaine destination. Et peu importe comment on divise notre temps et notre attention, peu importe combien de tâches on tente d'accomplir simultanément, on finit toujours par avoir l'impression qu'il n'y a pas assez d'heures dans une journée pour arriver à tout faire. Ainsi allait ma vie pendant deux années totalement frénétiques. Mes pensées et mes actions étaient régies par des notifications électroniques, des sonneries et des agendas surchargés. C'est que, voyez-vous, la vie m'a fait cadeau, il y a déjà six ans, d'une adorable enfant du type je-prends-mon-temps-rien-ne-presse-regarde-maman-les-jolies-fleurs-tu-veux-les-sentir? Lorsque nous devions quitter la maison en cata, elle prenait tout son temps pour se choisir un sac à main et une tiare.

Sophie Durocher : négligence, imprudence, manque de rigueur La Cour supérieure a statué le 7 août que la chroniqueuse du Journal de Montréal Sophie Durocher a terni la réputation de Gesca par sa négligence, son imprudence et son manque de rigueur journalistique. Son article Les copains d’abord lui coûtera à elle et son employeur 10 000 $, une rétractation et des excuses. L’article en cause dans la poursuite intentée contre la Corporation Sun Media, Canoë et Sophie Durocher par Gesca (La Presse) a été publié le 17 juin 2011. L’auteur y aborde la relation entre Gesca et Radio-Canada, qu’elle qualifie de « torride ». Le sujet d’une entente liant les deux entreprises de presse avait déjà été abordé plusieurs fois par Mme Durocher dans ses chroniques passées. Par cette formulation et le contexte général de l’article, l’auteure insinue que la requête de Radio-Canada impliquait une transmission gratuite pour Cyberpresse, estime la juge. Le Consortium regroupe CBC/Radio-Canada, CTV, Global et TVA. Fausses affirmations Trop risqué Réponse à Cassivi
